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Status Updates posted by 83Willow

  1. Great to hear! :D
  2. Thank you Blue! Make sure to download the official version of Thaiden now - so you get all the improved skills and characteristics! ;)
  3. Finally - THAIDEN the COMPANION is available for Download! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=18204 :D
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BlueDanube


      awesome work willow :D
    3. bison1967


      I agree with Blue. Fantastic work, Willow! =)
    4. 83Willow


      Thanks Blue and Bison! :)
  4. Hi Blue! I just tried to send you the Thaiden-file - it was not possible because it seems your Messenger is full - so please delete some older messages so you can get new ones! :)
  5. No idea why I had not added you a long time ago?! Thank you - for everything my dear Grimoa! :D
  6. Thaiden the companion is finished - now I need your help to test him - Volunteers please! :) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=90217
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 83Willow


      Thanks you two! I'll send him over to you in a second! Sol a quick testrun should be more than enough! I won't upload him officially until I have enough positive feeback! :)
    3. Flintlockecole


      I can do some testing, I do need an extra body for some screenshooting later.
    4. BlueDanube


      me me !! :D
  7. Also Österreicher habe ich sonst noch keine kennengelernt, aber es ist echt interessant sich mit Leuten aus aller Welt zu unterhalten! Ich wünsch dir viel Spass! :)
  8. Hi! Dankeschön! :D
  9. Thanks for asking! :D

    Thank you very much for your comments and support - I really appreciate it my friend! :)

  10. Hi! Thanks for adding me! We should have done this a long time ago! :D
  11. I have finally started my Short Story RED SNOW: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=84332
    1. midhras


      And what a great start it is. Excited for what is to follow.
    2. 83Willow


      Thank you! You will find out soon... :D
    3. leliane


      really good way to start a story^^

      a kudo for you :)

  12. Check out my new favourite shot of Claymora - she never looked more beautiful! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=82898


      Now I see what you meant. It's awesome.
    2. zzjay


      so i finally know her name
    3. bison1967


      Claymora is both beautiful and formidable, a potent mix! =)
  13. it's a 2H animation replacer - you can currently find it in the Hot Files! ;)
  14. MY COMPUTER IS BACK! If you don't hear anything from me I'm busy updating, reinstalling, and tweaking Skyrim... :D
    1. solsikke737


      Wonderful...happy reinstall etc :)
  15. Hi! Thanks for your comment - your images are great! :) (...and you have a very interesting name!)
  16. Hi guys and girls - I have GOOD news today! - It seems that the problem with my computer is not as severe as it looked yesterday! It will get a little overhaul - plus a new graphic-card and hard-drive and then it will be better than before! In a few days I will get it back! Monday latest (hopefully!) :D
    1. solsikke737


      That's excellent news...I'm so happy for you :)


      Good to know, we'll be waiting for you
    3. slayerpaul


      great news!!! :)
  17. My dear Skyrim Friends! I have bad NEWS - my computer is not working at the moment - I have to use my laptop instead! This means no images, mods or anything for the moment! I feel really bad right now because it seems to be a hardware problem which I can't fix on my own! :(
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JakeProbe


      Hey Willow, just have read this and I know very well what youre going through. These days money has become more and more of an issue for a lot of peoples, whereunder myself. I hope your problem aint too bad and your PC may be fixed very soon, maybe your friend will be able to fix it at very little cost ( I will keep my fingers crossed). Hopefully you will be able to join us soon again, hang inthere, you got friends here :)
    3. 83Willow


      Thank you all for your very nice words! Really good to know that I'm not alone in my misery! I hope tomorrow I will know more about the problem - I will keep you guys updated!

      Good night to all of you - tomorrow is hopefully a better day! :)

    4. solsikke737


      Good night :)
  18. Hi mackty747! Beautiful new avatar and forum images! :)

    Thanks for all your kind comments and support! See you!

  19. Hi mackty747! Thank YOU for your comments and support! And thanks for asking - of course I will add you! :D
  20. Hi zzjay! Thanks, I'm glad you like my new Avatar :D

    I was looking for something new and fresh and needed just some time to decide which photo to choose - it was not so easy finding one which looked still okay in such a small resolution! ;)

  21. Hi Paul! Thanks, I'm glad you like my face :D - I was looking for something new and fresh and needed just some time to decide which photo to choose - it was not so easy finding one which looked still okay in such a small resolution! ;)
  22. Hi solsikke! Thanks - I felt I needed something new and fresh! It was not easy to choose the right photo which looks nice even in such a small resolution ;)
  23. Hi! Thanks, no problem - maybe I will upload another pic sometimes! I love your work too - Thanks for sharing! :)

    Liebe Grüsse! Willow

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