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Posts posted by Aranox

  1. Sorry for this very late response, had some health-issues to take care of.

    I use a student-license of the latest 3Ds max, 2016 edition.


    I'm a sucker at texturing, I know how it works but like I said, I need a lot more learning.


    @ZDU, I have no smoothing groups what so ever even active, should I put them on then?


    Here's a token for both of your troubles friends,



    The Emperor Protects

  2. Hey guys

    I was wondering if anyone here would be able to help me out a bit. Like the title says, I'm trying to create a new model and put it in the game, I'm a giant W40k fan and I honestly saw a lot of potential for a Deathwatch-game in Xcom, however I'm a complete noob at texturing or even modelling, since it has been ages I made something and even then, someone did the textures in my stead.

    I'm currently in the process of replacing a weapon model with one of my own, I only have a working 3D model and a half-arsed texture because I barely know anything about UVW unwrapping, but I managed to get the model in, with that barebones Texture, however, I noticed a lot of wonkyness and I was wondering if you would be able to help me out with fixing the (lame) texture to display correctly.

    Links to what I'm trying to achieve:


    Any help is hugely appreciated, if anyone feels like maybe teaching me a thing or 2 or even going so far as to team up for a few projects, please let me know, any road to learning is a road I'll take.

    Thank you for reading,
    Kind regards,

  3. [What's this all about] I'll tell ya:

    Someone really cool gets an idea posted, somewhere about a little mod, and some people gather around, discussing about it, and some crazy fella gets there suggesting a helluva lot of cool ideas, and the mod gets thought again, over and over, and surprisingly for us, we seem this thing of ours grow, and we couldn't resist sharing it, and start developing it, for our great community of gamers, modders, and people around all the world. It is still in the think-tank, but we're gathering all the tools to start building it, more on that down.


    A little of what's to come(maybe):


    Basic Concept:


    Good Path:

    Mostly for honest traders, wizards, adventurers looking to sell that hard-earned bandit's fur Armor, blacksmiths, enchanters, investors, the players will be able to buy farms, armories and a lot other places, things to do, mainly for honest players, who love their craft, and often they reap what they've sown.


    Evil Path:

    La Cosa Nostra, all that Corleone thing going, Build Black Markets in towns, extortion, rackeering, blackmail people, sell illegal products and goods, open road tolls, take over forts and many other really cool evil things to do. Really tempting, if you're not that, completely honest.





    Most is copied from the main post:


    -Thief/Burglars break-in Buildings.


    -Hire Mercenaries, Crafters, Clerks, Henchman, Impersonators, Alchemist, Mages.


    -Hold Orders: Jarls asking for several items, depending on how good you're at speechcraft you can get a decent amount of septims in every delivery living as a Merchant

    buy farms, dairies, smithy, armories to support the local trading/crafting guilds.


    -Caravans: selling your products at the holds, hire mercenaries or henchmen to protect your caravans from Marauders/Bandits/Wolfs/Vampires/Slenderman(JK)/Werewolf attacks.


    -Build: Mages School in towns attract mages to town, open vampire hidden clubs at night see vampires wandering towns seeking preys, open a secret thieves den see more thieving activities, build a Hunter's Den, see more pelts, game products in town, and Hunters in the wild. With Enough research, Build Dwemer tech stuff in towns. Be it defensive, offensive, improvements.


    -Sorcery and illusion: Hire impersonators to distract the crowd with magic tricks, buy a crystal ball and reveal the future for Npcs about their possible rant about the Clouds District, use tarot cards, reveal your fortune and get a good buff, use the crystal ball and your own future getting a rather good affinity with spells and magicka.

    Open a School, Guild, academy, temple.


    -Taming: Tame wild animals with food, raise them, sell them, use them for hunting, do shows for npcs with impressive creatures earning you some profits by the number of impressed npcs.


    -Blacksmiths can influence holds by making better Weapons and Armor for the Guards, plus getting a decent amount of septims, plus aesthetics: Like a Hold? make those Guards seem like they mean Order with any cool crafted Armor/Weapon (aka update in game Guard level list with crafted weaponry/armor).


    -Extort shops, blackmail people, set up Skooma and Drug Black Markets in towns, waylay carts and caravans, grow up illegal products, hire bandits, thugs to protect your Black Markets from Rival Thugs, Guards, bribe Jarls and Guards, create a crime syndicate that can expand it's control over all holds, open road tolls, takeover a Bandit forts, set up racketing operations.

    Above is just the basic, we have several other features, I'll post them, so you can take a lot and judge it, but the main reason I'm posting this project here is because we need supporters, modders, people who can help us make this mod a reality, or just a digital reality, so if you liked the project, and would like it made, share with us what you think, what you'd like included, what you'd like changed, and if you like it through and through, support us or join us, we're looking for all kinds of people, any form of help is well welcomed. We only prefer you to be active.


    We are currently looking for Scripters currently, but as I've put above, any form of help is welcomed.

    The concept is still being researched, though, so, if you have suggestions for all Paths, be it Good, Evil or Neutral, you're more than welcomed to share with us what you'd like included.

    in the next posts I'll share about the paths, things you can do, and possibly how the features will function. Stay Tuned.


    And you who is an aesthetics lover, Am not going to edit this post because you didn't like how I've writed or made this thing there and there, so don't bother commenting about it (Unless it is really important, I'll fix it), I know a lot of people likes to do that, s' lit's kep tis reel kool, m'key?


    Hope y'all like it!


    Project Team:

    Lead: Arceste, DarkGenius (craftybits members)

    Scripter: Arceste

    3D Artist: Aranox (me)

    Recruiting: DarkGenius, Aranox

    Research: DarkGenius


    More positions open for interested people!






    PS: yes, I copied DarkGenius' post because I was a bit lazy and I had no idea what else to post, please, dont let this stop you from joining up..

  4. I doubt you'll find a mod which has that exact armor in it right now, so there are 2 options:

    - You can try and learn how to make it yourself

    - You can wait and hope that some day, someone will see this magnificent armor and make it for you.

    Otherwise, you can also search around a bit, maybe you'll find an armor looking quite like it and retexture it yourself, which is easier than making a whole new model.



  5. Well, I think i'll give it a shot for as far as modelling goes, I'm willing to make the meshes.

    but I just want you to know that I dont know anything about texturing nor rigging...

    if you're interested, just send me a message ;)





    Ps: if you'd like to see something else I made first, which I could understand..

    = http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/1444

  6. uhm.. guys, just so you know, same-sex marriages are already in the game, there are 2 ladies in whiterun who can be married :)

    is correct. I play as a female and I just married another woman an hour ago just to see if it worked and it did.


    Thanks to both of you for updating me! I know just who I'm gonna marry too! *not creepy at all*


    No problem, glad I could help :)

  7. Hey there guys,


    I was wondering if someone could help me understand the basics of companion creating, im not new to modding though Ive only modded dragon age before.

    Im a quick learner, anyone willing to help ?

  8. I'm courtious with just about anyone I meet, I find it the best way to start a new friendship. In my life, I was never treated with the respect I wanted and most of that extends from my childhood. It is my personal Philosophy to be on everyones goodside (Although I don't kiss up), and try to make their days as good as possible. I'm a very kind hearted soul and I always will be; there's too much grief in the world for me to add to it...



    Same here... I wasnt always so friendly though, had a rough childhood, but when people started really helping me with my problems I thought of it just being normal that I returned the favor by doing my best to be nice.

    I kept this going from age 14 till today, and I intend to keep it up. when I watch some people closely, I notice that people (in my country) tend to be very rude and just outright arrogant (not always, but the people of my age are pretty much like = you either like me or hate me), but I keep forcing myself to see the good in people, which makes being friendly much more bearable because keeping this up in a society where 18 year-olds (mostly foreigners, we really have a problem with them because they grew up in a society where the man has to prove his strength and dominate women, but offcourse theyre not all bad ) just call you names and beat you up is pretty hard at times :P

    Its not always this way though, mostly in the years I had a hard time myself, but everything keeps getting better everyday.

    however, about the common courtesy, I understand all your points, but even if I dont see people doing it, I wont stop being polite :D

  9. Hey guys,


    I just bought fallout new vegas and finished it, but since I finished it all I'dd like to do it all over again but with some cheats.

    Now, I have a laptop, and I dont have the tilde key, or any key that corresponds with it.

    could someone please make me a console key changer mod, or just a walkthrough for this issue would also be greatly appreciated.

  10. @Aranox


    Thanks :thumbsup:


    @Keanu, (hug) thanks for being a nice guy. Despite your age, your are more of a man than many I know. @Vin is right. Sadness comes with morality. Many are the times I thought it wood be nice not to have feelings, not to feel bad about what happens around me. On the other hand, then we can neither feel happyness and love can we?


    @Aranox, I have had good times too, and for many years. I am sure we suffer each in our own ways, but also have moments of pleasure. Life is a tough one, but I would not be without it. Not just yet. Pain and suffering, happynes and love. The essence of live.



    Its nothing , really ... I know we both suffer at times ( and I myself let the good times fade easily ... ) and im glad we can both look at things positively some times :)

  11. Why should "one" meet the military outside open day without being armed? If "one" is armed then no news of the meeting with the military would ever reach us, cos this would be no modern Marathon... there would be no terrestrial survivor left to convey the bad news!


    I am officialy confuzed

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