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  1. Bean0

    Ban for Fun

    Ban alex for giving someone ban protection.
  2. Whoa, that would be a nice remodel of the recon armor.
  3. There's just one little hitch. The sea level in F3 looks like it went down instead of up. If it went up as much as it would if the ice caps melted (a few hundred feet) most of the wasteland would be inundated. So if this mod works within the boundaries of the vanilla F3 setting (and I'm guessing it doesn't) there would need to be some secret, ancient, invisible 200 foot dam surrounding the southeastern area of the Capital Wasteland for the complete inundation of NYC to really work. But if it's a standalone mod with an alternate story and setting then this isn't an issue at all.
  4. Well if we can get the animations sorted out I think the stats should look something like this. -50 round mag -6 pounds -high ROF -.32 ammo (since it's bottlenecked anyway) -VERY low damage but shreds and bypasses armor. (we might need to check if that's scriptable) -25AP per burst -costs 500 caps that way if NPCs carry it the gun wouldn't be unbalanced. It wouldn't do all that much damage to you but it would royally bork up your armor so you'd dread an encounter with an NPC carrying one. Especially if they were in a squad because then one would destroy your armor and the rest would shoot you to bits now that it doesn't protect you. At the same time it's more useful to you because NPCs have less health than you do and therefore the low damage issue doesn't come up as much as it does for them, at the same time if you like scavenging armors this will make you put your repair skill to use.
  5. There's one problem I have noticed with all the M82 models in CSS is that the world model is way too small. I hope that wouldn't translate over to F3.
  6. Statistics and arguments aside, how is the actual creation of this weapon coming along?
  7. Sounds pretty good. I'm looking forward to it.
  8. I'd like to see something like this, but perhaps as a standalone mod. Or at least a huge new area of downtown DC that's crawling with ferals, with one safehouse in the middle or something.
  9. I fired a .50 Beowulf once and that was bad enough. I didn't shoulder the rifle properly so I almost dislocated my arm. Also Vash mentioned some master ammo file. That sounds like sex to my ears. Would certainly help alleviate a lot of concerns I have.
  10. Then it wouldn't be what I was originally asking for and therefor not as filled with spiffitude. Oh no I just came up with an altogether different idea. That would be for another mod. This looks like it's turning out good.
  11. I would like to help test this mod out for you when you release it. The problem with a new ammo is that a lot of people are doing that with their weapon mods and it would clutter the game with ammo for weapon X and weapon Y or you would either have one gun that you can hardly find and ammo all over the place for it (which doesn't make sense) or you'd have a super awesome gun but no ammo to feed it with. I've run into this problem with some of vash's mods, I've had to downgrade to the .44 version of the desert eagle mod. So what I'm saying is that it would help if you had at least two weapons that used the same ammo. Perhaps someone can follow this mod up with a different .50 BMG rifle, something like a single-shot or a bolt action that uses the same ammo, preferably something not made by Barrett to mix it up a little. Because at least in this case there's no getting around the need for a new bullet in order to make this work. After all a Barrett M-82 in .308 doesn't make much sense. The other problem with weapon mods that I keep seeing is that not only is the weapon somewhat rare but it's not cross-repairable with anything in the game, so you have to constantly buy new ones or carry around dozens of them to keep one in full working order. You can save the players a lot of headaches by making it cross-repairable with the sniper rifle or something like that.
  12. What if someone made a crossbow that fired railway spikes. Kind of like the HL1 and HL2 crossbow?
  13. I don't want to rain on your parade but I personally think that the Barrett is a cliche. It's overused. Why don't we make a different .50 sniper rifle for a change like an AR-50 or an AW-50 or a Sebru? Also the other problem is that we'd be making a gun that would use it's own ammo. We need some degree of interchangeability of ammos between weapons, just like the P90 that would be a pain with the light 50. Unless we make a handheld M-2 machine gun. But that would be wacky. Still, the more weapon mods there are the better. Keep up the good work. Also see if you can implement a mechanic where you can't fire one of these unless you're crouched. Thi is because the M82 is waay too heavy to be held let alone fired while standing.
  14. The P90 would need a new animation and probably a new ammo type which would be a pain. Either you'd find a lot of ammo all over the place for a gun you'd have a hard time finding or you'd have an awesome gun but it'd be useless because you can't scavenge ammo for it. Try thinking of weapon ideas that would use ammos already in the game, or ammos that another weapon could use. Also remember the "Alternate Universe Rule". If you want someone can make a P90 that uses .32 ammo.
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