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  1. you are an absolute legend this worked for me and my game looks amazing now
  2. 1 thing I have noticed after having to restart the game multiple times is that you, your spouse and Shaun are all outside the vault when the bomb went off and you all get a little taste of the radioactive wind that blasts across the lift. of all the people in that vault, you and your family are in the minority that do not have dna that is free from radioactive contamination. I'm guessing that this falls into the bad writing catagory rather than part of the Father is not Shaun theory. if 1 of the other fan theories is correct, Deacon has got a pip-boy. he got it for his birthday, along with a BB gun and a sweetroll a few years before he set out to explore the Capitol Wasteland.
  3. but why test you? Father knows you didn't abandon him, you shouldn't have to prove anything to him. my theory is that Deacon released you from the vault because he wanted a loose cannon going after the institute and that's when Kellog went into hiding. then the institute send gen 1s out to stop you after they realise that the wasteland won't stop you. if it was a test, why didn't Kellogg say "congratulations, you've passed" instead of forcing a showdown? everything Father does is an attempt on your life until you come face to face with him and to me it looks like a "well that didn't work, let's try something else" situation using mind tricks and playing on your emotions rather than anything else. this fits if Father is The Old Man that Kellogg refers to in the vault. another problem with the timeline is that Kellogg would have left Diamond City recently after the courser took Shaun back to the Institute or his trail would have been too old for Dogmeat to follow and Ellie would not have remembered him living there if it had been that long ago. the other problem with the "test" theory is that even if you pass, you get exposed to radiation. that would render your DNA as useless to the Institute as the DNA of every raider and scavver. it doesn't make sense for Shaun to do that if he is Father and wants you to carry on his work. whatever the truth, I love the way Bethesda leave room for each player to have their own theories and how any of them could fit into the canon (although not all at the same time)
  4. AFT has options for companions riding in vertibirds AND dialogue options so they don't talk over each other (or at least keep that to a minimum, but then with a group of strong personalities I'd expect them to talk over each other sometimes). it also lets you tell your companions to set up a camp anywhere.
  5. very interesting points. I never believed that Father was Shaun. it is implied that Father orchestrated your release from vault 111, so why didn't Father send a Courser and a few gen 1s to rescue you and take you straight to the Institute? why did he just unfreeze you and leave you to your own devices in a world over-run with raiders and super-mutants (as well as mutated, dangerous wildlife), new diseases and lethal radiation storms? but if Father IS telling the truth, why are all the synths hostile to you the instant they see you? you don't have to do anything yet the synths attack you on site. it's only when you have killed Kellog and a courser and infiltrated the Institute that Father plays on your emotions, after messing with your head 1 last time by having the synth Shaun react with fear at the sight of you and then call someone else father. if Father really is Shaun, why is he punishing you?
  6. last year my PC crashed and then stopped working ð¢ I have recently got an Xbox and FO4 and I would really like to use the only mod I ever made. if someone would be kind enough to port it to xbox I would be eternally grateful. it is only a 1k file that edits the levelled lists for Diamond City guards so it should be relatively easy. I would do it myself but I don't have a PC any more. consider this permission to port it to PS4 as well as it only uses game assets so should work. the mod is Diamond City SWAT Wear Baseball Uniforms http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23372/? . thanks in advance Mighty Zog
  7. have you tried the different LUTs in Photorealistic Commonwealth? find a LUT that is close then use the ingame menu (usually the [End] key or [shift]+[Enter] ) to adjust the bloom, DoF, saturation, etc. here's video of the PRC UI tutorial which shows the basics of changing the settings and the different LUT film effects
  8. there are some Sim Settlement mods that work well for small starting settlements. Hunter Gather is an industrial plot that adds food and defense to get a settlement started. use the ASAM Meter on the plot to open the menu to choose which plot gets built to pick the hunter gather then when your settlement grows, use the ASAM Meter to pick a different plot that suits your settlement better Jib;s Residential adds a Victorian Doss House with multiple beds so you could get more workers with less housing plots. Northland Dggers has a lot of workstations you can assign settlers to that provide food or other resources.
  9. Defense Guns spawns in all leveled lists the Ru556 also spawns in the leveled lists everything in Skibadaa Weapon Pack Redux is in the leveled lists
  10. Corpse Cleaner allows you to completely salvage destroyed robots and collect some of the parts from them (arms, legs, etc) you need to get the magazines from traders (trashcan carla sells most of the mechanical salvage magazines)
  11. well it's working fine so far. I need to level up to build the console to manage all settlements, but it works great just using the cabinet.
  12. Beth does not need free mods. once Beth have a selection of freelance modders working for creation club, every free mod is competition. why buy from creation club when there are several free mods offering the same content? creation club is costing Beth money. anything that loses them a sale has cost them money.
  13. I'll be trying this out as soon as I load up my game :D
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