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About GarglingGlass

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  1. I've been waiting patiently since the day SE dropped. At the time I was married with a family and had my whole family as followers and/or at home. From my little boy (who I set scale to be 4 feet tall with a warhammer the size of his body), to my step-daughter to my skank of an ex-wife. I was sure to shout her off of the throat of the world a time or two, but now it's just me and the boy and he needs to join me again because he likes to watch.
  2. I did a fresh Windows install about a year ago and just got around to re-installing SSE. The manager still had all my mods downloaded so I uninstalled them and reinstalled them in an appropriate order as well as sorting my load order with LOOT. When I first started a new game I crashed to desktop. I thought I might be because I added the overhaul to the opening scene, but still CTD. I loaded an old save I had using Live Another Life where I'm still in the abandoned prison and it worked just fine. Until I slept in the bed then I crashed to desktop. I later read in a thread that the mod will always work this way on a new game, but most of the people complaining about this were using ENB and that was the culprit. I don't use an ENB. Then I fiddled with some mods, selected the "I was robbed and left for dead" option, and was randomly generated on Solstheim. My game ran flawlessly until I tried to take the boat to Skyrim and CTD'd. This has happened to me before, I coc'd and CTD. So I downloaded the Oldrim mod with the trap door that leads to Windhelm. The mod worked, I was in the inn, but when I went to leave the inn and enter the Skyrim world space, I CTD. That leads me to believe that it's the province itself. Any thoughts? This is my load order. The only other things I'm using are FNIS and a ReShade which works flawlessly.
  3. I know you've tested your mods, and I don't want to sound counter-intuitive here, but with the sheer number of mods have you ruled out "bloat"?
  4. Oddly enough, my integrated card is neither in my BIOS nor my device manager. I thought it might be a driver issue too because it was happening really bad when the game first released, and I updated my driver about a week ago when I finally got around to playing it. I'm on a 750ti. Like I said, it seems totally random and only really happens bad or breaks it on startup, so I've just powered through it long enough to play or restarted if I've had to... I can always try to reinstall the drivers I suppose.
  5. I've had a problem with this game, seemingly randomly, flashing in and out completely. Sometimes sound continues, sometimes it doesn't (my sound is running through my GPU). Sometimes I can play for a bit, sometimes it'll do it once at startup, sometimes it flashes till I have to force close it (never crashed), and sometimes it stays black till I force close it. It's not my entire video crashing because my monitor never goes into stand-by. I've looked into setting my preferred gpu (I'm on a desktop) thinking it might be trying to switch to my onboard for some unknown reason, but that option isn't even available to me in my nVidia control panel. Some help??
  6. Can someone move this mod to Troubleshooting. I didn't realize I posted it here, and was a little drunk when I did... Maybe it'll get some attention and help there. Edit: It was Verdant Grass :(
  7. I've never really had NMM take a dump and me and have to do things all over again...
  8. Not sure if these pics will work. I don't know what would cause these because I don't have any landscape mods installed. THEN installed Skyrim 2017 Textures hoping it'd fix them but no. Has anyone seen this??
  9. On probably my 3rd playthrough of Dawnguard I'd guess (I don't always play it) but that brings another bothersome thought to mind. I understand that the Dawnguard are still recruiting. Thy need more people, I get it. But honestly? "Hi stranger, we're the Dawnguard. You're in! We need you to check out this secluded vampire den. Back up? Oh, no. We're all staying here to redecorate our enormous empty castle. Good luck." Guess I'll just go see what Farkas is up to.
  10. Like I said, it's just an observation. I'm not bothered by anything, and I kill everything. But if I were the vampires, I don't see why a full frontal assault was their brightest idea.
  11. Good enough answers I suppose lol. But the vampires all seem so lesser in this game. If a guard can beat the s*** out of me, then why are they so weak to not be vigilant? With the heightened security because of vampire attacks, and Dawnguard's random presence... once... Vigilants of Stendarr nowhere to be found but wondering the countryside. And I suppose those points go along with every other major city in Skyrim too. Also, if they're sneaking in so stealthily, why not go to the Drunken Huntsman or Bannered Mare before trying a full on slaughter? Instead they do it surrounded by guards at the guard base and outside of the biggest weapon's dealer in all of Skyrim.
  12. I get attacked by vampires often while screwing around in Whiterun at night, as I'm sure you do too. I had to walk up a lengthy, winding path to get to the Whiterun gates, laden with guards, before being questioned at the doors. But every single night a slew of vampires and their slaves waltz up to The Drunken Huntsman? Just an observation but any theories?
  13. I'm at end game. Now, with no real level cap, I'm just looking for fun things to do with my time. I can always rebuild more settlements, but I want some real "meat". Personally, I think my favorite side-quest was with the Cabot's. The WItch's house wasn't too bad (or involved). Looking for some more rich lore. Also, are the Zetans even in this game? And where might I find them?
  14. Honestly surprised there hasn't been one yet, but I would looooove it if someone made Cait less offensive to my eyes. Followed by less offensive to my ears.
  15. It's still Skyrim but won't be compatible with virtually any mod, and none of the DLC.
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