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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. This is not underestimating anyone. This is a child that seemingly determined that he both knew what being gay was and was indeed gay. I don't think a child that young would know the difference between liking and sincere affection which is love. He would have to be coached by someone that knows what being gay is, for him to make that comparison. This was initiated by another person or group and spread by them without regard to the child.
  2. Please don't try to place the term over sharing as a straw man here. The intention of placing a child in the spotlight of political activism is as ludicrous as deeming them experienced enough in life to discern the complex world of affection. They don't have the life experiences to distinguish between liking someone and loving someone. Many adults have issues with this and have years more experience in dealing with such issues. No matter what a child says you need to acknowledge them and listen to them, but you don't carve what they say in stone because they don't have the mental discipline that comes in latter life. You should nurture your child to be the best person he or she can be. That includes their path to a loving and caring relationship with the person they will eventually pick. It doesn't matter the sex of the person they chose. It matters how they treat eachother. I've seen too many one sided relationships and this I guarantee you, my friend If the relationship isn't based on trust and respect for who each other is and there is no attempt at sacrificing for the other. Wither they are gay or strait it will not be a relationship, only two people living in the same house.
  3. I don't respond to red herrings. This is a debate forum and it was placed here to debate the issue. If you wish to debate the topic, please do so. The picture, as I've said was posted on Facebook, which is by far a more widely read media source than a gaming forum. I will ignore any other attempts at derailment. Thank you and have a nice day!
  4. You believe in the gay agenda? Seriously? Do not put words in my mouth and don't dismiss a possible use of a child by an adult. This is a child, not an issue. This is an individual situation that may place a child in danger by a person or group of persons. My thoughts is it might be an uber liberal trying to show just how tolerant they are by being the first person on their block with a gay kid. It wouldn't be the first time people on the extreme left or right have used children to push a political agenda. I'm not talking a concerted effort by a movement, but a small fringe trying to make brownie points with those they rub elbows with at starbucks.
  5. There are 2 issues here that I want to discuss. The first is the age that an average person would know and understand their personal sexual preference. That is the ability to understand love from like and acknowledge their sexual attraction to another. Secondly I would like to see if the following is simple acknowledgement of sexual preferences or a politically motivated exploitation of a minor to move a cause foreword. http://t.imgbox.com/actaDZ2K.jpg I just found this picture on Facebook and it irritated me to know end. To me a person that young is incapable of fully comprehending anything as complex as physical and emotional interactions. I think that they understand what they like and what they are comfortable with, but not the differences between liking someone and loving them, in an intimate way. I think that girls are much more mature about their attractions, but boys are a different story altogether. I think they see girls as being so different that they are repelled by them at a emotional level and they stick together because they are comfortable within their own group. I think if this picture is of the kid that is spoken about here it is the most thoughtless posting anyone could have made. I think that these parents should not take this child's assumptions as genuine until he is much older and more aware of himself. I think they jumped the gun for political reasons and should have let him find his way down the path his nature has for him. Kids being kids, If any one of his schoolmates see that and have parents who are against gays, they could make this kids life miserable by taunting him and bullying him. Bullying has happened before and there are several cases were those being bullied have taken their own life. I think that there are those out there on both sides of the political spectrum, that are so into showing just how fervent they are to their ideals that they will use anyone or anything to further their agenda. I think, at times these people are so aggressive in their tactics that those who are effected by the blow back from these incidents would rather these people shut up and go away. Such people cause controversy that they, themselves don't have to deal with, so they are uncaring except for they way they perceive themselves. themselves. Two examples of these overstepping fanatics are The Westborough Baptist church and PETA. They both make a mockery of the ideals of others and give their opposition cover to make unfair blanket statements about either side.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LYnbdWJUrdY
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKLnhuzh9uY#t=119
  8. I have very vivid and unnerving nightmares when I get cold. With that aside it is, I tink anyones guess what brings on dreams and what to do about them.
  9. http://twistedsifter.com/2013/08/maps-that-will-help-you-make-sense-of-the-world/
  10. First. Obamacare is so disrespectful as well as totally false narrative. Show me one case where President Obama made any effort to construct The Affordable Care Act. If I remember right, he was off jaunting through foreign countries getting a peace award for breathing and telling everybody who would listen how sorry he was for the previous administration. Nancy Pelosy and Harry Reed had more to do with this bill than anyone. Second. Show me where their was any proof the Prohibition would become the utter failure it ended up being Both are social programs set down by the government to supposedly care take over the populous. Also show me where the breweries and the saloon keepers added in the creation of prohibition, because the health insurance and pharmaceutical companies had their say in The Affordable Care Act. Talk about the fox in charge of the hen house. You were quoting him. I've heard far to many partisan denigrate the opposition by inferring evil intent instead of debating the issues at hand. I'm not saying you were, but I automatically assume that negative statements, not in evidence in previous posts are stated for a reason. You obviously intended to demonize someone. As far as knowing this law, the creators don't know this law. Those who voted for it never read the thing. All I've heard is talking points from either side and they regurgitate the same old tired messages. I agree with you that we should wait and see, but how long will that be, seeing that the President has given so many juicy little wavers it's like choirboy appreciation day at the Vatican. Oh Happy days......... :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: As for the Republican Party, well they are doing everything they can, as would the Democrats if the shoe was on the other foot, to not allow the opposition to make any points with the American Public. This is why neither party cares about what the American public, as a whole cares about congress. If both parties are equally reviled, no one gets the upper hand and they keep their jobs.
  11. This reads like "It's a known fact that (insert colourwheel's opinion here)". Then don't take my word for anything... it's just as easy for one to do research themselves on the internet. http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Birther http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Birther_Movement http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/birther-movement Good luck trying to research info on fringe leftist trying to discredit Barack Obama's legitimacy as president because none exist. This movement is completely a right wing creation... According to one of the links you gave there are some on the left who used this Birther idea to depose President Obama. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/birther-movement As far as my opinion goes, the entire law that states that the president has to be born in this country is absurd. I know a lot of people that are born here that also hate the place. I also know several people who came here from places so vile and dangerous that America is, to this day a dream come true. I would rather have a foreigner that loves and respects this country as a leader than a thousand spoiled little brats in adults form who would do anything they could, upon gaining The Presidency, to destroy this country. A lot of Americans are so used to having the freedoms we have here that they take them for granted and concentrate on what they don't have. In that way they can remain a quote/unquote victim and they create a life they obviously never had by continually gripping. This goes for The Occupy Wallstreet crowd just as easily as it does The Westbourgh Baptist Church.
  12. The reason that the left is winning is that America is fractured into so many groups and special interest parties that it isn't even funny.. It's the Multiculturalism that groups people together in voting blocks that care nothing about anything but their own quote/unquote rights. They want their representatives claim is their right and these same mindless hoards despise the opposition because these same representatives tell them the other side is trying to steal it from them. The left is just better at packaging their swill and I would point out that the last two Republican Candidates were about as personable as a dead fish.
  13. Not sure what media outlets you watch but actual news is reported on facts, just because a reporter injects opinions in their reporting doesn't discredit the facts or the reports they make. Without a human opinion in reporting we might as well just be reading raw data on spreadsheets. I had a friend who immigrated from Poland to the U.S. He once told me that the way reporters comment about news stories in this country was the same way the State run media behind The Iron Curtain did to effect public opinion. Opinion is not fact and should never be used to dilute factual information. Opinion is someone's take on any given situation and is only used to influence the reader.
  14. We aren't stupid. We're lazy in mind and body. We would rather believe the drivel the particular parties we are affiliated with, then to research to truth of the matter and make an informed decision. We would rather watch Gerry Springer and friend people we've never met on Facebook, because it doesn't include the magic word that we definately need to change our world and that's the word EFFORT.
  15. That depends on what you call non-fiction. From what I've seen by the movies, documentaries and TV movies reflecting the life and times of major political figures have all been skewed to the political leanings of those producing the feature. Wither these are hatchet jobs or glorification displays makes no difference. No media should make them until after the person depicted are irrevocably out of public office As far as fear or loathing, I think Mrs. Clinton is a public figure that needs to state her case in front of the American people, when the time comes. These movies could very well be an attempt to romanticize her life instead of reveal the truth of it. What do you think those who lean to the left would say if a major media source had ran a feature reflecting the life of Mit Romney in the same timeline and fashion.
  16. Rhetoric aside, just saying something is the law doesn't mean it will work. We can look at prohibition for examples of social policies that became laws, only to end up being absolute failures. I don't know the particulars of this law, but I do know that it doesn't cover everyone in America and there seems to be a lot of government agencies and organizations that are asking for wavers to get around this and that measure of the law. I am for universal health care. I think everybody deserves quality health care, but I don't like it when certain sectors of society ( including the congress) can exempt themselves from it as if they are more important than others. It reeks to high heaven of elitism. If The Affordable health care act is good for everyday people it's good enough for the rich, the powerful and the influential. We need to all be on the same level to adhere to the equal protection of the law, which you have reiterated that Obama care is the law. My major concerns are reflected in this news article http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/08/business/economy/for-obamacare-some-hurdles-still-ahead.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 Please show me where he said anything of the sort. poisoning the well or placing words in others mouths doesn't construct a case, it lessens it!
  17. Non professional people meaning people trained to deal with snakes of this caliber. This is not a garden snake here. It is a 14 foot long monster that is capable of killing small children. The confinement measures were obviously insufficient. The snake was hungry which means it had not been cared for. From news reports, http://www.nation.co.ke/News/world/Pet+shop+owner+no+permit+for+python/-/1068/1940858/-/6iaxyo/-/index.html the pet store had no license for these types of snakes . It's not too much of a stretch to suppose the authorities were not aware of it, so there was no inspections by city authorities, which anyone owning a business dealing with pets would have known about. This makes it a knowingly criminal act to even have the thing in the shop, not to mention having it in an apartment. It was an illegal animal that was not permitted in the city, but the guy wanted it. He was incapable of caring for it and confining it. Where in that do you see anything except a ameture with a hard on for dangerous animals. This was a disaster waiting to happen and I hope the heck this guy looses a lot because the parents of these kids have lost their whole world.
  18. I love pets, but the key word in that sentence is pet. Wild animals deserve to be in their natural habitat or as close to it as possible. They need to be cared for by professional keepers, who know the animals needs or be released back into the wilds in their native land, not down a drain or out back where they can effect the natural balance. These clowns that have these dangerous animals to supplement their ego need to buy a penis extension and leave the rest of us the hell alone. Reminds me of these gun nuts that masturbate with an Uzi.
  19. What craziness. 100 lbs 14 foot long and people want these monsters for pets. I never have been for non-professional people owning wild animals in public areas. There is a reason these monsters are called wild animals as opposed to domesticated animals. Even farm animals can hurt and kill people, but wild animals have their very nature against them being kept domestically. I remember stories about Chimpanzees tearing peoples faces off. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/08/python-that-killed-2-boys-was-kept-in-house-police-say/
  20. Politicians are masters at this. Divide and conquer by sowing distrust, then vote themselves a raise, and an retire early before society realizes they're unnecessary.
  21. I understand the desire for people to shout down those who denigrate the being or actions of others, but I also see the need for such people to out themselves for their ideals and the promote discussion on what exactly is hatred, ignorance stereotyping. I think that the concept of tolerance is a blanket solution to a real problem we have in society and this problem will not go away by ideologically looking the other way when people act out. There should be standards in society that people and groups like The Westbourgh Baptist Church and the ku klux klan have been actively degrading, that are being duplicated by those who, today remain in the shadows, germinating discontent and anger to a level that brings these hate crimes into being. I think that there are those who benefit greatly by hate and hate mongering and in order for everybody to understand the difference between sheer hatred and systemic ignorance, there should be open debate on every bodies individual beliefs. I think that the hold of many of the charismatic have on their initiates can be eroded if these people are given a chance to air their opinions Both hatred and ignorance are dangerous and I'm not sure that either of these can be eradicated, but I think hatred is more a conscious choice than ignorance. I think the best way to repair the damage ignorance does to a human society is discussion. I think that the only real hold that many leaders of hate groups have on their newest members is the sense of repression of opinions and ideals that saturates the most radical groups. I think as long as there is an open and honest avenue to air grievances, either real or imagined, that we can lessen the attraction of these hate groups to many who ultimately end up there.
  22. If you ask me, it shouldn't even be an issue of who should have that power regardless of religious or personal beliefs. It should be a non- issue all together for people to marry someone of the same sex, have the right to an abortion, be paid equally in the work place, and let immigration in America thrive... Excellent point. I just wish your aim was more accurate. The Tea Party was absorbed into The Republican party, but to think that only social conservatives belong to the Tea Party is as absurd as believing their aren't any on the left that find fault in the measures you've expressed. Yeah, Just as The Democratic Party was going to fold after President Clinton left office and the Republican Party was going to fold after President Bush did the same. I like the reference to White Males. You get offended because someone, in a previous post places you in a certain party, yet you follow their talking points like a strip map to salvation. This is partisan Ideology with little to no connection to reality. It's obvious from looking back at even the last half decade, people who will ban gay marriage, abolish abortion, tear down pay equity, and stop immigration in our country. I think the term oblivious is misused here. You are repeating rhetoric from those who oppose these people for what they stand for.
  23. OMG! you got me Troaches... All of this stuff you listed is all "my" parties fault... ;D /sarcasm Just to let you know I've honestly been a registered republican my whole life. I mean come on seriously you put all this blame on one specific political party? Do you even remember before obama was even president most of this stuff you listed has been going on for years even before the democrates controlled the senate or congress and even the white house? Despite all this lets not totally derail the topic anymore... If you want to start your own debates about these issue you say are all "my" parties fault go ahead... would be interesting... Your entire argument is based on the actions and causes of two distinct individuals who you attempt to paint an entire separate group of individuals with. it is an invalid argument to begin with since the only person you've implicated as being anti-gay is miss King and she is supposedly being contacted by another individual who does not speak for anyone except himself. The Tea party is a political movement not a social movement. How can anyone derail a topic who at it's best is absurd and fallacious.
  24. I take exception to the entire premise of this discussion. First of all, I've never known Glen Beck to support anything other than his own face in front of a camera. He is the quintessential poor man's Donald Trump, as far as being more a searcher for causes he can get in front of than believing in that cause. Secondly, I find it humorous that you, somehow equate the causes of a person of religious conviction to the causes of a entirely separate group and ignore the fact that her father played a major roll in the Civil Rights movement of the past. Is Miss King automatically the preeminent figure head of the Tea Party movement, simply because a self promoting wh*%# like Glenn Beck draws her name into the discussion. The issue of what happened to the Tea Party is relative to everyone and should not be diminished by the ambulance chasers who see a chance to be in the lime light in a situation that resounds with injustice and restrictions on anyone's right to express themselves. For the record, I believe wholeheartedly in the right for Gay's to merry. I have gay friends and some of them are far better people who claim to be against it These who denounce gay people do so of their own accord.
  25. What? What kind of ideology? Is "i don't give a damn" now some sort of ideology? And you try to flag some kind of ideology on me when you promote a snitch system?Hey, there were policemen and national guard all over the place and Bomb sniffing Dogs right on the finnish line, who didn't sniff the bomb. And the Guards were watching the race instead of the crowd. Everyone has their own ideology. If you wish to understand more, please read this: I did not say that having one was right or wrong. though, I think yours is wrong for me. The term snitch is juvenile at best and doesn't come close to defining being vigilant, when being so might just save yourself or a loved you. To add to that your timeline is off. The dogs were there prior to the event, not during. I'm sorry, but you seem to personalize things and I have no wish to make this about you and I. I refuse to add any more length to this drama. I wished you well before and I do so again. Farewell!
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