I found some instances unfair. my first time playing longwar just finished first mission no problem then I get Large space craft landing so i send my troopers in, all 2nd rank troopers. i was cleaning house until came up on a room with 8 outsiders, 2 seekers,a thin man and 3 floaters. my whole squad got wiped out. so i restarted cleaned the ship i set up positions and sent out my assault trooper to bait the outsiders into my trap. In a long battle where killing one outsider with a healing factor was a whole squad effort. I managed to kill 5 of the 8 but got wiped out all the same. it was clear to me that my troopers where in an unwinnable situation. my squad was under skilled and under equipped for the undertaking. so I figured screw it, ill just send my troopers in grab the meld an get out. I hated not being able to complete the mission... but on the upside my troopers get xp , i get meld and swag to go with it... but its still a shitty way to lose a mission.