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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. Truly spoken. That is why we can not depend wholly on the government. We all most be vigilant. I wonder if so many people would have been harmed if someone had observed either of the two bombers dropping these backpacks and walked away.
  2. These speak for themselves. I wish you peace in your ideology.
  3. We are talking about deliberate calculated and conceived plots, designed to kill us not mistakes and accidents, so your argument is invalid in this case and frankly the use of the word ludicrous offensive. It was a valid question and it is at the heart of this entire debate. There is no defense against terrorism except vigilance and that is universal. Everybody needs to have qa hand in this and that includes the government. They have far more resources than we as citizens, but we can't afford to trust solely in their benevolence, because they are just as human as we. Surly, there is politics in play when the government is involved. That is a reality of being the bureaucratic nightmare it has become. I don't think you can make the case that it doesn't care, since there are too many within the framework of government to have any ideal what their true goals are, other than to feed their families and to remain employed. Being scared is not being a little baby. It's a natural human emotion, when faced with intentional attempts to harm us. What matters is what we do when we are fearful. Do we crawl in a hole and die? Do we arm ourselves to the teeth with every conceivable weapon imaginable? The truth is we act and react according to our nature. The strong will be strong and the meek will remain meek., but we all will be more aware of that which is going on around us, which is actually the only thing we really can do. This is true for anybody, wither you are standing in a protest line or setting in a bunker filled with a bazooka strapped to your arm.
  4. Precisely. In my opinion an uneducated electorate separated by partisan quibbling, perpetrated by political punditry and media bias and not looking at their elected officials with the utmost skepticism are more dangerous to America than these terrorist ever have been.
  5. The real issue is that most people don't know what rights we actually have. They have catch phrases and talking points. They repeat what has been repeated to them, but I really don't think too many people in America could actually bring up from memory what rights we do have, unless they were looking at a copy of the Bill of rights. Most would mouth the Freedom of speech, bare arms, maybe religion, but those rights that The Patriot Act placed on the back burner are far from their mind. They would throw out the old standard, Civil Rights, but defining what they actually entail would take some effort, because they are so used to have a talking point shoved in their face by the media, instead of them taking the effort to research what are our civil rights, they just regurgitate the same crap. They are too busy watching "Dancing with the Stars" and talking about the antics of Justin Beiber. As far as the rights that we are loosing, that most likely is the right of privacy. I think the 4th Amendment speaks to that. As for me, I personally have little issue with my stuff being gone through, since I'm a boring person, living a mundane life on the road. The only danger I pose is that the one looking into me would fall asleep reading of my exploits and crack his forehead on his table on his way to the floor. The real issue is the nagging question. Does any of these measure the government put in place to protect us work or are they going through the motions just to look as if they are actually doing something. With the reports of people carrying stuff past TSA and the Boston Bombings, I say probably not.
  6. I don't really know how to articulate this adequately, so I'll just begin and see where this goes. People are getting self centered. They are too concerned with their own little pocket universe and how things effect them. They drown themselves in idealism and belief systems and talk themselves into believing that if they join with others that agree with them they are somehow safer. That they've found somewhere to be safe in the comradery of others. They take up causes of their perspective groups and fixate on those who oppose their group as being uneducated, immoral or any other of 1000's of degrading terms in order to dehumanize them enough to ignore them. We are loosing our freedoms because we aren't concentrating on keeping them. We are too busy being our own versions of being a Republican, Democrat, Christian, Muslim, Conservative or liberal and not enough on being human beings. We are blind to the abuses of those in political power who first poll us to see what we think and then claim they support what we told them through these same polls what we are interested in. These people who hold the reigns of power keep these reigns by playing on our distrust and fear and behind our backs slphon off the same rights they claim to uphold. We are too busy being good little Democrats, Republicans and religious adherents, goosestepping after those we place in power above us. What we need to do is scrutinize our leaders as we do our opposition and not defend them when they do wrong. Of course that usual means admitting our own own gullibility and sometimes we aren't mature enough to face the truth about ourselves.
  7. The reason for all our troubles is we meddle in the affairs of others and ignore our own citizens who have not the power to make themselves heard by those with the power to effect their lives. This talk of freedom is a exercise in delusional thinking. We have only the freedom to breath and die. The rest we have to work to pay for. The question of security is also a illusion. If someone places no value ohn their lives, then why would anyone reason that they see any reason not to take yours.
  8. People do not have the right to do wrong. It is wrong to intentionally inflict pain and suffering for a cause that will not benefit the recipients in any logical way. This is why you can't scream fire in a crowded theater.
  9. To add insult to injury, i've heard that The Westbourgh Baptist Church is planning a protest in Boston thanking God for the bombing.
  10. I love how the media puts forth this image of being the bulwark of Democracy and then hypes everything that might bring in readers while they suppress or simply ignore what they are ideologically opposed to.
  11. I remember coming to the first site who's mindset was opposed to mine. I remember looking at that place as a bastion of wacked out fanatical ideas that were so far from the mainstream, as I defined mainstream ideals and was determined to quote/unquote straighten those guys out. After a fairly juvenile attempt to paint them as I'd been indoctrinated to think they were, I abruptly left in a self-righteous huff for what I thought were more wholesome surroundings. It was only after I had began noticing just how much those I had listened to, before mimicked the very small minded attitudes that they claimed the opposition had. The epiphany of the reliance in beliefs in the determination of truth was both degrading to the values I thought I possessed and the person I wanted to be known as. I thought of myself as a philosopher and ended up being so close to a bigot that it unnerved me. Are Morales so attached to Ideology that those not those not adhering to the accepted line of thought somehow beneath consideration or is it that those so stringently idealistic so invested in a line of thinking that questioning of that system of beliefs jeopardizes the structure of their entire being. How would you define the heart and soul of liberalism and conservatism? Is there an end game to this social struggle and how would one reside in the fight over issues? I once thought that deep down, every liberal was an activist at heart, but I've sense concluded that we are all activists in a sense. Liberal or conservative, it's just the relevance of the issue that brings activism out of us. Could it be said that liberals go against the prevailing attitudes and if so. Once they had won the fight and their views become the accepted standard would it not be argued that defending those standards would make the liberals conservative and those assaulting those veiws the liberals?
  12. It's a marketing ploy directed at those who can not see themselves as any character other than a typical alpha male stereotype by those who can't see past the bottom line nor justify themselves in pushing the envelope.
  13. This, so much. Thank you. Also: fat does not equate to unhealthy, plus if you (general "you" referring to skinny peeps in this case) actually gave a monkey's about someone's health, you wouldn't call them names and tell them they're disgusting. Making people depressed and encouraging restrictive eating disorders is bad for their health. One link to consolidate a bunch of others I could've posted: http://www.fatnutritionist.com/index.php/articles-evidence/ Sounds like someone's taking this personally. Excess fat does place you in line for a lot of health risks. That and a lot of other obsessive activities. The calling of names is something I've never be a fan of and I apologize if anyone has targeted you. I've been on the receiving end of juvenile taunts before. I know the feeling.
  14. You know, I think we have enough idiocy is the world. I guess now we have partisan idiots in the entertainment industry that all pushing our buttons to get ratings. Point in fact. First it was the Game of Thrones that had President Bushes severed head on a pike http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/25/hbo-alters-severed-bush-head_n_1625502.html And now we have a President Obama look alike dressed up as Satan in "The Bible" http://tv.yahoo.com/news/obama-devil-resemblance-bible-sets-off-firestorm-140047536.html To add to that the Sensationalist Glenn Beck has has chilmed in to try again to become relevant in any way possible. In all the person dramas we are individually going through. Feeding our families and staying one step ahead of our creditors, Do we really need to support this type of B.S. by tuning into these shows that are are simply using us as guinea pigs to shamelessly advertise their show via the public outcry against the juvenile antics they pull. Couldn't we just walk away for a little bit and let the nielsen ratings correct the producers attitudes.
  15. Well, I don't believe in euthanasia. I do believe that people should be able to end their own lives if they had a chronically terminal disease and didn't want to suffer or watch their families suffer, seeing them suffer. What I believe is that we all have a debt to society, because those that came before us paid the taxes and fees that provided the schooling and opportunities that have came our way. Wither we embraced those or rejected them we need to do all we can to continue the maintenance of society, so that those coming up after us can have the same or better than we have had. Maybe some of us faltered. I know I did. I grew up doing drugs and alcohol and nearly lost my life several times, but finally saw where I was going and entered detox. Got into the military and learned to take responsibility for myself. I've been drug ans alcohol free for almost 38 years now, but I could never have done that without the Welfare that paid for my time in detox. I have no problems with people making mistakes or being a burden on society, for a short while. Just as long as they learn from their mistakes and straighten themselves out. What I do have issues with are those who think they are entitled to social programs and see no issue with taking no responsibility for what they do or who they do it to. This is a juvenile mindset and the offspring of those who embrace this mindset are at a disadvantage, unless they see the impotence of their forebearers and determine for themselves that this is not right. The acorn doesn't necessarily have to fall close to the tree. Some run from that tree before it burns itself and everything around it. I've seen that happen before. We need to support each other, but not blindly so. We need to associate with one another, not facilitate those who refuse to do the same for others.
  16. I recognize the LOL at the end of your post, but I'd like to share a little incite here about arbitrarily signing political or social activist listings. I used to do the, don't talk, sign thing until I was inundated by political e-mails from a certain party, wanting an ever increasing amount of money for their pet causes. I'm not for big corporations to gain monopolies on vital services, but I'm even more against having my name attached to a list of agenda based organizations that think I need to contribute to their every whim and desire.
  17. The one thing that gets me is that these kids are going to be a drain on the system no matter how you look at it. Could someone who is under a national healthcare system tell me how your country deals with high risk or high maintenance individuals like smokers or obese people like this. I mean if education doesn't work, will intervention be next.? Could children be placed on a low caloric diet at school or have child protective services monitor the situation or would there be a premium placed on obese people, paid by the individual for healthcare?
  18. Too much emphasis on instant gratification. Quick easy food, games that keep the kid anchored to a floor instead of a playground and parents the use all of this as a baby setter so they can have their own life and call themselves parents instead of being one.
  19. kvnchrist


    The term Political Correctness does not apply here. It's been overused by people who just want to remove the argument instead of dealing with it. Labels are both inclusive and exclusive. Those used to exalt or to degrade any group over another is the reason for the topic.
  20. Well, since you put it that way, it is a human trait only. I used natural meaning to come to oneself without external pressure.
  21. There is not very much information because the question is about as basic as you could ask for. Is the subject a natural human trait or is it political in nature. The degree of the infraction is inconsequential sense we are talking generalities. I beg to differ with you about it being a debatable subject, sense it has been used politically for a very long time to diminish the outcry of those who claim to uphold a set morale standards. This is the entire focus of topic. Wither people are naturally inclusive of activities they would not do themselves or if it's an political or social ideology.
  22. Lets not forget what these things have done to the life of some of the kids. I'm not talking about an adult touching a kid but kids just being kids. Now a days if a boy or girl gets too comfortable with another boy or girl they are treated as if they'd just given each other the plague. http://travel.nytimes.com/2012/01/27/education/boy-6-suspended-in-sexual-assault-case-at-elementary-school.html?_r=0 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1951531/posts http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2069939/School-principal-suspended-9-year-old-boy-calling-teacher-cute-resigned.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/04/colorado-boy-6-suspended-_n_1478119.html
  23. I use VLC for just about every vid and DVD I come across. I also use fastone image veiwer for pictures. Both are free and they work with just about anything out there.
  24. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/07/teacher-michael-white-lap-dances_n_2822259.html Does it truly matter if this person is guilty in the eyes of the public. I'm not saying that I think he is either innocent or guilty. What I am saying is that I think there is a stigma attached to this subject which almost always a perpetual stain on anyone's reputation, no matter if they are falsely accused or not. I have a 17 year old second cousin who is about the best person you could ever meet, but his naivety is almost criminal. He allowed himself to be invited to the house of a 14 year old and didn't find out if the parents were home. They got into a fake wrestling match and the girl claimed he had groped her. They found out that the girl had been living with her father, before this and had been kicked out of her old school for doing the same thing. Her father sent her to her mother because she was too much trouble for him and it wasn't but a few months before she tried the same tactic with my cousin. I know this boy his entire life. He has more female friends than male friends and threats all of them like sisters instead of friends. What I am getting at is the fact that no one should place themselves in the position of having these allegations brought on them. This is why I refuse to babyset and won't be in the same room with someone elses kid without the parent being there. I just won't do it.
  25. That's great work man. Just goes to show you what talented people can do without having to go through the corporate executive treadmill. I've always wanted to play the guitar but have been ham stringed by being left handed and other equally useless excuses for my procrastination. I did try my hand at being a male model. It worked out pretty well until the food stamps gave out. :blink: :blink: :blink: Now I'm driving a truck, playing games and entertaining myself with bubble wrap. Oh, the life of a dreamer! :cool: :cool:
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