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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. This I found on another board. It's not a quiz, but it does have some humorous comments of various types of personalities that roam the discussion forum community. click here.
  2. I remember April fools day the best because I was born on the 2nd. Knowing my luck I would have popped out right in the middle of the 1st, but I guess I hung on for dear life, for at least 3 more hours. I don't know about you but I love April Fools day. It reminds me of that movie, The Hunchback of Notre Dame with Lon Chaney. That was a fabulous movie with an excellent actor. I remember the scene when they paraded him around on a sedan chair as The King of Fools. I also remember when he went against the clergy and rescued that young girl. All in all a fabulous movie, but I also remember some of the pranks we did as children, during this time. I was wondering if anyone wantewd to share their best prank or some great prank done against them, on April Fools. It doesn't have to be recent, just good. lol
  3. I've heard this from just about every group imaginable and from each of those groups come a different answer. Some say freedom. some say work ethic. some say fairness and equality. Some say lack of government involvement and others say the lack thereof. Is it the government that needs to correct what is fundamental flawed with society or should the markets provide that correction?
  4. I don't know if you guys have ever seen the Darwin Awards, which is a crazy conglomeration of things that absolutely stupid people do that either take their lives, thus removing their uniquely moronic strain from the worldwide gene pool. Very few of these are called honorable mention, because the person actually lived through the experience and hopefully, they would learn from the ordeal they would learn from the ordeal. As these awards are for adults, who should know better, the junior added to the topic is more in fun as it is for the members here to document the various times that they, as kids have done crazy stuff that have or could have resulted in injury, and should be part of a story which should end with: and It's a wonder I'm alive today. I have two and the first one begins when I was in grade school. (1) When I was younger, my brother and I slept in bunk beds, which weren't the safety beds of today, but the metal and spring monsters of the late 60's without padding or safety bars to keep anyone from rolling of the top bunk. Well my brother, for some odd reason had the bottom bunk and I the top. I guess my parents thought that they knew my older brother longer and if I broke my neck, they could more easily replace me than him. lol Anyway. I had this thing for super heroes and I tied a blanket around my neck for a cape and jumped off the top bunk to land on the floor with a mixed level of grace. Anyway, I had a wise idea of jumping off backwards which in my childish mind would mean landing infront of my brother and scaring the crap out of him. Well the jump worked out well, but the landing was less than perfect and I ended up landing baddly on my ankel with not only wrenched the heck out of it, but as I collapsed I ended up bouncing my chin of the front side of his mattress springs. I ended up at the hospital which gave me several stitches, without any anesthesia. The second is when I was a few years older, but not much wiser. (2) My brother and I was bored one Saturday morning and decided we needed to make a tree house. Well being the certified structural engineers that we were, we decided to construct a tree house just a few yards from the house we were living in. and began acquiring the odds and ends that we thought we needed to finish the job. We began to work on the thing, which thankfully not far off the ground, but enough to climb up to construct and the thing slow, began taking shape. We finished the floor fairly quickly and began constructing the walls with the windows and the entrance, where we figured we would attach a rope ladder. It wasn't until we were banging around, both one one side of the structure, trying to begin the roof, when we found the fatal flaw in our construction. Suddenly we felt the odd sensation of movement and from our vantage point we could look out one of the windows as the structure slipped from the loving embrace of the tree limbs that we thought would hold it, firmly, tipped on end and plummeted some 10-15 feet to the awaiting ground. We were not exactly will participants in the journey and announced our displeasure with our best renditions of blood curling screams, only to be met with an equally horrendous sound, when we impacted the ground. I'm not sorry to say that was the end of my construction career, but not off my propensity for foolishness.
  5. kvnchrist


    Who defines the boundary between maturity and immaturity? What defines the age of such things come into being and is it cruel and unusual punishment to prosecute those above and below a certain age for acting according to their personal level of maturity. Is it wrong persons who are both under a certain age to have relations with each other or wrong to imprison them with the guidelines set by other, who just might be less mature than these young people have ever been? Should we as adults condemn those people who are mentally, physically and emotionally able to get gainful employment, because there was once a time where children were exploited. Would it not be more prudent to supervise such young people and allow them to follow their desires if said young person was capable and the environment was structured for the abilities of such people. I'm not talking child labor, but for certain people who have an early grasp on reality such as Mozart had, under the tutelage of his father.
  6. kvnchrist


    What is more important in being a compassionate person. Is it the way you see yourself or the way you see others around you. I know that everybody needs to provide for themselves, as much as possible, but should we not do what we can for our fellow man. Should we only be helping those that are actively helping themselves, or should we invest our time and resources even to those who have all but gave up on themselves? Should our compassion be based on the rate of progress anyone we try to help makes in becoming sufficiently able to provide for themselves, or should we, at some time step away and let a person, who seemingly is stalled out in life continue down the path they've chosen? How far should we go to reach out to even the most self destructive of those in our society. Is it compassion or stupidity to physically reaching out to these people, even placing ourselves and our security in jeopardy, to help those that are down and out? By jeopardy, I mean going down in rough neighborhoods to fix up houses for the needy,
  7. kvnchrist


    was asked by a staff member a while back why think bill Orilley was in any way watchable and I remember giving a wise ased comment that seems to get me through some times in my life that I really wasn't into thinking about why I do stuff. After I started driving that day, I began to put together a reason that I still had been watching the guy, and for the life of me, I couldn't come up with one ironclad reason for even turning him on. I know that I user to watch Fox news a lot and then they became too political for me. I think Clinton was still in office is when I started getting away from them, and then they started bringing in every Republican known to man and always put foreword the idea that they were fair and balanced, while they did the same thing they were saying the other networks. I slowly slide away from them because of the leanings and started watching other programs, but I always thought better of O'Rilley. To the question I was asked about liking him, I simply have no answer and I listened the other night and really paid attention and to tell you the truth, the feeling I once got from him wasn't there anymore and I'm not so sure it was ever there. I think I just tuned in because I was used to doing so and just continued, like an animation. Just mindlessly going through the motions. I was wondering if any of you have anything you do simply because you've always done them, or do you have anything that you are nostalgic about, and anything that you collect I love the Three Stooges and I like war memorabilia, like WWII. I also have a West German Guard hat from before the wall fell. I was once into Dungeons and Dragons and I got pretty good at painting little lead figurines of monsters and creature.
  8. I'd like to start something about the dangers on first time cooking and see if anyone has had some bad or heard of some bad experiences in cooking. I remember when I was still in grade school. I came home to and empty house and I was literally starving. I had had a grilled cheese sandwich at school and decided to try my hand at that. I found the skilet fine and found the slices of American cheese in the crisper, but couldn't find the bread anywhere. After an exhaustive search I finally gave up and decided that I could just grill the cheese in the pan and started heating the pan. Then after I thought the pan was hot enough I tossed in a piece of cheese and started looking for the spatula, but that too was missing. The one thing I was unaware of at time time was the effective use of grease. The thing welded itself to the bottom of the pan, while I was searching for the spatula and the aromatically broadcast it's displeasure at it's present perdicument, with generous amount of smoke. I quickly realized that something had gone afouls and was in the middle of denouncing the makers of the non-stick coating for being abject liers when I heard the car door shut and my mom's voice coming closer and closer. I through the pan in the sink and poured water in it, which did nothing for the situation at all, except dampening the solidified pice of dairt product ans filling the room with the sound of sizzeling, that I was sure would be recreated on the seat of my pants, when my dad came home from work. I remember my mom vaguely saying" Oh My God" when she entered the living room, filled with a peculiar odor and seeing the fog of smoke rolling out of the kitchen. I heard her running through the bedroom, which seperated the living room from the kitchen and I desperatly went to work on a non-stick coated pan with a bread knife, to somehow remove the petrified lump of matter, as well as disperse the cloud of smoke, somehow place the clean, dried pan in the covert and disappear all within the time I was allotted by the briskness of my dear mothers pace. I failed miserably. one ruined pan $5.00 One severely modified pice of cheese. $00.03 The desperate look of a 8 year old boy, who's eyes were wider than the lenses of his glasses. Priceless
  9. If you had a chance to world in deep space or the bottom of the ocean. Which one would you choose and why? I've just seen a fascinating documentary on life forms in the deep ocean and all this talk about Sea World being sued, I've pretty much started leaning towards the ocean, seen it's right here and teaming with life. I've been a sci-fi fan for a long time, and have looked at space as the future of mankind, but lets face it, space is a void. There are planets out there that need explored, which would be great, but how many planets, in one lifetime could one person reach. We have yet to come up with an efficient fast propulsion system that could take us where we wish in our lives. Here on Earth we have an abundance of life that has been compelling since Jacques Cousteau, first appeared on our TV sets. If Oceanography ever had a saint, that man would be the first. It is truly humbling how small we all are on our own planet and it's a shame that so much of a great man had to leave this wold so soon.
  10. Is there any way that someone could create a mod with these types of boots, especially armored
  11. Fine. If you don't like the way I post here, I won't. return. Enough said. BYE!
  12. My post was why I don't envy the rich, but it seems the politicians are squaring off on that very subject. The rich and what they have. They can keep their headaches. I'd hate to work down at the trading pits on wall street. I'd be one huge ulcer.
  13. Why is there so much hate and envy in the world. It seem people have become far too material and desire more to be entertained than entertain others. By this I mean it seems we crave more money and more property than we do personal satisfaction. It just seems the more technologically advanced we get the more we want and we seldom even stop to ponder what all these objects have brought to those who already have them in abundance. Is their life any better than ours. I don't mean the luxury part of life. I mean the emotional side of life. Wither they are happy or not. I grew up in a poor family, in a black part of town. I went to a black grade school and was very content with what I had. I've lived my life on a shoestring and it never bothered me that I wasn't well off. I see all these glamorous screen stars and the celebrities that are in and out of trouble, going throw detox and doing crazy stuff just to get noticed and I wonder if they were as content as they act, why do they act like they do. Why do they marry after 2-3 days and get divorced a week latter calling eachother names. I look at these ceo's and business leaders and know that they had to climb up the lader of success over someone else's body and I wonder just how much time they've put into really having a relationship. Do these guys see their families or even know what their children are doing. I can only imagine what a life like that would be like. I don't envy these people. I don't hate them. I don't even understand them, because they are sharks living in a shark infested ocean, where the minute they slow down, they are eatten themselves. I don't know about anyone else, but I wouldn't want their lives.
  14. kvnchrist


  15. I guess you've never made a mistake.
  16. What makes you think my experience is only from here and character goes right out the window, when the topics heat up.That an add a little political idealism and you've got a potential powder keg. It's not the character, but the character taking himself too seriously, that is the issue here.
  17. I guess you haven't looked at the section you just posted in.
  18. You know. I've been a part of debate sites, for a very long time. I've gotten pissed and pissed off a lot of people, because of some juvenile sense of accomplishment, based on having the last word or simply browbeating the object of my anger to death. I finally found out that victories won on the field of battle, any field of battle are short lived and ultimately irrelevant. What truly matters is what lasts, which is not a fleeting feeling of victory, but a warm wonderful feeling of belonging. Ask yourself, what draws you to these web sites. Is it the wanting desire to crush you enemies beneath you, or is it to fill a hole in your ordinary life. Is it something that comes as close to a real felling of being apart of something greater than you, without the physical ties that restrict you in a real life relationship? Does it give you the anonymity to be yourself, without truly revealing the person you are? I come to these site to fill the holes in my life that is created by the loneliness of the road, and I've fought, what I called "The Good Fight" at every turn, but I never understood that the term fighting and good never really fit together. Fighting- is not good and yelling is even worse. I realized that, however we came into being, we came with two ears and only one mouth. That to me means that we should listen twice as much as we speak. I also noticed that we have a brain in between these two points on our bodies. I know that because of the detour signs I've found around that organ, while I was eating crow, after saying something, I thought smart at the time, but dumb at anytime since then. I found something that I could use that would take me off that 4-lane highway, from my rear end, detouring around my brain, running directly to my mouth. It's called humor. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not pointing out this to anyone here. I have pointed this out, in one degree or another in every debate site that I come to, because of the fact that these debate sites tends to whip up the wind into a hurricane, sometimes and people have been known to be taken away, by this wind. First with their mouths and then by the admins, when the torrent becomes too much to deal with. No issue, no ideal, no faith or lack thereof is more important than the friendships that we have at these places. No one has all the questions or the answers. I would bid any of you, who finds himself over their head with anger and frustration, to step away from the keyboard and go find the humor section of any site. If you don't find anything funny there, go find something you find hilarious and post it there. Don't do it in a spirit of meanness, trying to get back at someone, but a spirit of wanting to show the best side of who you are. Thank you!
  19. Posted in wrong section. Please delete
  20. Well, Merry Christmas and a happy overdraft statement, yourself. This is getting expensive. lol
  21. The viet Cong were said to give kids an open hand grenade and told to rush up to GI's.
  22. ROFTL..am exceeding fond of the ladies but if one was trying to kill me...exposed boob is where I would put my sword , afterward might regret ruining perfectly made physiological architecture...just before I looted her of anything that I wanted and running off in the distance thinking "man was that easy". :whistling: what I meant by this is that she might just disallow you the reaction time to do anything by letting you stare at her graces while she fingers the dagger she wants to slice your throat with. Skimpy armor may just as well be camouflage to distract you. There's a lot of guys out there whose mindset is they are big and strong and they are there to protect the women; these dainty young things wearing dainty garments and forgetting that even the finest rose still has thorns. Sometimes our egos are our worst enemies, and they have gotten us into far worse situations than anybody else could have gotten us into. .
  23. well, I'm very sorry for your predicament. Maybe if a couple of the doctors get in a massive lawsuit because of this software making errors, they might just figured out it's not worth it. All I can say is it works for me, but I am not in the healthcare field. It would seem that field needs to be as accurate as possible to permit them from losing their license. Thank you!
  24. I don't really see that there is anything wrong with this. I know a lot of women that are proud of their bodies and who love to see the man that come around them slack jawed and drooling. This thing about skimpy armor I think you people are thinking in one direction and that is the logical one. you might want to consider thinking outside the box. How do you know the opponent that she is fighting won't get distracted by having breasts pop out in front of them just long enough for her to skewer them like a pig. I love the ladies they are smarter than us and the fact that they often make us think that it was our decision to do thing their way. Much of that as you do with their comeliness and charisma. A lot of guys think this is underhanded but in reality it's them using our mindset against us. But no matter what, they are still the best thing that ever happened to us.
  25. I'm not trying to sell anything, but most you know about yet my spelling errors and how atrocious they can be. I finally found something that will allow me to keep up with everybody else, and allow everybody to understand me fully. I went out to Walmart and while looking for some new computer games, I found this software that I have heard of earlier on an advertisement. While I was skeptical, I was interested in it, because I'm not all that great at this texting thing. This software is really cool. It comes with everything you need, the headset the software and a guide. The thing actually has you go through a test to tell your speech level volume and speed, and then it sets up a special profile just for you. It takes a while to get used to it, but new work and do it. At first it's hard for it to differentiate between black sounding words like; there as an over there and there as an it's their product, but it learns as it goes. It also comes with special commands to punctuate and edit your text. The whole thing is rather good, I'm using it now and I have misspell the word yet. LOL
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