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Everything posted by Halsfield

  1. Much appreciated immok, that answered pretty much everything I was looking for.
  2. I've just returned to playing oblivion again after a few years (started playing originally when it first came out so however long its been since then). I could use some help finding a few specific mods. 1)Stop Shopekeepers from Following - I don't know if I'm thinking of another game or if i just can't f but I seem to remember a mod that kept shopkeepers/npcs from following you around indoors. I just find this completely annoying and a tad unrealistic (in some cases). It also seems like they run to your position instead of walking and changing that would be nice as well(might be impossible without doing so for all npcs I guess?). 2)Horse-summon - I'm also looking for a working horse-call mod (ie you get off the horse in dense forest, run off to kill something, and can't find her or don't want to walk to her). I've tried steed-call rebuilt but some aspects don't seem to work properly, and it requires binding(which may be necessary I guess). 3)No Horse Stealth "spotting" - Another mod I cannot seem to find that I seem to recall is one that keeps your horse from giving you a "spotted" icon when stealthed (ie you jump off your horse, go into stealth-mode, and no one is able to see you except the horse and you have the filled-in stealth icon). 4)Body/Face Replacement - A mod I can't really decide on (simply because of the volume of similar mods) is one which would make faces/bodies better (especially the female bodies, which I find rather matronly). I'm not looking for full-on xxx bodies, but just more natural and beautiful(sexy is fine but I don't really want porn star bodies or lingerie style clothing on everyone). There are so many mods that it just makes it hard to know which one is the best for what I want. 5)Steal/Loot All Equipped - I'd like to find a mod that allows you to steal everything a person is wearing instead of just some gold and maybe a useless key (I think there used to be one that allowed this while sleeping which would be fine). 6)Armor Compilations - I have OOOverhaul installed, but any other good armor/item compilations that are good quality would be great. Or just any good weapon/armor retextures/additions that you recommend. I'm also having some sort of issue with OOOverhaul (and possibly natural environments?). Something is causing my grass slider to constantly reset to full distance and it is causing a lot of video lag. I tried disabling all mods (besides the official ones) with no luck. I tried manually setting it in the .ini file but no luck there either, the best I can do is thin the grass out to almost nothing. If anyone has had this issue or knows how to fix it please help me out. I havent really used these forums much so if there is somewhere better for this type of post I'd be happy to ask there. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
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