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Everything posted by Aranox

  1. Bouncy bouncy, thomas bounces in :D
  2. Just bouncing in after being sick for a week :D
  3. ah well, kebab it is
  4. go for hamburgers, that always tastes good... and its hard to prepare in a wrong way...
  5. ah crap

    I pressed the remove friend button instead of message thingy, add me in 5 minutes, sorry :p

  6. Happy birthday :D

    Youre present is on the way...

  7. Im fine, how'z you ?
  8. Still waiting ...
  9. If you really believe that, then you fail :D
  10. Dont worry, BD has no chance of stealing me from you, if he tries, he fails :D

    anyways, Im almost done with it, if you get online today ill be able to show you...

  11. Hi man, speak with you tomorrow, got a day off then...
  12. School is up again, wont be seeing you guys throughout the week, leave a message after the beep.... beep!
    1. BlueDanube


      BD was here,looking for prey...
    2. AliasTheory


      *end of final message*


    3. BlueDanube
  13. Im aiming for RPG's yes, they pull me in the most :p
  14. I sure like bothering everyone when Ive got nothing else to do :p

    but yes, I do

  15. nice, im still a student to... going for game design ..
  16. meh, its freezing out here, but not raining all that often...

    so what do you do for a living ...

  17. Well mine was fine as well, does it rain there often ?
  18. well then... here we start with my wall of text....

    anyways, hello, howz your day ?

  19. If I would have to give a comment each time I pass by, I would have to write a whole wall of text... you dont want that...

    Believe me...

    ooh and I'll give you a kudos for just being an awesome fella to talk with :D

  20. *waves goodbye*

    Wow, I wonder who that fellow was ...

  21. Heres the proof!


    Someone by your name posted there!

    and no, you were in no case drunk!

  22. Touché, BUT I HAZ PROOF!!
  23. Well I can say the same about YOU!
  24. I can imagine :)

    still, the offer still stands should you ever reconsider :)

  25. Will check it out, and no, feel free to add me :D

    btw, if you would ever be interested in learning 3Ds max, just ask, and ill free up time :)

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