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About Wolfar15

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  1. Does anyone know what causes these issues and how to fix it? At first, I thought it was a water retexture mod I was using but uninstalling it didn't fix either of the issues. I've sen this in multiple locations, not just in the screenshots shown. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. So specifically I'm looking for a mod that makes it so that you don't automatically level up when you have a level-up available and open your skills screen. I want to be able to look at my skills screen and assign available perks without having to level up and I want to prevent back-to-back automatic level-ups so that I can get training in-between levels. If there was something like a popup box to ask whether you wanted to level up with yes/no options or better yet you had to press a button/key bind to initiate a level up that would be awesome.
  3. So after an absolute ton of testing, I finally found the culprit, and no wonder I had such a hard time figuring out what mod it was. The mod in question is a texture mod but not a landscape texture mod which is surprising. The culprit was Prewar walls for Sanctuary by DKnightwolfe. I'm not sure if the mod conflicts with some other similar mods I'm using like Paint that House, Patch Job, or Repaired Sanctuary Roofs, there were some overwrite requests in testing but either way disabling that mod fixed the problem entirely.
  4. First off, yes I know Mutant Menagerie already exists and adds DLC creatures into the commonwealth. However, it also adds a ton of other creatures that I'm not interested in seeing. It would be nice to have a mod that added all of the creatures from both Far Harbor and Nuka World into the commonwealth. Especially Hermit Crabs.
  5. Okay, thanks, everyone. I don't have time to test it out at the moment but I'll post the results back here when I'm able to.
  6. Edit: the issue has been fixed. See the my last reply for details. So a few months ago I started noticing these weird-looking 'burnt' splotches on the ground in many places in the game. I don't remember when they first started showing up so I don't know if a mod or mods are causing it but I don't have any grass mods and the issue persists despite changing my tree mod. I have over 300 mods installed so disabling all of them and re-enabling them until I find the issue is hopefully a last resort. I've tried searching on Google for this issue but can't find the exact issue that I'm dealing with. Please see the attached screenshots, any help would be appreciated. img1 img2 img3 img4
  7. Just what the title says. It's a great idea for non-dragonborn playthroughs. A great idea is to have it so that after completing the quest Blessings of Nature you get a letter from the Jarl of Whiterun, you go see them and they give you the option to buy Breezehome as well as now having the dialogue option to ask them if there's anything else they need where then they can tell you about the Thane position and you have to help x amount of people in Whiterun hold to then become the Thane.
  8. I would like to suggest a Jagged Crown replacer where all of the parts are fully symmetrical, i.e. the spikes on the left of the helmet are the same size and length as the spikes on the right side of the helmet. For OCD sufferers if nothing else.
  9. So, many modern games have a feature where you can hover your reticule over an enemy npc for a few seconds to tag them. These tagged enemies then have a marker of some kind above their heads so that you can actively track their movements. Great when taking down a location. I don't know how complex this concept would be to implement in Skyrim but I know it would be a godsend.
  10. The title says it all. It would be nice to be able to craft piles of gold coins that you could then place. These would be great for creating your own treasure rooms or displays.
  11. Edit. 11/12/23 The crashing has stopped and seems to have been a problem with my PC. So I started a new game back in late October and everything was at first going fine. That is up until a couple of nights ago when the game crashed for the first time on this new character. I haven't installed or uninstalled ANY new mods during this time nor have I changed my load order in ANY way yet now the game is crashing every few minutes, either when fast traveling or going through a load door. I couldn't attach my crash log due to file size so I have inserted it below. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Since this started happening out of the blue without any changes being made to my game or PC I'm all out of ideas as to what is causing this.
  12. What the title says. I want to make some changes to some ESL-marked ESPs I have but I've heard that it isn't safe to edit ESL-flagged ESPs. If that is the case how can I edit the file in the CK?
  13. So the tracked mods page is a mess. One day I open on it and it seems to be in one order then the next day I open it and it's in a completely different order. While there are several sorting options available I would really like to see an option to sort by most recently tracked or sort by date tracking began so that mods you started tracking most recently would show up first and go from there with successive pages showing mods that you started tracking on earlier dates. If this is at all possible to implement then it would make the tracking section much easier to use IMHO.
  14. Is there a mod, or can someone make a mod that makes it so that enemies can't destroy your structures?
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