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  1. Have the FOLON team considered releasing parallel versions of their mod. One for those who updated and one for those who have not. While the non updated version exists now, it doesn't seem a big issue to release two versions when the updated version is done.
  2. I wasn't aware of that much difference. So Fallout 4 to Starfield would be like Oblivion to Skyrim. While I have seen the odd thing ported over, like you said, it's not easy. That pops that balloon.
  3. Maybe this should be in the Starfield forums but that place is currently a ghost town right now. So I'm posting here. When Fallout NV came out it was quite easy to port over modded (not vanilla) weapon, armor, body, hair and clothing assets from Fallout 3. All that was needed was a new esp for FNV. I have an armor that works equally well in both games. I'm wondering if the same will be true for modded assets from Fallout 4 to Starfield? Basically take meshes and textures from FO4, drop them into SF folders, make a new esp and it will work. I wonder it the same would be true for radio staions (if SF has any), atmosphere and lighting effects, animations, (walking, running, shooting etc). Any thoughts?
  4. Can anyone tell me the name of the song used in this clip? https://coub.com/view/13yeka
  5. In response to post #51840317. The short sighted, somewhat ignorant, knee jerk reactions on the part of corporate doesn't leave me feeling optimistic. Someone somewhere is going to get pissy and the plug will be pulled. I hope history proves me wrong.
  6. Is there a script in vanilla Oblivion that allows me to turn lights on and off with a switch. I know that it exists to open and close a gate with a button on either side of said gate. What I want is to turn on and off a bank of lights with switches. Preferably I would like to turn activate multiple banks of lights each with their own sets of switches. Like in an office or warehouse. I'm building a temple and I want to use crystals like electric bulbs. The crystal doesn't emit light but I want to place a point light source at the crystal for on and swap a zero light emitting light source at the same spot for off. I don't know how to script but if I could find a place to start.
  7. Does anyone know what mod these rooms were in? I took the cells and added them to a custom house for my character, but after some file overhauling I lost the resources for the pool area. Both the pool and red room come from the same mod, I added a bit of lighting and a telepad but other than that it's unchanged. There was a secret brick wall section that opened allowing access to the red room that was called Secret Lab in the original mod. First pic is the pool, second is the red room and third is the door to the red room.
  8. A quick search brought this one up: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/42180 Thanks. I was searching using what they were called in game.
  9. I'm looking for a mod that replaces the fleshy pods found in the oblivion planes.
  10. Out of curiosity I made my custom spell using both chameleon and then invisibility into a power than a less power and a spell and that doesn't work either. I don't get it. I'm doing everything right and it just won't work.
  11. Your second script using "obj" is the one I'm using. There is no flicker, nothing happens.
  12. It doesn't work. I started with just the base game and the latest version of OBSE, plus only this mod containing this script and nothing else. I tried this experiment with Mg06JskarInvis and a custom spell. This is what happens. Using the console I add the spell and my character disappears. I remove the spell and my character reappears. Using the console I add the scripted item (at present it has no enchantments). I then equip the item. I use the console again to add and remove the spell and the spell works as expected. I go into sneak and nothing happens. If I add the spell, that spell doesn't work anymore, sneaking or not. i unequip the item, the spell still doesn't work using console. Removing the spell gives the message that the spell is not on the character. The spell will only work if I remove the item from inventory. Somehow the script, once running, stops the spell from being applied. edit - I'm wondering if the flickering with the first script was the script fighting with itself. Applying and removing the spell repeatedly.
  13. The script works, sort of. I made a custom chameleon spell. If I apply it using the console it works. But if it is applied by the script my character flickers and is detected. I tried using Mg06JskarInvis with the same result. Strange thing is if I apply Mg06JskarInvis manually it doesn't work at all and if I remove it I get the message not found on my character. What's really weird is Mg06JskarInvis worked last night. It seems the script works but the game engine is not applying it properly.
  14. What a quick response! Thanks! Anyway never used the CSE before. Put it in. What a difference in scripting it makes. Anyway after some mind numbing stupidity on my part. I'm still working on it. Will post results soon.
  15. Can someone show me a simple script that does the following. Item with script attached is unequipped but is in inventory, character is visible sneaking or not Item is equipped and character is visible when not sneaking and invisible when sneaking. I want to make a cloak that when worn applies chameleon to the character when sneaking only. The cloak already as an enchantment of protection and I want that to stay permanently. I tried something but I really don't have a clue with scripting. Maybe I'm asking too much but I don't know that or not either. Thanks in advance.
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