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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. kvnchrist


    I've posted a thread on prejudice in the debate area. I'd love to here what you have to say about that subject there. This is beginning to look like a debatable subject and I'd like to see it in the place for such things. Please don't think I don't want your opinions. They are like bread to a starving man. Thank you
  2. kvnchrist


    Sorry I emote a lot more than I should. I wasn't trying to be a drama queen or anything. Just going through a fit of depression. I don't think I will be leaving and would like to have this thread removed. I'm sorry for being a burden on others. This whole thing about that thread and how many people got effected by it, really got to me.
  3. kvnchrist


    Up front, I would like to say, I loved my dad, but I will use my memory of him to set this debate up. My dad was a small man, not over 5'5" which is not much smaller than I. He was also an angry man. His sisters, my aunts told me he was the baby of the family and was pampered, as such. What I mostly remembered of him was his anger, that would explode into instant rage, every time something happened that would not work as he expected. To me he thought he was entitled to things, even taking the money I had from a settlement on a accident, I had, when I was still a minor. I don't know how much the courts gave mje, but he got a landau roof and an Italian carburetor for a 4 cylinder Pinto hatchback. I think he was trying to get peoples admiration by what he owned, instead of what he was inside. This condemned him to do the exact opposite, all of his life than that which most likely would have gained him what he sought, everywhere else. He never even contemplated working on his attitude. He was a confirmed Democrat that worked a union job, that hated Black people with a passion. He always talked about their welfare Cadillac but continually voted for the same party that supported such entitlements. I think it wasn't about the Democrats, or the republicans, The Blacks, whites, reds, yellows, or greens. I think it was all about himself. He hated what he wasn't more than anything, but wouldn't take the first step in addressing that. I think this is where hatred comes from and the bigotry is the excuse that comes out of seeing others with something they see as better than they have, like a life. Has anyone got anything to add to this. I would greatly appreciate your take on just where all the hatred comes from and any experiences that you may want to provide is welcome.
  4. kvnchrist


    Because adults have learned to fear the different. Is it fear or is it hate. From what I've seen prejudice comes out of bitter people.
  5. kvnchrist


    Imagine a place where adults followed the lead of their children and welcomed everyone, without prejudice or hatred.
  6. kvnchrist


    By agendas, I mean those that are so sure of their causes that they are unable to see the consequences of their actions. I know that many think that these are mostly left wing, like the hard core environmentalists and those on the left of PETA, but there are some that are just as blind on the right as well. Take for instance The Tea Party congress people who simply refuse to budge on any legislation other than to reduce what both parties have been engaging in for the last half century. ]The government has been on a spending spree for a long time. There has been little to no oversight on any of this stuff and they expect to march into office and simply cut an artery, in order to stop the flow of money. People have become addicted to government handouts and this addiction needs to be slowly closed off, not have someone pull the plug and tell everybody else to go screw themselves. They point to Greece and what's happening in England as to examples of what might happen here, yet they are trying to bring on the same situation. The panic happened over there, because what was promised, could not be given. These governments I think waited to the bitter end, before throwing up their hands and saying, "It's over!" If this is in Americas future, It should slowly crank the spicket closed and do it in a manner that doesn't cause panic. Their was too much hype given to this situation, for political gamesmanship. It was more a stump speech for thee supporters on either side and concluded with the most ludicrous concoction, that government has ever created. You tell me, why we pay these peoples salaries, so they can set back and chew their cuds, while a committee chosen by them can set in a smaller room and discuss what we pay the full house to do. People talk about President Obama and his committees, and they go about things in the same way. Sorry for getting off topic, but this is what happens, when people with agendas are given unlimited air time. Nothing is completed and everything stalls to a halt. I know there was a recent example of this here, but this question has been simmering around in my mind, for a long time. This goes hand in hand with an older post I did on Idealism.
  7. kvnchrist


    I was wondering just what people think of those with agendas. Are they open minded or simply trying to force their ideals down other throats? My personal beliefs are that they aren't beholding to anyone, but will reach out to those Left or right, that more closely resembles their ideals. They will use anything and anybody to further their agendas. These agendas are not debatable and to the promoter it is as close to a belief system as one can get without going into a banned subject here. I think that such activity should be banned as well, since refuting a persons agenda will only spur them on and ultimately create a flame war. There is no up side to discussing these things. IMO.
  8. kvnchrist


    I don't know what it is. Either I'm not doing things correctly or others attempts to forced their own agenda on my posts, but it seems that, whatever the case what I've posted have given the staff more headaches than they should. This is a marvelous place, ran by some very interesting people and the members here. The intellectual prowess of many here is staggering and I wanted to hear what you all have to say, but it's not worth the pain of seeing either, by my own stupidity or the egotistic self interest of others what I post be locked. I've always wondered, when I look at a locked post if the next poster would have posted something that would have extinguished the anger, but I guess those who took it upon themselves to further their own agendas have lost us that little piece of wisdom. The staff here is doing an exceptional job, and I wish those who want nothing more than to hear their own words and force their own ideals would have seen the writing on the wall. I think BUDDAH was quite specific, direct and accurate when he assessed the last situation, and he was ignored. DarkeWolf was justified in locking my last thread. Not that he needs me to justify anything, but fully agree with him. I am not posting this because I think my leaving is an Earth shattering event that will bring upon the collapse of society as we know it. Just a passing thought that some of us need to stop thinking of our opinions as if they were noteworthy to the Gods. We, as members here, are all equal and need understand that there are times when we need as much composure as our writings. I will drop by, every now and then, but I think my days in the debate area are over. I'm totally burnt out.
  9. You do actually. If you don't then I will assume you can't. Arcane20 No one needs to explain their actions on the desire to do something legal to you or anyone else. Just because it is your conviction, not to does not give you the authority to determine this. If you want to be an animal rights activist, then I have posted a topic on that very subject. Please take your arguments there, because this post is more about cruelty to domestic animals, not those produced for food stuffs. Thank you.
  10. I think you should refrain from textbook definitions and look into your own experiences. Did you have a grandma, and if so did you visit her as a child. I want you to think of the feelings you had, when you were around her. were they warm? Did those feelings bring you joy? If so, weren't they beautiful memories? The thing is, by a textbook definition beauty is considered both inner beauty and outer beauty. My friend, what I'm trying to tell you is that beauty is more than the definition. Someone once said that we are more than the some of all our parts. This is true for beauty, as well. Art even more so. They both make us think and reason beyond ourselves. Textbook definitions are cut and paste. What true beauty and inspirational art brings to the world is beyond the meer words others have placed in books. You guys might think me strange, but in a way your very words are art, to me. They bring forth thoughts and ideas far beyond what we alone can create.
  11. I think you should refrain from textbook definitions and look into your own experiences. Did you have a grandma, and if so did you visit her as a child. I want you to think of the feelings you had, when you were around her. were they warm? Did those feelings bring you joy? If so, weren't they beautiful memories?
  12. Yes it is! It is very deep. Sometimes all the way to a persons core. Would you say the Mother Theresa was beautiful? I know, to those lepers that she attended to, she was the most beautiful creature alive.
  13. What is the true definition of beauty. Is it the flesh our bodies are encased in or the soul within? Is it the kind hand of a stranger reaching out to us or the stunning image of of our hearts desire, painted up like a toy doll?. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then what actually is art. Who defines it and who determines when and if it extends beyond the confines of acceptable limits? Why does it acquire value far beyond what will sustain the bodies of those who perchance it? Dose possessing it really make us any better than we are or just add to our prestige?
  14. Intelligence is a gift. lack thereof is a curse. Believe me, I have suffered through the lack of this gift many times. There are those who suffer with me, who have not learned just how easy it is to overcome this curse and there are those who openly despise those on greater intellect. Those of the later persuasion are destined to remain in the small world their thought capacity restricts them too. These people are lost, by choice and deserve where and, with who, they end up. There are those who try to surround themselves with those that can learn from and listen. They ask questions, but this doesn't necessarily mean that they will agree with those listened to. Some ideals and beliefs are deeply seated, and skepticism is always healthy. We have a responsibility to grant each other, no matter how intelligent or dimwitted we seem, the respect to be heard. Trouble comes when we disrespect either side, by becoming arrogant and talking down to others by one side or simply closing our minds and ranting personal opinion, by the other. I have seen this on both sides of the intellectual divide and all it does is lead to more walls than doors. I am not immune to any of these.
  15. Must not reply Must Not reply Must Not Reply Got something to say, say it. Just be prepared for an appropriate response. Let's not, m'kay? - Vagrant0
  16. Dude. It's a joke, Ok. Nothing serious, just a joke. My brother married into a family from Arkansas. I'm from Kansas and my daughter lives in San Antonio, Tx. I like jokes. I see one every time I look at my paycheck stub. Nothing I do or post is something meant to be demeaning or derogatory, unless someone pisses me off.
  17. I got this idea from another forum. Just thought it would do well here. What was the worst job you've ever had in your life and why did you keep it? While I was still drinking and drugging, If found myself living with my natural brother. I had exhausted all my other options and took a job at a fancy Mexican restaurant as a dishwasher. I had to ride a bike made for someone half my age, about 10 miles, back and forth to work and slept on the living room couch. I started out about and hour before I had to report to work and got home, after closing, about 01:00 in the morning. still soaking wet, with dish water The place I worked at made me wash dishes as fast as I could and give them up for the next order, even though they still had food still caked on from the last. I kept doing that until I was picked up by the police one night on my way home. I had forgotten a ticket I had gotten and spent the night in jail, covered in that dish water.
  18. Cletus is passing by Billy Bob's hay barn one day when, through a gap in the door, he sees Billy Bob doing a slow and sensual striptease in front of an old green John Deere. Buttocks clenched, he performs a slow pirouette, and gently slides off first the right strap of his overalls, followed by the left. He then hunches his shoulders forward and in a classic striptease move, lets his overalls fall down to his hips, revealing a torn and frayed plaid shirt. Then, grabbing both sides of his shirt, he rips it apart to reveal his stained T-shirt underneath. With a final flourish, he tears the T-shirt from his body, and hurls his baseball cap onto a pile of hay. Having seen enough, Cletus rushes in and says, "What the world're ya doing, Billy Bob?" "Good grief, Cletus, ya scared the bejeebers out of me," says an obviously embarrassed Billy Bob. "But me 'n the wife been havin trouble lately in the bedroom d'partment, and the therapist suggested I do something sexy to a tractor."
  19. Well I'm an incurable romantic from way back. I believe there is someone out there for everybody. I, also believe you will most likely find this person, when you are not looking.
  20. I would like to ask you guys how would you handle the situation, if you were the parent in this video Child slaps his mother
  21. Validity is relative to the observer. I could Google up several sources to refute any finding by any one group and find a hundred people who would think each finding as valid as the next group. What matters is perception, since that will be what people believe. If you would look at figure 12 on that pdf file you linked to that proves my point. If these statistics come from The Justice Department as HeyYouy stated I wouldn't put very much trust in them. I've heard talk that there have been studies claiming an overwhelming number of convicts were spanked as a child, which gives the perception that the discipline they received as a child turned them to a life of crime. Though I've never seen any study outside the criminal system along the same lines. One group says spanking is abuse and the other side says, "Spare the rod, spoil the child". Both sides look at the world around them, pick out the statistics they want to use and then claim that as proof. I'm not interested in how many so-called scientific studies can be found. I'm interested in what people think, personally. I'd rather hear what A dyed in the wool liberal, who has experience under their belt, than some aloof bureaucrat correlating data for political expedience. I don't trust government. No government. I couldn't care less if it is ran by a Democrat or a Republican.
  22. At what time does parental discipline become abusive and who should make the call? For a long time I have heard the argument that the government has been encroaching on the rights of parents to disciple their children, and have actively sought to take rights from parents. I was wondering if that was just a paranoid reaction or a valid point that needs addressed. Are the rise in criminal acts a direct consequence of the government overstepping their boundaries. Is the lack of parental attention or just lack of the skills necessary to parent their kids?
  23. Well, I still think that legalizing drugs will both remedy the violence on the border and give the American Economy a boost. Drugs would not have the bad boy mystique that it does now. That would make it less appealing to the youth of today. It would also allow growers inside the U.S. to get another cash crop. It would surely have quality control placed on it and be taxable. Also, I think that a lot of these countries are effected by our drug policy, and would turn around if America legalized theirs. There would be drug trade, instead of drug smuggling between these countries. I know the cartels would find some other vice, but how many of these other vices would effect whole areas of the countries.
  24. kvnchrist

    Role Models

    Why is it, that so many in our society look to those people we have so little in common with as those to be role models for our youth. These people who make movies, or have made careers in sports or entertainment or politics. Most of these people have nothing in common with us as individuals. They seem to think they have the wisdom to tell us how to dress, what to eat and what to think, but they have, for the most part, left our world of living and struggling to make ends meet. They are on an entirely different playing field, with rules and guidelines all their own. What they can do and get away with, would most likely end us in jail, and who's to say if they have any clue to what we have to go through to keep our heads above water. Is it a case of class envy that we place these people in such a glittered light. Does the fac6t that these people have more money and influence, somehow make them immune from the same headaches and problems that we have to endure, or is it that they are in the spotlight more than we, and we crave the glitter and glamor of the foot lights. Why should we not try to be the best we can be and become a role model ourselves. We are the ones that our children see the most of. Why should we idolize those who we know so little about and concentrate on making us more appealing to the youth around us. It is always OK to dream, but when dreams become an obsession, then reality suffers and we find ourselves unprepared for what is directly ahead of us, and we fail at being the most important person to ourselves and those around us. That is the person we are. I ask you. What is wrong with who we are that we look elsewhere for being a goal for success.
  25. Well, if it comes down to what I think it will. Who will have to do it? We are talking the equivalent of a rouge state here.
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