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About MagnusMac

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  1. Ive actually made an onactivate script, would that work?
  2. hello, I'm not a scripter, it'd be very helpful if someone could help me with a script. I need 3 scripts hopefully basic ones. the first is just when I activate a door it continues a quest. I've tried this but its never works. the other 2 are pretty much the same, I just need it so when you create a specific thing in the atronach forge , the quest continues direction.
  3. I'd like to know how to make it so when you get too a certain area and enter a new area it goes to the next stage. This is probably basic but thanks a ton anyway
  4. on NM? try the one on steam and see if it works
  5. says the douches, and you prob don't know much bout scripting, if at all. sorry grimm but I aint a scripter, good luck
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmfP_2Rc-q8
  7. as the title says, when I try to select a .NIF file it only shows me the files added by mods, any ideas?
  8. Correction, I've started work on it. But I have added something people may not agree with. I've made it so you need Skyre. This is for many reasons, mainly 1. This I'd the only way to truly make each guards combat style unique 2. It's also the only way to make their weapons and armor unique. I'll consider changing this and/or making a separate version without Skyre
  9. This would be quite easy actually, maybe a day of work in the CK, I'll keep this idea on my radar and if no one picks this up I might.
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