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Posts posted by Radic

  1. WTF is with no answers on this??? I'm in the same boat - so surely konaman112 and me aren't the only ones to have this issue??


    The mod manager listed in Dying Light Nexus files says it's 1.11a but you end up with 1.4


    Really strangely, if you google Dying Light Mod Manager you get virtually nothing....

  2. I've heard of this happening in relation to at least one of the "skip intro" mods - tho i wasn't aware Ziggy's was prone to it.


    If you know how to unpack patch.dat/fat and repack them then you can try deleting "jas_20" folder from "patch_unpack\domino\user\fc3\fc3_mainmissions" folder.


    It's some sort of change within that "jas_20" folder that skips the intro sequence and presumably later interferes with the cave transitions etc.


    Other option if ur not into unpacking and editing configs is look for a Ziggy's that still has the intro. I believe latest version or upcoming latest version will have it back - as well as other terrific improvements to the mod in general.

  3. Not sure if this will help, but for a start you might find that the crosshairs are not visible in DX9 mode but are there aok in DX11.


    The way to ensure you're in DX11 mode is to run the game using "farcry3_dx11.exe" in the game folder - ie. instead of the default launcher.


    Another thing to try in DX9 mode to get crosshairs working is set the Letterbox mode in the game's video options menu to the opposite of whatever it's at when you don't have crosshairs.


    EDIT: sorry, the other info I had here about MSAA was wrong - apologies if anyone already tried the removed info about MSAA etc. and it didn't work - here is clearer and more accurate info:


    In my case I found that trying to apply antialiasing via the nvidia control panel game profiles (3d settings) makes the crosshairs disappear in DX9 mode (they're fine in DX11 mode). You need to set antialiasing to Enhance App setting or Off - if you force it On then you'll lose the sights. I'm not sure if Enhance App loses antialiasing. I personally also set gamma correction to On, and FXAA to On and the game looks quite nice - tho lighting transitions aren't as good as DX11 and there are minor shadowbox issues in DX9 that aren't there in DX11.


    Back to the other stuff about MSAA - there can be a decent improvement in game performance by properly disabling MSAA - but to do that you need to edit the gamerprofile.xml file. Anyone wanting to try disabling MSAA just google "disable MSAA in Far Cry 3" for info how to do that. I had mistakenly thought disabling MSAA in the game and enabling FXAA via the Nvidia control panel was what had given me back my crosshairs.

  4. Have a look here: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/739489-PC-Win7-8-vista-Solutions-gt-Far-Cry3-Has-Stopped-Responding


    If none of that helps then all I can suggest is to uninstall - then restart ur pc - then delete ALL folders to do with FC3 - that includes game installed location folders AND user folders (which might be complicated with a steam version? ) and registry entries.


    - mine isn't steam and I get uplay services activation popups at various times so that may mean Steam (ingpileofturd) installations are a different thing to Uplay ones? (ie. from disc)


    - anyway, my Uplay version has it's user folder in c:\users\xxxxxxx\documents\games (where xxxxxxxx is whatever user you're logging in as).


    - then restart ur pc again and deal with the registry entries - ie. either search and delete them urself or use a registry cleaner.


    - then restart ur pc again and completely reinstall the game from scratch.


    - other alternative is use pirate patches etc. as they're generally more reliable and easier working than Uplay crap (ANNO 2070 simply cant be run any other way on my pc - even tho I have heaps of other Ucrap games all working fine without pirate files - even tho a few brought me near to nervous breakdown to get them working - go figure).


    - there are also uninstall utilities which will properly delete software (god knows why windows doesn't - ah, no... wait... it's windows - THAT's why! ). Pretty sure Norton does one.


    From "Tripping The Rift" - HAL: "I'm a program that refuses to do what it's told" T'ANUK: "Watch out! - it sounds like he might be something from Microsoft!!".

  5. I've got some hair textures missing when playing in DX11 mode (ie. starting game with "farcry3_d3d11.exe" ).


    Most notably Dr Earnhart's hair and Dennis's hair are just black / nil texture.


    Does anyone else have this? / know any solutions??


    I'm using modified patch.dat/fat so perhaps I've inadvertantly dropped something that needs to be in those files somewhere?


    Alternatively, how about a fix for the screwed up shadow boundaries in DX9 mode???


    It's annoying because when I play in DX9 mode I have all textures and very nice visuals (pretty much on par with DX11) except screwed shadow / light boundaries - but DX11 is all sweet except these hair textures.



  6. I found I lost the scope reticles in DX9 mode even in 1.05 by using the Nvidia control panel to implement antialiasing - they're fine in DX11 mode. In the case I describe, the fix is to properly disable MSAA in the game - but ENABLE it in the Nvidia control panel. Anyone needing to do this, just google "disable MSAA in Far Cry 3" to find out how to do that - then set it to ON in the game exe profile in nvidia control panel.

  7. EDIT / ADDITION - okay I've discovered that Ziggy's mod does away with those prompts via changes in "oasisstrings_compressed.bin". - ie. so if you want Ziggy's mod but WITH the action prompts then unpack Ziggy's patch.dat/fat, delete the "Languages" folder and repack - BUT - apparently that file changes other things, but exactly what I don't know.


    Unfortunately I can't find working download for the utility that was made to unpack that oasisstrings file - but I've read that it can be edited with a hex editor - same sort of deal as editing the .dll files I suppose - ie. sifting thru hoping that stuff in the text block will make sense at least occasionally. As far as Ziggy's mod funtionality with Interaction prompts removed - specifically as far as the quick response buttons for animal attack etc., I'm not positive yet, but ingame I think it seems the animals won't latch onto you anymore thus doing away with the need for quick button messages (ie. the animals just swipe or bite). The action messages for cutscene sequences still operate normally.

  8. Have you had any success working this out yet? - I'm modifying FC3 Legit mod using some features from Zyggi's mod.


    I like the single click interaction and completely gone HUD world indicators and icons of ziggy's but otherwise prefer everything else about Legit.


    - so far I have the single click interaction, all pointers and indicators gone from HUD (thank god I'm finally rid of the quest icons on the notice boards and little floating pointers etc!!!) and have put back the little square in middle of the camera.


    The final thing I want is to be rid of those interaction lables.

  9. I'm wanting Raiders to just LOOK like Feral Ghouls - but to behave as they do now.


    Point taken about the armor etc. - in that case I'd be fine with Raiders just using the normal Ghoul model then if it's compatible (should be as we see Ghouls done up in Settler outfits) - even that would be a VAST improvement over the current ones.


    A complete rework of Raiders would be fine too - ANYTHING to get them to better fit the role they're supposed to have in the game!!

  10. Are you sure you mean feral ghouls and not the "normal" ghouls? Because seeing feral ghouls running around in raider armor would look kinda weird dont you think? :D


    I know what you mean and had the same thought, but I don't find normal ghouls very creepy at all - if anything they're just kind of sad - ferals on the other hand are genuinely creepy to some degree and really do fit the general depraved cannibal notion that's implied as the role of Raiders.


    Agood example of how the default models just totally fail to work is yesterday I came across the "Grisly Diner" - when I went inside and the Raiders attacked, I once again had the feeling I KEEP having in such situations of involuntarily dreading the arrival of the REAL nasties even as I was battling the beefcakes and babes.


    The idea I put up of using the current Raider models for Feral Ghouls I think does have merit and fits with FO3's dark humour, but I've reconsidered and think now that just using Normal Ghoul models for ferals would work best. That also fixes the inconsistency of Ferals looking totally different to "normals".


    I'm totally ignorant of how the actual movements / nature of FO3 characters are done tho - ie. all this under the assumption that whatever physical models are used in each role the style of movement and behaviour will be consistent with the role, not the model.

  11. Raiders are meant to be depraved cannibals yet they're shown as handsome beefcake guys and sexy babes - which just don't fit with dismembered corpses littering their camps etc. IMO the current models should be replaced by perhaps the same ones as feral ghouls.


    Would anyone be interested in doing this? Is it a simple matter of using copied ghoul textures / meshes and renaming them??


    In fact I think it might work better to transpose the models - ie. make "Feral Ghouls" look like Beefcakes and Babes as that would be kinda creepy - ie. having these nice looking people madly attack you on sight.


    For the time being I use a dismembered corpse removal mod to reduce the immersion busting contradiction of having gore and giblets littering the camps where these "beautiful people" hang out - but the raiders themselves are not at all scary - with a nude mod it's actually a bonus to trip over female Raiders...

  12. 1. Ironsights for weapons - reason: obvious.


    2. Does Dogmeat positively effect perception?? - I donlt think he does but if I'm wrong just say so - and if not then having him with you SHOULD significantly improve your perception - reason: after the novelty of having him along wore off and I got sick of him running off attacking badguys I had no idea were there - I simply parked Dogmeat at my Megaton house and left him there. We need a benefit of having him with us - and increased perception would be perfect.

  13. I agree on this one - not necessarily much graphically as there are kids playing the game - but altho I've never played FO2, the way it's handled in that sounds ideal (ie. indirect / humorous references).


    There is also scope for making it relevant to gameplay - ie. you either have to pay or have pretty fantastic speech etc. stats to be able to initiate it so there's ultimately a hefty cost either way - and then you get a benefit for maybe 24 hours gametime afterwards - ie. such as extra strength and/or improved perception and/or improved accuracy - or perhaps go in another direction altogether and have quite significantly boosted speech and perception but REDUCED strength. lots of scope for possibilities IMO...

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