Tried to run EW with a bunch of freshly downloaded mods, and I can't install a single one of them. The Patcher gives me "error decompressing *.upk" and "error patching UPK" messages, and that's that. Debug log:
Writing backups to D:\Mods\PatcherGUI/Backup/686144769/1497239303
xcomstrategygame.upk saved to backup directory
xcomstrategygame.upk.uncompressed_size saved to backup directory
Backup completed successfully
Executing external DecompressLZO program:
"D:\Mods\PatcherGUI/Binaries/Decompress.exe" "xcomstrategygame.upk" "D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW/xcomgame/cookedpcconsole/xcomstrategygame.upk"
******** xcomstrategygame.upk ********
*** ERROR: zlib uncompress() returned -3
appDecompress:CompSize=48907 UncompSize=131072 Flags=0x1 <- DecompressBlock:block=140+BF0B <- FUE3ArchiveReader::PrepareBuffer <- FUE3ArchiveReader::Serialize <- FArchive::ByteOrderSerialize <- FPackageFileSummary<<:Ver=0/0 <- UnPackage::UnPackage:xcomstrategygame.upk, ver=99999/0, game=0 <- Main
I have tried all obvious solutions like checking Patcher instructions, getting a clean install, running as admin, running the XP version, removing all read-only flags, etc.