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  1. Thanks for confirming it's not the mods or the game. I thought about compiling the executables from github, but stopped myself in time, went back to the UPKUtils page and just downloaded the zip archive instead of the 7z. It works like a charm now.
  2. I have tried that right after checking UPKUtils discussion page. But thank you nonetheless.
  3. Tried to run EW with a bunch of freshly downloaded mods, and I can't install a single one of them. The Patcher gives me "error decompressing *.upk" and "error patching UPK" messages, and that's that. Debug log: Writing backups to D:\Mods\PatcherGUI/Backup/686144769/1497239303 xcomstrategygame.upk saved to backup directory xcomstrategygame.upk.uncompressed_size saved to backup directory Backup completed successfully Executing external DecompressLZO program: "D:\Mods\PatcherGUI/Binaries/Decompress.exe" "xcomstrategygame.upk" "D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW/xcomgame/cookedpcconsole/xcomstrategygame.upk" ******** xcomstrategygame.upk ******** *** ERROR: zlib uncompress() returned -3 appDecompress:CompSize=48907 UncompSize=131072 Flags=0x1 <- DecompressBlock:block=140+BF0B <- FUE3ArchiveReader::PrepareBuffer <- FUE3ArchiveReader::Serialize <- FArchive::ByteOrderSerialize <- FPackageFileSummary<<:Ver=0/0 <- UnPackage::UnPackage:xcomstrategygame.upk, ver=99999/0, game=0 <- Main I have tried all obvious solutions like checking Patcher instructions, getting a clean install, running as admin, running the XP version, removing all read-only flags, etc.
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