Hi there. I'm looking for help to finishing the Days Gone mod. things like zombie spawn, facilities, and others that I still think can be done better. if you want and can help i'll givemore info through PM. thanks guys
Does anyone know of a way to use the glasses (Sasquatch and swat) available in game for multiple characters? like just the glasses and not the rest of the outfit?
Hi guys. been searching for a way to edit the danger zones from lifeline and possibly applying them tho the main game and breakdown. so far I haven't found any files or code regarding the danger zones. anyone know something I haven't figured out yet?
Hey guys so I've been trying to change around with hoards... is there any tutorial on how to edit the zombies of the game, like hoard numbers, zombie tipes and infestation probability?
hey guys Daniel here. so I'm making the Days Gone mod and I've almost completed all the characters except for judge Lawton who I plan to change into Eda Tucker. but I've been having trouble for the past hours with editing the model. does anyone know a way to edit the hair of Judge Lawton?