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    Fallout 4

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  1. Making my way in the wasteland today take's everything I've got. Taking a break from all my worries sure would help a lot... I have a feeling that I'm the only Cheers fan in the crowd, but I would love to see the Prost bar cleaned up. Maybe a player home, or a working bar with Fallout versions of the Cheers cast (pipe dream).
  2. Nuka-world definitely needs a settlement overhaul. Too much potential to just go to waste. I would like to add Cappy's Treehouse to your list specifically. :)
  3. Yeah, I doubt if settlers would be able to get there. Maybe Cito and the Harambes could move there? It would be very nice if the medal dispenser could be made to function as a workbench after you get the medal from it or something. Ooh, or how awesome would a placeable cappy's treehouse tree be in settlement mode?
  4. http://i.imgur.com/sQ0xKqK.jpg I can't be the only one who would like to have a workshop in cappy's treehouse :D
  5. I use the Red Rocket by Sanctuary as my home base, and I've grown accustomed to it. I would like to request a mod that would repair the Nuka-World Red Rocket like This Mod with the reinforced glass/doors/garage door too if possible.
  6. Just wondering if anyone has given thought to making the vault pieces snap together easier? Roof/floor pieces are a pain for me a lot.
  7. Would it be possible to turn the molerat den under the red rocket into another vault building area like Vault 88?
  8. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16939/? That one is for an "infinite" budget, i don't know if it's exactly what you wanted, but I have started using it recently.
  9. I would like to see a mod that would allow me to equip a pip-boy on every settler/companion. Why did they give me so many pip boys if they don't work on most characters? I don't know how difficult this would be, so apologies if it is impossible or something
  10. try using LOOT to generate a loadorder.txt, then copy the contents of that to plugins.txt, and add a * before every line. I was having a similar problem to yours, but with NMM wiping the plugins.txt. I've been installing mods manually since then. the contents of DLClist may work with * added, but im not sure if it will include all the mods
  11. EDIT: nevermind, i figured it out
  12. Does anyone else out there become annoyed when trying to place vending machines because they cannot be placed close to walls? I remember reading somewhere that the collision box is on backward, and I would like to request a fix for it :)
  13. Not sure if this is the correct board to post this to, but I wanted to make sure all of the modders out there knew about this pack of free, high-quality, star wars 3d models. Included Models: OBJ with DDS Textures! Tie FighterImperial Corridor PiecesLuke LightsaberObi-Wan LightsaberDarth Vader LightsaberR2-D2BB-8X-WingTatooine Water Vaporator Seems like these would be great for modding, i don't know what the redistribution policy is for them, but at the very least they would make great personal mods.
  14. I would really love it if someone could add glass to the windows of the concrete wall. it seems weird to make strong walls with giant holes in them
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