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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. kvnchrist


    I think I am done here. Hey, it just popped into my head. I thought it might make things interesting. The topic seems to be loosing speed and I've learned a lot by reading the responses. Plus they can't always be a gem!
  2. kvnchrist


    Could it possibly be stated that the reason that there are so many mental diseases out there is that we have much more time to absorb the happenings of today. I mean 100 years ago most of our time was spent just surviving. We were a much more agrarian society, without the technology we have to aid us today. Could the increase of free time be working against us mentally. And If so, is that an act of nature, and if so, could we use hard work to rid ourselves of some of these illnesses. Just a thought.
  3. Quit trying to act like this isn't a big deal, read the news articles I posted. This involves hacking into murder victims phones, bribing police, and even trying to convince the prime minster to stop investigations. Its not a left wing company, News Corp as a whole donates massive amounts of money to right wing candidates. It isn't that it is a big deal. It is that the left isn't on it because it is. The left wouldn't care if it was Murdock steeling an orange. They would still come after him with everything that they had. You've already acknowledged that other news services are doing the same thing, which bribing the police is one of those things.so we can take that off the table. I never said it was left or right, but according to you it gives massive amounts to the right. How many duckies has it contributed to the left? Do you know? My argument that the left would not be so keen one seeing his company branded if he weren't as successful stands. Look at Air America. Look at several left leaning news papers and magazines in the U.S. They are loosing their butts, but not because of do things underhanded. It's because their fare is so unsavory to their own readers. This is the same way. People aren't as stupid as the pundits hope they are. The goose steppers will be drawn, drooling and slobbering to this, but the rest of the world sees it in the correct respective. The left aren't making a big deal out of it because of fox news, Right. They are salivating over it and getting out their nooses as we speak. If this was Msnbc, you could hear crickets chirping. What about, what I've heard here about the left over there in England running from their attachments with Murdoch, when they were in power.
  4. Quit trying to act like this isn't a big deal, read the news articles I posted. This involves hacking into murder victims phones, bribing police, and even trying to convince the prime minster to stop investigations. Its not a left wing company, News Corp as a whole donates massive amounts of money to right wing candidates. It isn't that it is a big deal. It is that the left isn't on it because it is. The left wouldn't care if it was Murdock steeling an orange. They would still come after him with everything that they had. You've already acknowledged that other news services are doing the same thing, which bribing the police is one of those things.so we can take that off the table. I never said it was left or right, but according to you it gives massive amounts to the right. How many duckies has it contributed to the left? Do you know? My argument that the left would not be so keen one seeing his company branded if he weren't as successful stands. Look at Air America. Look at several left leaning news papers and magazines in the U.S. They are loosing their butts, but not because of do things underhanded. It's because their fare is so unsavory to their own readers. This is the same way. People aren't as stupid as the pundits hope they are. The goose steppers will be drawn, drooling and slobbering to this, but the rest of the world sees it in the correct respective.
  5. I find it incredibly amusing how bloodthirsty those on the left get when they think there is blood in the water that has somehow related to anyone that is even remotly attached to Fox News. If this was a more liberal company you could hear a pin drop. I just hope non of them is standing over a extension cord outlet that's plugged in,. With the drool salivating from some of their mouths, They would probably electrocute themselves.
  6. He threw a pie at him because he was a left wing crack pot that wanted to make a name for himself with his adolescent friends by assaulting a 90 year old man for kicks. You want to do something brave? Throw one at someone able to defend himself, not someone old enough to be your father or older. What have we got so civilized that we can't punish people for the simple audacity of assaulting elderly people. Should we give the same punishment for someone tripping a 90 year old lady than we do if they had tripped a 20 year old. He is actually a stupid comedian who was trying to get publicity. He wasn't doing it as a message or anything. I am pretty sure pies don't hurt much, I could be wrong though. The whole pie thing is just a distraction from the real issue in the long run. What if a clown came up and threw a pie at your grandfather as a joke at a circus? Would you start claiming he was a left wing crack pot who needs to be sent to prison for months? To be honest, the pie thing only pisses me off since it interrupted the questions and is now starting to be a bigger story then the scandal. Murdoch shouldn't of even been there on his own will. A massively illegal crime happened within his company, it should be required he at least answers questions. You have to remember that his company did not only invade the privacy of multiple people, it also involves bribing police. Well, I'm sure it wasn't a right wing comedian. His actions were based on his desire to gain fame with the people he associates with. It doesn't matter if the pie would hurt. Have you ever heard of common decency, or is that just a punchline in today's "WHATEVER!" society. You don't do that to elderly people, no matter what you think they've done. Stuff like this is common fare for activists and should be treated with the outrage that it provokes. What's the difference in doing that in the real world and flaming people here. The same result will be gained. As far as his company, his company didn't do anything. A portion of people in a portion of his company abused their offices. Do you really think other news organizations don't do the same thing. Look at all the tabloids over in this country. You think The National Enquirer is a prestigious news paper?
  7. kvnchrist


    Why do you think I post these. Not to stand out like the leading authority on such things. There's a lot of things I'm well versed in and some that I was. Times change, attitudes change and we live and learn. Sometimes what we thought we knew wasn't anything but a illusion. The best thing we can do, is be ready, willing and able to except plausable information for what it is and absorb it into your mindset and continue to learn. I thank you for your information.
  8. He threw a pie at him because he was a left wing crack pot that wanted to make a name for himself with his adolescent friends by assaulting a 90 year old man for kicks. You want to do something brave? Throw one at someone able to defend himself, not someone old enough to be your father or older. What have we got so civilized that we can't punish people for the simple audacity of assaulting elderly people. Should we give the same punishment for someone tripping a 90 year old lady than we do if they had tripped a 20 year old.
  9. Just what is the time for grand standing by trying to throw a pie on the news? Long enough to mend a broken jaw. The reason these assholes do these things ios because they know that they will;l be arrested and taken out in handcuffs to a nice cell so that they can brag about to their friends. Take out the nice little jail cell and insert a hospital bed with a couple of broken ribs, a broken jaw and two blacked eyes, with all the pain that goes with that and you won't see that person doing that agin, at all.
  10. In a nutshell, I'm asking if you would vote for a person who you know won't actually vote the way you want him to, just to keep one house or the other under your parties control. I don't care what side you back.
  11. Would you vote for a person who's voting history clearly is contradictory of your values just because he was from the party you supported, if it meant that the other party would control one of the houses of congress, if he was not elected.
  12. I was in a government program, called JOB CORPS, when I was younger. They seen me t0o a place called Weber Basin Utah Which is about 20 miles North of Salt Lake City. This was about 1974-5. This was the first time I flew in a plane, and boy the scene was amazing. It looked like one of those dioramas that they use for miniature railroad affectionados. It wasn't as mesmerizing that I failed to pick out points on the ground that looked flat enough for us to crash in. lol Utah, was a strange and wondrous place. It was the first time a boy from Kansas had personally laid eyes on the mountains. I and another kid from southern Kansas thought at one time, we could climb the mountain that set right above, where the base was. After a couple of hours, we were still incite of the base and thoroughly exhausted, we abandoned our Lewis and Clark expedition, for a cold Pepsi and a comfortable chair to literally die in. Though there were literally hundreds of sights that crossed my eyes during that time. The most majestic was the sight of a buck deer, fully horned with antlers that crowned him like a king of the mountain. I first saw him when he was standing a few hundred feet above me on an outcropping. He stood there as grand as ever for a few seconds and then turned towards the mountain top and slowing climbed till he was out of my sight. I can still envision that awesomeness today, some 30 years latter.
  13. If you had the knowhow, the money and the time, what game would you design and what would be the overall theme behind it. What storyline would it have and how would it end? Would it be more action or more puzzle solving. Would it be open ended or have a set number of tasks to perform. Would it have a human, emotional feel or just a hard, razors edge type of appeal. Could you save it anytime, or would you have to reach a certain area or have a certain device to save. Would the ending be set or would there be multiple endings having to do with the route the player4 took?
  14. Like I said man. Entertainment for the bored stiff. I thought it was something wierd and didn't have anything else to post. Sorry!
  15. I've always been one to look back at things nostalgically. I'm not stuck in the past, but I'd like to say that I try to see what can be learned from what has come before us. I've noticed that there seems top be a fixation on things that are new and so-called improved, though I've seen several new editions of old products that haven't exactly worked the way they were advertised. I can't understand why there are sop many people out there that have a visceral need to possess the newest version of anything that comes on the market, I've seen people stay outside dept stores for days just to get a new game, or new tech toy. Why do these people put themselves out like this, for something you can turn off with a switch?
  16. Try to place your cursor on his head. My link
  17. I just hope that everybody is looking out for one another. I just saw a trucker in upstate Pennsylvania pass out due to heat exhaustion. I know the symptoms, since I was in the Army and was stationed in South East Georgia for 3 years. August was real fun.
  18. Childish crap like this really pisses me off. That guy should have had the crap beaten out of him. Activists like this doesn't do anything for justice they just want have their 15 seconds of fame.
  19. Well, I got tired of the Hitler channel, which is what many used to call The History channel a while back, But I like to learn stuff, which is why I belong to debate sites. can't learn from digging around in some burn for old oil cans or seeing someone want to pawn a fake historical document. I love History international, but very few motels have anything more than the basic cable fare.
  20. Don't you think if you take on a persona that doesn't work for you, that you are not grounded in the real world.
  21. Are we the persons we wish we could be or are we moving our lives in that direction. Do we allow our successes to devour us or condemn ourselves because of our failures? I have, and always will be a person who goes out of his way to help those he is acquainted with. I have helped out those who I don't know, on a small scale, but no where near the degree that I have with those that I know. I have many times volunteered aid to those, even before I was asked, Which has lead me to very uncomfortable situations when I've spread myself out too thin and had to retract offers, when my income didn't rise to the occasion. I have had to force myself to not react to others hardships, which is incredibly hard at times. There has been times that I've ran myself into the poorhouse, when the outward cash flow didn't match or exceed the incoming one. I've become aware that this has become my ID, my identity, my standard bearer, my own brand of honor. It has become so much of my personality, that I have actually contemplated Suicide, when, by my own stupidity, I have jeopardized my career as a truck driver. Yes, I have more than once felt the tightness of rope around my neck than to go home, with my hat in my hand and nothing else to show for my life but memories and dust. Has anyone here ever become so much of one thing, that they would fear becoming someone of less stature, according to our standards of ourselves. Do we die inside, when we don't measure up to our own standards, or do we step back. See what works, and what doesn't and accentuate the positive things in our lives, while continuing to work on the negatives, to make them less negative. In a nutshell. Are we trapped inside a inflexible vision of what we wish to be?
  22. Every time I go home I usually turn on the TV for, at least background noise, while I type away on my computer. The channels I used to enjoy was The History channel, A&E, TLC and others like that. Recently, I have seen absolutely nothing about history on The History Channel and I was wondering If others have noticed this on other channels.
  23. kvnchrist


    What is that suppose to mean? Just what I asked. I've heard that all those kids that, like at columbine, and others were on these types of drugs or were coming down off of them, when they went off. I was asking if anyone knew anything about that, or was what I heard just a conspiracy theory.
  24. I know that the current economic crisis was caused by those in a higher pay grade than mine, but I've listened to more than a few that went through The Great Depression. I've heard that they grew up during that time had to make due with less. They too grew up saving much of what they earned, scrimping and saving instead of overusing and abusing the credit systems that were in place. I was wondering If you think the generation that is growing up today will equally frugal, or with the abundance of products out there, will they bury themselves up to their eyeballs in debt, as their parents did, before them?
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