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  1. Say goodbye to drab decor and tiresome chores! RobCo proudly presents the Decotron, the robot butler of tomorrow - today! The Decotron doesn't just clean your home; it transforms it. With its state-of-the-art interior design algorithm, this marvel of modern technology will analyze your home's layout, your personal style and the latest trends to create a space that's uniquely yours. Whether you prefer classic charm or modern flair, the Decotron tailors your living space with precision, making your home as stylish as it is spotless. And of course, it'll still serve your favorite drink, iron your clothes, and even prepare your meals - all with the grace of a butler. Make your home a reflection of you - effortlessly! I'm looking for a talented voice actor who is willing to take on the role of the Decotron in my upcoming house renovation / collectibles New Vegas mod. Dialogue has been written in the dry style of a Protectron, so I'd be looking for something in that sort of robotic tone. I would need someone who has the tools for the vocoder / ring modulation sound which makes it so iconic. The GECK tells me I have 297 lines of dialog, but some of that is repeated. I've put together a test clip, to showcase the style of the dialogue. I have the Fallout 3 Protectron xVASynth voice as a placeholder, but ethically I would prefer to use a person who's willing to lend their voice, than something trained on an actor. https://youtu.be/_AvYDMou5a4
  2. Not only is this thread over 10 years old.. it solved two problems for me. The second one I wasn't even after a solution for, but it has bugged me for years! The Fallout 3 GECK never pre-selected .esp files on load and I figured NV GECK did it because of some preference I couldn't find in the .ini files! Damn. nam files!!
  3. SOLVED As I suspected, it was to do with the objects that have physics in the game world. Which I have now learned is called "bones", for whatever reason if you turn these nifs into static objects when using roombounds they will not display in your cell. The workflow I used was.. open the original nif in nifskope > delete the bones > export as an .obj > import the .obj into outfit studio > export as nif
  4. I'm using roombounds and portals in my interior cell, but I'm having an issue with some objects not displaying. This is a house mod and so I've made several static objects from non-static game objects. This has worked well for 95% of the items. However, I am struggling to get the following static objects to display in my roombounds, when using their original nifs: - Clutter\QuestItems\severeddeathclawclaw.NIF - armor\enclavescientist\go.nif - armor\vaultsuit\m\go.nif For an example see attached photos, showing: 1. my static deathclaw hand in the bucket alongside a copy of the original game object Editor ID: NVDLC04DeathclawHandUnique 2. only the original game object displaying in game 3. the static deathclaw hand displaying when I leave the roombound (note: you can also see the affected static vault suits and rad suit in the background with the same issue) Some things to add which may be useful: - When I delete the roombounds there are no issues, all the items display correctly, but obviously a performance hit which I want to avoid - I've read about objects not displaying if their centre point is outside of the roombound. This is not the case here as the problem persists when I move the object dead centre into the roombound - Could this be something to do with the meshes having physics? Dropped apparel and the deathclaw hand both have physics and bend/move when interacted with in the world Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Works perfectly! Excuse my 'shortsightedness' I was only looking in the function box haha Thanks Belthan!
  6. Hi, I have an issue.. In my mod I'm using a terminal as a checklist, and I want to display different text when something is unlocked (this doesn't make sense so I'll show an example..) "[X] Death From Above" (I want this text to display when 'LWPlaqueREF' is enabled) "[ ] Death From Above" (I want this text to display when 'LWPlaqueREF' is disabled) 'LWPlaqueREF' refers to a static item that is initally disabled, but through completing a quest becomes enabled, so the checklist marks it as complete. My problem is I don't know if there's a suitable condition in the terminal menu? I could only find GetDisabled/GetEnabled but I can't use them, as the Function box is greyed out. How else can I get round this? I'm thinking it would have to be a condition, as I don't want to use Item Result Script. As its purely for display and not to activate anything else. Is it possible to create a script for the Terminal that allows only certain text to be shown on a terminal? Any help would be mucho appreciated!
  7. For some reason I didn't think that could be done haha.. Only because there isn't a 'save as..' function in the geck. Can I literally just rename the file? IS it that simple?
  8. Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me with this problem as I'm all out of options, I'll give a brief summary of what my mod is as I think it'll give a clearer understanding of what I'm trying to do. I'm making a theme for the Megaton house, when the player does particular actions in the game (complete quests, find locations etc.) more items appear in the house and it slowly fills up over time. I've got this theme to work as the others do in game and the unlockable items are initially disabled, and are only enabled through scripts. That's fine I'm happy with it, HOWEVER I'm trying to make an endgame version of this mod, for the player who wants all the loot without actually doing it, how do I go about this? Here's what I've done so far.. 1. loaded up the initial mod MUHouseMod.esp (not as active file) 2. saved a new mod LoneWandererThemeENDGAME.esp 3. loaded up the initial esp with the newly created one (LoneWandererThemeENDGAME.esp this is now the active file) 4. linked all the items to the xmarker which enables the theme (whereas before it was only the default items for the mod) 5. unchecked 'initially disabled' on the unlockable items 6. pressed save I thought that would be fine, but when i reload the two files in the geck it just reverts back to how everything is in the MUHouseMod.esp which is not what I want when loading it with the LoneWandererThemeENDGAME.esp. I think this makes sense, but let me know if need any answers to help give me answers :) thanks, Nathan
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