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About wattbatt

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  1. Maybe this sounds stupid, but... there is an user whose mods I enjoy. I have the faint impression that, there was once a mod in his user files list, but I'm not sure. Is there a way to know this? If at some point he has hidden a mod? Maybe I'm not even interested in this mod, but I wanted to check it to decide if I am; and I don't know if it's not there because it has never been, or because it was hidden.
  2. Yes i did that, i created a new useless voice type and gave it to the follower instead of plain removing it now shes silent. I want her silent because she is using lydias voice. She is not lydia. She is another person. I will also give her new quotes
  3. I have a mod follower that talks with Lydia's voice, i want to make it silent, only subtitles no audio. (I use TESVedit) I went in the Non-Player Character record of the esp and removed the FemaleEvenToned voice type. But she still talks and has the audio normally. She still does even when starting a new game. How can it be? Follower dialogues have a condition that the NPC must have "VoicesFollowerNeutral" voice types, including the one above. And she doesn't have it, i removed it. So how the heck is she still talking with lydia's audio??
  4. I just want to change the description of the screenshots of my mod, but when I try it says: The mod you are trying to edit doesn't exist. How does the mod not exist if i just downloaded and used its file 5 minutes ago and the mod page is right in front of me?
  5. Introduction: 1) One day i stumbled upon Chocolocco's " Katarina DC preset armour hairdo tatoo REDUX -UNPB-UUNP-questionmark" mod : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92157, and i was blown away by those screenshots. The author says in description that he was looking for help to turn that into a follower, it's not a follower yet. In this mod's files there are only assets. 2) Well, apparenty the same Chocolocco already made a Katarina follower mod before: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87908, but he seems to be disappeared from this website, last work on mod 1) is from 3 years ago, i also sent a message to ask a couple things but he seems pretty gone Anyway, i liked those screenshots so damn much that like some purple guy did I went in FINE, I'LL DO IT MYSELF mode, and basically i took all the assets from mod 1) and mounted them on the mod 2): armor, face, hair, makeup, tatoos + eyes, body, body texture; in order to try to make the follower look as much as i could to the mod 1) screenshots. Was a pain in the ass but i made it. Now my problem is, I never made a mod / released a mod before, is there any etiquette to follow here on nexus? Like, should i wait the author's approval before i release it or i can upload it and put credits in description? Do i have to submit this to someone for review? I did check for problems and should be fine. Do i have to guarantee a period of support / attention to messages and stuff in case of errors? Or nothing of this, i just go boom upload and done? A picture of reference from mod 1): How my follower looks like:
  6. apparently in nifskope i can set the texture search paths under bslighting node or something. only question is what do i even have an esp for if the .nif searches textures and everything by itself
  7. I followed this guide: https://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Using_a_face_made_with_RaceMenu_on_an_NPC_for_Skyrim to transfer a head, made in RaceMenu from a .jslot file preset, to a follower. Worked fine but i have a problem, baaically it's like the follower still has a player's head, because: - i used The eyes of beauty PLAYER (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13722?tab=files) andif i disable that mod the follower won't have eyes too, as if it was the player. - i got demoniac skin (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70834) which puts its files in texture/actors/character/female, effecting all NPCS, the player's body too and...my follower's head!! - same happens with BROWS (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30411), disabling brows alters the follower brows too. I wanted to remove demoniac skin and just keep it applied to my follower. For the body it's ok, the follower has its own folders for textures so i just copied the files there and even if i uninstall demoniac she still has the glossy skin. But not the head; if i disable demoniac only the head will revert to vanilla skin's appearance. I wish the follower's head would use the textures in the follower's folder, just like the body, so i can put the demoniac textures there and then disable the mod; i don't like having it applied to all females Any idea how to change this? Tell me if u need to inspect the .jslot nexus wont let me upload it ill made a link if needed TLDR: follower's head made with this guide isnt truly of the follower because it uses resources (skin texture, eyes, brows) in the generic game folders instead of the ones in its own follower folders. Can i change that somehow? I want the head to use the textures in the follower's head folder, not the textures in Data\Textures\Actors\Character\female https://i.postimg.cc/gJ95KsNN/demoniac-disabled-head.png - head with demoniac disabled https://i.postimg.cc/B6xz7Fzs/demoniac-enabled-head.png - head with demoniac enabled
  8. okay, that's not the point. I know it is a type of body like CBBE etc.. i want to know what this comment is telling me to do, i dont understand that. The part: XPMSE > RaceMenu > Show RaceMenu (this should be obvious lol) > UNPB > Body Slide What does it mean? I open RaceMenu with commands, then what do i have to click? Or i open the XPMSE tab in MCM, then what do i have to click? There is no button called " UNPB " in both
  9. I am trying to get my character to look like this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92157/?tab=posts There is a pinned post that should help understanding what to do, well i don't. The comment is: So for those who will use CharGen made for RaceMenu this is important Recommended to get best look possible XPMSE > RaceMenu > Show RaceMenu (this should be obvious lol) > UNPB > Body Slide (UNPB HDT) with RaceMenu sliders installed (pretty important) > HDT (Breast etc etc) > Demoniac Skin Texture (Now the most important part is to get Fair Skin, Wetness makes it glossy so thats preference, if you use ENB there is one option that you cant choose! but I forgot what it is called, if you have a low end PC you shouldn't even bother with 8k LOL) > Set Muscular tone in that mod somewhere from 1 to 4 > Detailed Lips > Eyes of Beauty and dont let overwritte anything > HighRess Brows (The actual mod is called Brows) > Better Makeup for SKSE and overwritte everything > SlaveTats > The Original Katarina Mod files, recommended isnt actually beneficial for my version since its ECE and stuff but you probably want Chokolocco ENB, its called Rampage ENB, look for it on nexus. I'm stuck at the "XPMSE > RaceMenu > Show RaceMenu (this should be obvious lol) > UNPB" part, what does it even mean? I can open RaceMenu with "showracemenu" command, i have the XPMSE window in MCM, i dont see an "UNPB" button anywhere .
  10. I am creating some custom dialogues and I'd like them to be available only after certain quests are completed. In the dialog topics there is the conditions section where i can toy with this; for example if i want the dialogue to be only for Aela i can put: Subject.GetIsID(AelaTheHuntress "Aela the Huntress" [NPC_:0001A696]) = 1.000000 I wonder if you guys know what's the condition to see if a quest has been completed?
  11. I got Poser Hotkeys Plus to easily use posers in-game. It has the option to enable head tracking, as in: the npc will look at me while doing a pose. It seems that the "female idles" from "pretty motion collection" won't do the head tracking in any way, is it because they just weren't made with the possibilty of head tracking, or something else? Alternatively, do you know any idle posers that do have head tracking? I'm looking for very normal idles, nothing sexual or over the top. pretty motion: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28978
  12. I am trying to make some custom dialogues, and the dialog topics as seen in xedit or creation kit have conditions. One of the possible conditions is "GetInFaction" = 1 or 0. This works perfectly with vanilla factions, but doesn't work at all with a custom faction that i made. I assigned an NPC to my custom faction, wrote in the dialog topic conditions that the NPC must be part of that faction, and that's all, easy. Yet this dialog won't come out. I literally tried all the other vanilla factions this NPC is part of as conditions and it works fine, i put the condition on my faction and it doesn't show up. How the hell...
  13. So, I'm using poser hotkeys plus and i made some custom facial expressions by setting squint, mouth etc.. Do you have any idea how i can make NPCs show my faces in a dialogue? Through xedit maybe i guess?
  14. Sometimes mods add unnecessary extra dialogue options to NPC that i'm not interested into, because i am interested only in a part of the mod. Is there a way to manage the dialogue situation? For example changing some value with TESVedit? Currently i have a mod that adds a dialogue option to guards too, i want to get rid of that, without uninstalling the mod clearly.
  15. Hello, I don't understand if it's normal that "pretty motion coolection" doesn't work with Poser Hotekys Plus, in the description it says that it's supported. If i go into MCM and go into "PRETTY MOTION" menu, select NPC mode and a pose, my character will equip a spell that when cast makes the NPC in front of me do that pose, and that's perfect. But, when i press 0 to select a pretty pose from the Poser Hotkeys menu, and then use the hotkey to make the NPC in front of my crosshair do the pose, nothing happens. The npc will change pose only with the spell, not with the poser hotkeys. Is this normal? I had understood that the poser hotkeys override the commands from the other posing mods, or not?
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