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About Jalawahiska

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    United States

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  1. Is the MDF Manager necessary for exporting models to RE4R format? I've managed to figure out most of the process of swapping the mesh. The mesh appears fine in Noesis after I export it as .FBX from Blender, but when I export it to an RE4R mesh file, something breaks. I'm not sure if it's the mesh or the texture, but when I load the mod in game, the knife I replaced is massive (so big it covers the whole screen when I melee attack). I can't get the MDF Manager to open because it requires Microsoft .NET, which seems to be inexplicably and irreparably broken on my computer, so I'm wondering if anyone knows of another way to solve this issue. Is there a step I missed in Blender? An option within Noesis? I have been struggling to figure anything out. I'll appreciate any assistance.
  2. Have you uninstalled all mods and then reinstalled your game since you started having this issue?
  3. There is a mod to make the weird head gear invisible: https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevil42023/mods/289
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