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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. President Obama was a man who was hyped by the media into being some sort of a super being. He is a man, who happens to be black, who happens to be liberal. He stated what he was going to try, when he was running and the country had their chance to pick him or walk away then. He is an idealist who's ideals were not suited for the times we are in and his agenda bears that out. i would ask you guys one thing though. Would he be the health care bill be in the Supreme Court right now, if the stimulus had worked and we would be looking at 5% unemployment instead of 8%. He is a man that tried what he tried, because he was devoted to an ideal and now he is reduced to grasping at what he can and that isn't much. He isn't a saint. He isn't a demon. He's a man with a dream and tried to make it come true. Whatever your political leanings you can't fault him for not being consistent. I can't say that for very many other politicians, these days.
  2. What in the op said anything about the entire world being doomed.. I said that the present course could not be sustainable any more than the country at one time could not continue being half free and half slave. There is a tipping point where the those stirring strife will no longer be able to control this strife and the result will not be favorable. I was simply commenting on your lack of productive input. You added nothing to the conversation and only attacked it. As I said. I wish you well!
  3. HeyYou and SubjectProphet, don't waste your time. Marxist Bastard reminds me of someone who is empty inside and tries to spread that everywhere he goes. Leave him to his own misery. I wish him well, wherever fate takes him!
  4. The one thing I envission is the blow back after all the smoke clears and people stand around blinking and they realize just who orchestrated the downfall, there will be hell to pay. I know it might be a longshot, but I have faith in humanity to recognize B.S. after the anger has worn off.
  5. I've been looking at things in the last few years and it seems that the country is beset by fear of change and the rage of frustration in those that think change hasn't come soon enough. I think both of these two reactions are setting America on a collision course with itself. Something has to give in order for us to move forward. I think the whole world is at a tipping point and what survives out of this will color the world for the next 100 years. How can we all diffuse this so that we can begin the next 100 years without totally devastating one another and carry on this hate fest, between the left and the right into the next millennium. Sacrifices have to be made. I've said that before but it seems there are too many desiring their own little piece of the pie.
  6. High Tech Vs; Mysticism What if any would be the difference between magic and high tech to those not accustomed to such devices? Could their presence be kept under wraps to an entire society and what would be the fail safe if this knowledge were inadvertently revealed. I am in the process of writing a Sci-fi story about this very thing and would like to set up the discussion by explaining the storyline. This is not a discussion on religion or spirituality. It is the use of such things, by a more advanced civilization to ensure loyalty by those they which to control. The entire thing is about a world inhabited by felaniod creatures who are indoctrinated into a cult orientated police state and are born and breed to slavishly reverence to a supreme entity . They are told, there is no higher honor than to lay down their lives for this being and are trained from the time the are able to pick up a weapon, to fight. Their society is based on a hierarchy of the lawgivers on the top. Immediately below them are The Devotees that run what passes for police worldwide. Then comes the Breeders, who are actively encouraged to higher and higher production of infants. Those who produce more are taken care of by the state and gain more praise and honor as they continue. Those who are born are schooled in mystic schools from the time they can remember that their only worth is to serve the being and to fulfill their honored duties as his son's and daughters. Those who the lawgivers deem worthy are destined to be the warrior class in service to their supreme being. Those that don't hit the mark are designated as breeders and are quote/unquote encouraged to mate with as many mates as possible and are held in high honor for doing so. The state does the rest. These creatures of the warrior class train until they are called to service, usually between 14-20 . At which time they must enter into the gates of paradise paradise which is a massive gated city, high in the remote mountainous area of their planet. No one other than those chosen may enter utopia or even get within the foothills unless they are called. Those that attempt this are engulfed in holy fire from the invisible guardians defending the path. Of those that are chosen only gain additional wisdom in the use of holy garments and, after a time ascend into heaven by huge flaming chariots of metal. Those that ascend, never return. In reality the entire planet is a breeding ground for warriors crafted, mind and body for a technologically advanced race that claim to be supreme beings. These beings use these creatures as cannon fodder in an ageless galactic war, who's enemies are designated as Evil and the Felanoids are thrown at them in service of what they think are Gods. They are trained and armored in high tech armor and are sent into battle with warrior priests that seem to have mystic power of magic. What the story centers around a skeptic that witnesses the death of one of these Warrior priests, and finds out that their mystic power is only a high tech contraption that misfires and kills everyone in his unit, except for him He escapes a hostel after a failed attempt at killing him and heads towards the planet of his birth to reveal the fraudulent nature of the culture itself. The story, I'm writing deals with his exploits and the exploits of those sent to silence him. I have some ideas, but they really seem like they've been hashed over in earlier books.
  7. Maybe because we are doing it wrong. lol :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  8. The reference two the Republicans and Democrats was not to add or detract them, but to ignore them and this petty like country we call the U.S. Most of the people here think the world revolves around us and it doesn't. The only thing we do is stuff our money in the pockets of those in power and try to force our own morale guidelines down their throat when they take it. The world is a bigger place than any country or group of countries can contend with. The U.N. is about as useless as a quadriplegic snail in space. It doesn't do crap but crap out naughty little hand slaps to the tyrants of the world and then look for some useless cause to go after , to make it seem more relevant
  9. No matter who is doing the killing if it is done as a series of events, the perpetrator refines his methods, so in a certain way, it is an art. Just one i don't agree with.
  10. I really don't think you would be able to, in the first place, but that doesn't detract from my original statement. As for you, I'd love to hear your updates on your work. Constructive and inovative people are the most interesting people in the world. Good luck to you.
  11. Thor's a god, not a demigod. Not on Earth he isn't. If he was, he would not need The avengers.
  12. I loved them all, but I think Thor ended badly, since he was cut off from the Earth after the gate collapsed. I'm really not a fan of Demigods as superheroes, but I guess someone was running low on imagination at the time. Personally, I thing Hollywood has had a imagination deficit for quit a while.
  13. One of my female friends, who is gay and I worked out the perfect way to get rid of someone that annoyed her. This might not fit your situation but he was always hitting on her and she made the mistake of being nice too long to him. She walked up at lunch time and set right across from him at the table and started up a conversation with him. As the conversation progressed, he inevitably turned the conversation towards relationships and she laid it on thick. Finally staring at him, She said "I think you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen" and before he could react she picked up two tooth picks and gave him the craziest look she could manage, with a maniacal grinning smile she showed him the two toothpicks and asked, "Can I have them?" Long story short, he never bothered her again.
  14. I really have no use for guns, but don't believe in diminishing one's right to have them. Just as long as they are responsible with them. I'm happy for you, if this is what you wish to do.
  15. I've never understood the need to kill. Though I've thought about accomplishing that feat on those who were responsible for causing others harm and hurt, but I don't think I could follow through. Even when I get into a physical fight, even when I was winning it, I always tried to finish it, without really hurting the other person. I guess I get let my elephant mouth overwhelms my pigeon chest, when I rant about hurting others. i just wonder if people are so stuck on themselves or their causes, that they would violently remove anyone from the face of the world? Should revenge or fear be any more a reason to kill than any other excuse? Is the state any more able to justify removing a person from existence than a private citizen? Is there virtue in taking a convicted person's life and would it be a matter of justice or a matter of revenge for the original transgression?
  16. Those people who know me, know that I am very susceptible to cold. I can't stand to get cold and that is the very thing I get. I would be wearing a coat, If I ended up in Hell and if I get cold when sleeping, I tend to get some very vibrant nightmares. Which one are you? Hot or cold blooded?
  17. kvnchrist


    What is your definition of value. My idea of value has nothing to do with the preciousness of material substances, but they way these things are used. I deplore the wasting of anything, but know that such things are unavoidable. I do know that the deliberate abuse of such things is the most unconscionable thing anyone can devise. I not only mean material resources but what I know is the most egregious waste of all, that of the human element. I wonder just how far we would have come and how far we could go if we could eliminate the arrogance and protectionism of those that want to protect there own version of reality. I wonder what would have happened if Marconi or Tesla were black or Einstein was openly gay. Would we be living in the world we do, if we had treated these people as we have these groups would we have created the Atomic Bomb or would the Nazi's have beaten us to it and would we even exist, at all? Are we, forever to be the prisoners of our own fears and anxieties, or can we ever learn from the mistakes of the past and value everything for what it and not for what we can use it for.
  18. I really get tired of the pettiness of our political system. We set around fighting over the kitchen scraps of our economy while the entire world is suffering from a income imbalance that staggers the mind. Why if we are in a global economy have we not yet concentrated on the world we live in and created an entity, with the teeth and the power to bring order to a world beset by greed, power mongering and poverty. Should the world not stand up for it's citizens, no matter what border they reside in. (1) What should that body be, since The U.N. has not yet succeeded in either stopping the aggression of some countries, even against it's own citizens. We can see that in Syria and North Korea, where the governments completely ignore the needs of it's citizens. (2) what powers should this entity be given to cross international borders to bring contrary countries back into allignment and to secure the safety of the citizens there? Not only from aggression from their governments, but also from criminal elements, if that element has overwhelmed the countries ability to control them, like the pirates of Somalia and the Drug Cartels of Mexico.? (3) How should this body handle the challenges to bring a standard of humanity to a world who has countries determined to remain unequal because of cultural or religious dictates. (4) Would the governments that control the higher economies and industrial might and a stranglehold on power sources ever relinquish their control over their bases of power, so that such resources can be used to bring the rest of the world up and should they, if there are so many tyrants who control these under privileged countries that would abuse those resources.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=WY-z4HAp-eA
  20. I've seen more reports on people scamming others, by falsely reaching out to others because of some illness that never was. I've heard of a women that was using her daughter to gain money, by faking the little girl was a cancer victim and now this. Wedding Scam Should people who prey on the emotions of other receive harsher sentences, because of the degrading effect on the willingness other others to help?
  21. The first computer I had was a Commodore 64. I got turned onto it by a friend I played D&D with in the military. I remember the first game I had was a chess game, that I had to program it in, in dos mode. I never was any good at it, but I loved the idea of having a computer and having something I could do to resemble having a life, somewhere. This was in Ft. Carson, Co and when I went over to Germany I was blown away by a new computer from Commodore called The Amiga 500. computer This was my first experience with the use of Icons you could click and it was like night and day over my 64. Thank Griffin, they had a program that allowed you to buy electronic equipment on time. I hated leaving eye brow prints on the screens of those I looked at in the commissary. It wasn't a week, before I had one setting in my room and was working on my gaming library. The games I really liked were the Proving ground of the Mad Overlord, Bards Tale and several others that were RPG. Then out came the Dungeons and Dragons games and I was in love. I was also into simulators, especially the ones from Microprose. I had the stealth fighter and the one for submarines. There was also a tank simulator and I loved Pirates, when it came out. Sadly, I never went back to the chess game, but I remember the cassette it was on made a fairly convincing Frisbee as it headed out of my car, towards that speed limit sign. lol
  22. kvnchrist


    Warning people of danger could easily be done by pointing out the dangers of the policies. Calling things extreme is just a way of bypassing that explanation. There are certain instances where common sense would tell you some ideas are crazy, but there are others that need to be explained and I for one, would rather have that explaination than some individual assigning the label they choose on the subject.If they sidestep this explanation, they may do so because they know their ideals are not in our best interest, but theirs. I think they don't understand is that these actions sound more and more like The boy who cried wolf, and the more they use them, the less response they are likely to get, The overuse of certain terms desensitize the public to the real dangers, which are blindly goosestepping behind an ideal or cause without fully understanding it. The present political situation is a good example of that. Either party rips and tears into each other, heck the Republican debates have turned a lot of people off enough to cast aside parties and go independent. America has come to a crossroad and the spirit and ideology of the entire country is at stake and either side is using the same old rhetoric to stir up their base. What they need to do is stir up the independent vote and to do that you need a plan, not a grandstand. People have been scared since this economic downturn first hit. They are numb with it and fairly sick and tired of every bodies pointing fingers.
  23. kvnchrist


    I like this the best. No matter when or where this word is used, It always is used for a reason and to me it is used to cloak another point of view. I don't think it would be used quite as much as if has, if it were not for the issue of terrorism. I agree with Simple Glitch that those that use it have reasons to do so and that usually is to keep the eyes of the public elsewhere, so that they can pull something.
  24. kvnchrist


    Could someone please explain this propensity for those people who are in the majority, either in politics or ideology to use this new pet phrase EXTREME to categorize dissenting opinions. It seems that since 9/11 and the rise of religious extremists that partisan pundits have seen fit to paint the other side with this moniker. Does this add, detract from either opinions in your view or does it simply void out credible discussion when either side uses this tactic?
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbKejK2fDTo Funny as Heck
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