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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. I just came back to playing skyrim, I need help with some mods. I want my character to look like the one in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFC3gdU3tTg. With the big bouncy breasts & big butt. I don't really know anything about using mods. Could someone give me a step by step on what mods are needed & what order to download/install them? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  2. Greetings everyone, First time posting on the forums. Pleasure to meet you all. I'm looking for a few follower mods if anyone can recommend some. I'm looking for a pure archer follower. One that uses only bows. I've tried the vanilla archers, But they end up pulling out a sword & doing melee. I play a knight & trying to roleplay with a party. I currently have Cerwiden follower mod, Since she's a healer. I have Sofia. ( I enjoy her comments ). I'm also looking for a pure mage follower. I do prefer if they're fully voiced, Like Cerwiden & Sofia. If they're not, That's ok. I will take any recomendations. Either works for me. Also, Does anyone know what armor this person is wearing in this video? Looks really good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq6a7HuCP9o Thank you in advance. :)
  3. I'm not sure which animation mod has this is. But i'm looking for a mod that allows you kneel, While sticking your sword in the ground. A mod that lets you kneel with one hand over your knee. & I was wondering if someone can make me a mod for the restoration spell. I know there's a mod that changes the way the spell casting is by doing a snap of the finger. But I would like a mod when you use the restoration spell. Your body kind of floats. Any one has played Final Fantasy XI online. When you get resurrected will know what I mean. It's hard to explain in details though.
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