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Everything posted by Zontafer

  1. This is the error I keep getting. Oblivion itself launches just fine with OBSE and the other pre-requisites (minus mods, just mod managers) installed - but it's just Wrye Bash that's crashing on me. Do I need to have mods installed in the first place for Wrye Bash to not crash? According to the video I watched, I shouldn't. And I don't want to go farther if my mod manager keeps crashing. I then got curious and tried moving the Moby folder from Oblivion to the Common folder in steam with all my games, it gave me the option of using it on my other elder scroll games and Fallout, and Oblivion was also there. I clicked on Oblivion and again, immediate crash. Yes, I've deleted the .ini under My Documents/Games/Oblivion several times, I've deleted the entire Oblivion folder in Steam multiple times, I ensured I installed it exactly in the same order as the video did and everything as was done in the video and I'm just at a loss. I'd really like to mod this game, but how can I even start if my mod manager is already broken?
  2. this was the video I followed and got to part 2 of you need reference
  3. So I've been trying to get this beautiful HD graphics mod in Oblivion, I've been watching this video literally step by step doing everything they've done, and when they start up wrye bash just fine, mine crashes every time. I've used BOSS before I ever started it up, I deleted the .ini and I set all the settings as they should be in vanilla, and even with 0 mods installed, wrye bash continues to crash. I can get the crash message it gives me later when I get home from work. But I use a windows 10 64 bit I also JUST installed Oblivion for the first time on this computer and am playing on Steam, I also purchased the Game of the Year edition, so that could also have something to do with it possibly, but it just included the DLC to my knowledge. I have never modded Oblivion being that I've only had it a few hours even. It should be as clean an install as it gets. And as far as I know, I'm not doing anything differently from the video below.
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