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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. kvnchrist


    Love is a thing of giving and of sacrifice. It takes nothing but the time spent and the effort expressed.
  2. kvnchrist


    If love and hate are both just chemical reactions, why do they do the exact opposite, to the person feeling them. You look at a person full of hate and you see a person quite often alone, because of the level of anger, within them. . A person full of love is pretty much the adhesive in many long and lasting friendships. They bring people together. Love isn't triggered by the mixing of chemicals. It's triggered by the attitude and Ideals for the person in question.
  3. kvnchrist


    There is no science in the needs and desires of love. That's where Philosophy comes in. You can't explain things of the heart by observation. If it could you would not here the phrase, "I don't know what she sees in him", ever again.
  4. kvnchrist


    Love. Maybe, I'm getting too deep into my own experiences. I know I'm the only one who has experienced them, and I apologize for that.
  5. kvnchrist


    Where have you looked for proof My heart! /scarasm Where am I supposed to look for proof? Where is your proof for it being anything else? It's all around me. Maybe you should look there too; Love, Appreciation, courtesy, kindness, compassion, respect. I never found anything even remotely considered love until I found out I liked myself. I finally realized that who I am is wonderful. What took that from me, in the first place is me trying to be what everyone wanted me to be. Once I found myself, I started seeing love in a lot of places I once only saw envy, before. What? Break it down. Appreciation, courtesy, kindness, compassion and respect are all different forms of expressing love. Love for your fellow man. I at one time couldn't see that, because I was so into me. I was always trying to be everything to everybody. Trying to apart of the in crowd, trying to be something everybody else wanted me to be, that I didn't give who I actually was a chance. I hated myself for such a long time, and ended up trying so hard to be liked, that I actually pushed people away. Once I stopped looking everywhere else for the perfect me, I found out I was as close as I could ever get to perfection and that allowed me the peace of mind to see love where it exists. It's everywhere, man.
  6. kvnchrist


    Where have you looked for proof My heart! /scarasm Where am I supposed to look for proof? Where is your proof for it being anything else? It's all around me. Maybe you should look there too; Love, Appreciation, courtesy, kindness, compassion, respect. I never found anything even remotely considered love until I found out I liked myself. I finally realized that who I am is wonderful. What took that from me, in the first place is me trying to be what everyone wanted me to be. Once I found myself, I started seeing love in a lot of places I once only saw envy, before.
  7. Could the self esteem programs of the last few decades have wiped out the humility of these kids. Could it be said that the governments intrusion on the rights of the parents is coming back to haunt us, with these kids acting out like this, because they care only for themselves. What has caused the rise in violence? Why are these kids so attracted to gangs. Is it the lack of opportunities caused by a lack of education, or just the hype caused be popular music and the gang mystique that surrounds it?
  8. kvnchrist


    Where have you looked for proof
  9. I think as our society becomes more and more dependent on technology and less upon other people we loose a lot of our humanity and humility. I grew up in the late 60's, early 70's and things were a lot more personal then. Now it is a me, me, me, I, I, I society of thrill junkies. There have always been clicks that run around together. Some more destructive than the other, but register and log into a site that is filled with people who disagree with you, Post a topic that angers them and you will see a Monkeysphere in action. I just walked away from a site like that. It wasn't pretty.
  10. HEY PUBULIK EDUKASION AT IT'S FINEST! I tried spelling the whole thing by verbalizing but I thought it too hard to read. Have you seen the literacy rate in American schools. Education_in_the_United_States#Funding_for_K.E2.80.9312_schools education-portal.com/articles/Illiteracy_The_Downfall_of_American_Society
  11. Ive, thought of doing it several times. I agree with LP. The only way that it should be ok is if there was no hope of curing something afflicting you and all you had to look foreword to was existing in pain and seeing the pain on the faces of those you love.
  12. Please read the following and give me your opinios on acts like these. I'm not talking petty crimes here. I'm talking serious crimes that physically hurt people. It blows my mind that the judge here scolded her when he should have had her in irons, to push the point, further. We can't play paddy cake with these kids. They know what death is and those that are in gangs make a living off this stuff. My link
  13. Is it the money we spend or the way it is spent. Is it as political as the rest of our society is, or is it favoritism that works against itself. Is it because the dept. of education and the teachers unions, like the right says or the lack of funding, like the left says. I sometimes believe that it is an orchestrated attempt by those in power to dumb down the populous, so they can be easily lead. Wither they are on the left or the right. The power of the government is increasing and that of the citizen is depleting.
  14. kvnchrist


    I believe that love is something we all have inside of us. It is not a bottomless well, but the desire for love is eternal. Lets call this well a reservoir, because Love is really a finite resource. It can only pour out for so long and at so much a pace, until it runs very low and then dries up. At that time you become cynical and some turn to hanging on others, hoping and envying the love they have with others. I think that a persons need the love that they have inside them, and the desire to fill that very special desire can never be totally fulfilled. They can fake what they truly desire and lie to themselves as well as their partners, but this will only be a substitute. The only way that they can fully be the person they are is to find the love they desire and embrace it in the arms of those they need. Only then can this reservoir be replenished and this will allow them to pour more of that love out as the milk of human kindness out upon the rest of the world.
  15. I've been thinking about the social situation in America and the debt crisis the better part of the western world is going through and I was wondering just what LBJ would think if he could come back and see America today. (1) Would he see a success or would he see a failure? (2) Would the programs put in place so long ago have accomplished their purpose or did they just Keep the status quo? (3) Could there have been a better way to do what he wanted to do?
  16. I've known for a long time that most of the news agencies in America have a certain bias, as far as their reporting, I'[ve seen them sensationalize and pander to their core audiences. I was wondering where you guys get your news from and also what do you think about the level of reporting in today's media. Do they try to inform the public or indoctrinate the public, into their own philosophy
  17. kvnchrist


    First of all I haven't allowed anything to slip.Saying that I somehow can control this thread is like saying I can herd cats. I have no control over other posters, especially since I haven't been on, but a few minutes in the last few days. I am a truck driver and depend ohn finding truck stops with exterior Wi-Fi to get on line, and that's when I have the time to get on. Which is seldom. What do you mean knowledge. Knowledge of what? Most of these relies are talking about clinical depression, which I have no experience in. I explained my actions thoroughly, and they were not without merit. I believe in the rights for everybody to be heard and respected. I believe in the right of every post to be answered respectfully and not be used as a reason why someone leaves a thread. I guess, since that hasn't happened to you, then you think you can judge me. If someone wants to leave a thread, do so, but don't degrade others posts while doing so.. The trouble with these web sites is that there are so many who do not look face to face with the target of their replies, so they think they don't need to respect them. I am old school, pre internet, so I know how to relate to people. I also know how to defend myself and will do so when there is need.
  18. kvnchrist


    Sorry, but it sounded to me that the person who I quoted was leaving the thread because my question was too stupid to respond to. As a matter of fact someone said that awhile back someone asked if the thread was still talking about Depression. and so he was leaving. I'm not the smartest person but I don't think my comments are stupid enough to make people leave a thread
  19. kvnchrist


    It could be. Some people who stay inside their homes for too long will develop stir craziness (for anyone who doesn't know what this is, it's basically just a form of anxiety). However, stir craziness, I don't think, causes psycological problems, which if it did, is the only thing I can think of that free time could contribute to. So do I think stir craziness causes it? No, but it sounds like an interesting cause should it be true. Me thinks cabin fever fit's in there as well, as would self-isolation. A couple of pages ago Grannywils asked if this topic was about depression. It was, but it sure isn't now. Now it's flowed over into the realm of fantasy, invented theories and supposition. Before I bow out also I'd just like to say that isolation and cabin fever (so called) are more often the RESULT of depression than a cause. I also cannot imagine anyone becoming depressed because they had too much free time... :ermm: unless there were predisposing circumstances, none of which fit here. Anxiety (Not cabin fever ) :wallbash: is also PART of the depression state, depending on the type of depression. where do you think any tried and true method of dealing with such things comes from. It comes from speculation that is tested and proven to work. Do you really think those who pioneered mental illness sounded any more scientific when they started asking questions. Get a grip man.
  20. Sorry man, but I think everybody has horror story's like that. We've all gone through it. It's the dues you pay to get where you can actually make money that comes closer to paying your bills. I was a dishwasher at several places in Kansas City, that made me realize that just because it was classy on the outside, doesn't necessarily mean it's a class business. I've seen my fare share of high profile restaurants being closed down by the health dept.
  21. It's crazy. That young and that much talent. You really get to wonder just how so many get where they've always wanted to be, just to find out just how little is actually there.
  22. kvnchrist


    Is activism something that comes from the desire to change social patterns for the betterment of man or just to have something to do when nothing else sounds good. Is it addictive to those who wish the power to force others simply for the sake of change. What is the end game. Do these activists look beyond the present to any side effects of their actions or are they there just to be a part of a cause and have no concern about the aftermath of their actions. Can this activity become a part of a persons identity, where they actively look for causes to react to.
  23. If you could go back in time and change any political, social, catastrophic event in peace time or in war what would you change and how do you think that change would effect present day events.
  24. Gang culture? Really? Yep, and I'm disgusted. Where's the ACLU on this one. It is defiantly a targeted bill
  25. He needs to be charged with about 12,000,000,000 volts of electricity and be carrying a bag of microwave popcorn in his hand for good measure.
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