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  1. If the game crashes immediately it means either one of your plugins has a missing master or something with your HUD is broken. Those two crashes are probably separate issues. If you're looking to fix the fast travel crashes, get CASM and disable save on wait/travel. That's what helped me. For your crash on load, you need to get NMM running. Click the esp and esm files you have checked and make sure the mods under "masters" are also checked. If one of those mods is missing a mod it references, you get auto crash on start.
  2. I can't figure out what exactly is causing this bug but it completely breaks the game when it happens. Essentially the character and all animations go left while the camera continues to point in the correct direction. This problem persists in both 1st and third person. Something, though I can't figure out what, seems to trigger this bug, and then the next time I change my character's gear or open the pipboy it activates. When I first started playing I noticed this problem when using showracemenu but fixed it by not entering showracemenu in first person. However, now I'm suddenly getting it after fighting ghouls in front of the repconn place. Camera mods seem unrelated. Toggling showracemenu and tfc don't fix it at all. Messing around in gameplay will crash the game with this bug active. Has anyone ever seen this before? Edit: Okay, I've narrowed this down to using a modded weapon from the Classic Fallout Weapons pack. Using any other gun doesn't trigger it but using my new modded sig sauer causes the bug. Anyone have any idea why this is happening? Edit2: The bug occurs from any pistol with an extended mag mod. Not sure if other mods do it as that's the only one I've obtained so far. Removing weapon animation mods causes a crash when firing the modded weapon, as opposed to causing the character turned left problem. Edit3: Solved. Further deleted stray animation files related to reloading not removed by removing my weapon animations mods with NMM. No character glitch, no crashes.
  3. I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure electro city workorders needs to go after highways and byways. Other than that I'm not sure.
  4. I tried searching for an answer to this but failed. I just got NV ultimate addition with all the dlc and I notice NMM doesn't have any of the dlc esm files checked. Do I need to check these? The game still found all the dlc before I ran NMM so I'm not sure if NMM unchecked them or if I'm not supposed to check them at all.
  5. Thanks Boogs. I'd have never guessed that was what was causing it.
  6. Well surely you can narrow it down. Of the 30, which weren't strictly model/texture/animation mods?
  7. I have this same problem. CTD every time. I even tried "coc windhelmhjerim" and I'm still getting the ctd. I don't have any mod that changes hjerim so I have no clue what's causing it.
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