I would like to help test this mod out for you when you release it. The problem with a new ammo is that a lot of people are doing that with their weapon mods and it would clutter the game with ammo for weapon X and weapon Y or you would either have one gun that you can hardly find and ammo all over the place for it (which doesn't make sense) or you'd have a super awesome gun but no ammo to feed it with. I've run into this problem with some of vash's mods, I've had to downgrade to the .44 version of the desert eagle mod. So what I'm saying is that it would help if you had at least two weapons that used the same ammo. Perhaps someone can follow this mod up with a different .50 BMG rifle, something like a single-shot or a bolt action that uses the same ammo, preferably something not made by Barrett to mix it up a little. Because at least in this case there's no getting around the need for a new bullet in order to make this work. After all a Barrett M-82 in .308 doesn't make much sense. The other problem with weapon mods that I keep seeing is that not only is the weapon somewhat rare but it's not cross-repairable with anything in the game, so you have to constantly buy new ones or carry around dozens of them to keep one in full working order. You can save the players a lot of headaches by making it cross-repairable with the sniper rifle or something like that.