Hello everyone, first post here in the forums and looking for a bit of assistance troubleshooting some apparel weirdness. I'm not new to modding FO4, but I don't have much experience in the armor and outfit realm. I'm currently having an problem with what I assume is a body morph issue, but not sure how to resolve it. I have several apparel items equipped which are all independent of one another. Gloves, watch, and the main armor/ outfit. The watch has been compatible with every other apparel item I've used so far, including vanilla and other mod apparel. Just can't get it to work with the new outfit. With this new outfit equipped, the watch is morphed beyond the actual proportions of the vanilla male base mesh. Unequipping the outfit returns the watch to normal. It's as if the outfit is changing the body dimensions of the mesh, but only affecting the watch and nothing else. It's affected in both 3rd and 1st person. I'm assuming the gloves aren't affected since they use the hand mesh, and not the body, correct? Please see images for reference. -Matt