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Everything posted by xyvr

  1. I think its unfair that the characters I make get a -4 penalty (because they are mercenaries.) effectively making them unsuitable for any roll that I may wish to give them. If some one could make a simple mod too remove this penalty that would be great.
  2. I would love to see the following mods made for Kingmaker. 1. I noticed the feat called AGILE MANEUVERS . (found it) is locked behind some requirements . where in the original Rpg there are no requirements to be met to obtain this feat??? 2. I would like too see the spell called "windy escape" added to the roster of spells. 3. During game play I noticed there is no visual animations for the transformation and use for abyssal claws or any other claws for that matter. I would like to see this fixed. and too have them follow the rules from the book as pertaining too NATURAL WEAPONS!!!!!! 4. I would like to be able too pick the starting outfit my character wears or maybe even have more options too choose from. 5. the ability too customise the look of spells or be able too choose from a list of creatures too summon like a summon goblins spell or change the color of the spells being cast. like green lighting or purple flames. ect.
  3. I need too delet all BDU armour types from my Level list .... from my modern warfare mod. how would I do this using FO4Edit?
  4. I found some instances unfair. my first time playing longwar just finished first mission no problem then I get Large space craft landing so i send my troopers in, all 2nd rank troopers. i was cleaning house until came up on a room with 8 outsiders, 2 seekers,a thin man and 3 floaters. my whole squad got wiped out. so i restarted cleaned the ship i set up positions and sent out my assault trooper to bait the outsiders into my trap. In a long battle where killing one outsider with a healing factor was a whole squad effort. I managed to kill 5 of the 8 but got wiped out all the same. it was clear to me that my troopers where in an unwinnable situation. my squad was under skilled and under equipped for the undertaking. so I figured screw it, ill just send my troopers in grab the meld an get out. I hated not being able to complete the mission... but on the upside my troopers get xp , i get meld and swag to go with it... but its still a shitty way to lose a mission.
  5. 1) lootable corpses in the original if a trooper died an he had the only ark thrower ,rocket launcher or medpack i could just take it from his body. plus you could carry your fallen an wounded troopers off the field instead abandoning them when you abandon the mission. 2) i liked the original inventory system 3) i liked purchasing ammo and equipping mags for my troopers the prospect of running out of ammo added to intensity of the fire fights. i had to run n loot to survive, or have a trooper throw a mag to another trooper who has run dry. you had too build general stores an make sure you had extra guns an ammo in case of alien base attack. 4) in the original i used to supplement my income by manufacturing laser rifles an selling them on the grey market ... now its not even worth doing cause the manufacturing costs more than sell value. now its a struggle to build anything. 5) i liked the way the original you could have multiple bases around the world and you could have missile silos and defense systems to protect your base from alien base attacks. now its just a one time scripted event .... lame! *you know what if they could give me the game mechanics of the original xcom that would be great. i liked hiring my scientists n engineers heck let me hire pilots too an give them skills too boot * (oh an I hate the pod triggering system an the free movement into cover the aliens span with) 6) submachine guns should have a bonus to hit at close & medium range and higher crit & damage bonus at close range heck id give them that fire twice perk that the infantry usually get. give me a reason to take it into the field. 7) bigger maps 30+ trooper battles with tanks , APC's n gunships an the ability to call in artillery an airstrikes set up napalm zones or bomb drop zones or missile strike zones i think you get the idea. new class type comms officer. trooper with the radio to call in the strike zones. number of airstrikes will depend on the load out an number of available aircraft. 8) cooler looking weapons the lasers look like freaking stupid kids toys. they should of modeled the guns after the original! they where bad ass! not the lame child toys the have today. the fusion bomb was a foot ball of destruction that destroyed half the map ( you need to bring that s#*! back) plus i liked how i was able to plot the trajectory of my missiles an the fusion bomb like in the original. 9) maybe an under the barrel shot gun or grenade launcher attachment for the rifle for the assault class. a six cylinder grenade launcher that can shoot a variety of grenades, smoke flashbangs ect (depending what you choose to load it with) for the Grenadier class or engineer class. (grenade launcher would lob the grenades twice as far than can be thrown.) 10) start the game with helicopter to ferry troops. make skyranger a later development making troop deployments take longer or will have to be deployed from nearer bases.(just an idea) broaden the scope of the war. fight beside police, military an partisan groups.(there weapons look accordingly.) heck maybe be able to choose form different weapon manufactures that will set the style of the weapons an armor that you get to choose from. if I made this game you would start small with an office an agent or 2 doing x files type investigations then slowly grow into a big paramilitary organization when it gets to full blown war. you would start with low funding from the country you choose to start in. an the funding will grow as your work becomes more relevant an the need for your expertise comes into demand.. you'll have one agent and a desk that you rent from the local investigative branch. and a car that will define your agents effective range for that day. manage a fleet of cars to airplanes. you can set up safe houses to agency's an offices anywhere in the world . an when you get the funding for it you can set up military encampments to xcom bases. (not to forget naval and under water engagements) or maybe your not government funded at all but by some insidious private company so there would be 2 types there would be your investigative or spy types your agents an then you would have your military troopers i also thought that being able to conduct the autopsies on the alien cadavers would be kinda cool. Garrison armies of troopers in cities send units out for patrols send out recon units to explore an track. there would be alien or activity hot zones on the map where you send an agent to investigate where he either reveals the alien threat or activity. depending on what the situation is he maybe able to resolve it him self or he can call for back up for other agents or troopers. then there will military hot zones where you can blindly send the troops in or have recon team prob it first. make the science more interesting research every thing from a zombie viruses too mutant freaks. have a failed project with unexpected consequences. send out your troopers to contain or hunt down escaped test subjects. well there is your multiplayer right there. rival agencies stealing an sabotaging other agency science projects. We could call it X-com Total War.
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