Hello, I've been modding Skyrim since... well since the day it came out, but I've always used too few and too innocuous of mods to require using Wrye Bash. However in my recent re-install I've gotten a bit more ambitious and I have a whole lot of mods running. My primary question is about Cloaks of Skyrim and Winter is Coming - Cloaks. When running Boss and using WryeBash, Wrye Bash only recommends a "Relev" tag on 1nivWICCloaks.esp, nothing on Cloaks.esp or 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp (the compatibility patch for WIC and Cloaks of Skyrim). I found that odd, but played on in the game, figuring WryeBash was smarter than me. Well I got to Whiterun in my new game to find that none of the guards were wearing either yellow Whiterun cloaks or WIC fur cloaks. I added Relev to Cloaks.esp and 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp, rebuilt the bashed patch, loaded a save well outside of Whiterun and walked to the city only to find that the guards still aren't wearing cloaks. What's going on? Not every guard will wear a cloak, but usually I could run around the city and eventually find one. There weren't any. Also, if any kind soul is willing, I'd appreciate any advice on my load order and the other Manual Bashed Tags I put in (in red below). The game seems stable in this order, BOSS did it for me, but I know that BOSS isn't perfect. Here's my load order: Could Wet and Cold be preventing the guards from wearing the cloaks when it's not cold out? Thanks for any help! I've never used WryeBash before.