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Everything posted by M3CH4MAN

  1. I just went through the brotherhood quests and there is a line the courier tells Veronica "You should take over". She dismisses it saying no one would side with her, but what if they did? I'd like some kind of quest where she takes over the brotherhood and if there needs to be side quests, so be it. I'd like it to end where she is siting where the elder sits or something close to it. Maybe even ending slides where things go differently for her like more a positive thing like she rules the brotherhood through fear and respect and gets people to join the brotherhood where they eventually create a new brotherhood that takes over the other chapters cuz they were to weak from only having descendants be apart of the brotherhood.
  2. They have ways in settlements to create armor and weapons shops but what about a comic book shop that sells perk-filled issues or random issues just to have it?
  3. Yea I'd be down for that too. I see mods where you can take burnt magazines and restore them but thats it. You can't put them in a stand to sell. I tried to do that once with a general store. I went back and the magazines were gone replaced with general items.
  4. I'm looking for someone who could create a stand that sells magazines or give us the option to craft one on our settlements as well as any spinners and magazine stands.
  5. Basically I'd like to have a mod where you get quests from other vault dwellers in 81 to repair this and that so they aren't constantly complaining about having to fix this or that.
  6. Back in 2075, a writer called Pete Plutarco was an artist as well as a mechanic so he could fix the printing presses if they need it. He also liked to tinker and was very patriotic. He saw that the commies would one day try a frontal assault on america so he hatched a plan. He over the months through some contacts at vault-tec built a secret vault. This vault was based on everything he knew about the unstoppables. He also came up with a secret code he wanted to put into the hubris comics but make it a rumor so it would draw people in and make people buy more. It worked for a while but noone every figured out the code. If anyone figures the code out they would be invited to the vault where they would inherit Pete's tech and help battle the commie threat as the new unstoppables! can someone make this a reality? I have more details on this story if you wanna work together to make this real. It would be similar to fallout new vegas's dead money where you have to travel through the commonwealth to recruit specific individuals to be the new team or make it like a new faction or something.
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