Saved my game night before last, had just completed talking to Sr Gwenyth as part of the CoA FH questline. Loaded up the save last night, and again today (I hadn't done anything, just come out of it) and I'm in the Root Cellar in Sanc and a series of pop-ups comes up as if it's a new game. Those pop ups are the standard config options for Backpacks, Mossberg, etc. (I did exit the cellar once conventionally and the game immediately had a CTD). AFT has to reinitialise and I'm missing Nora. The companions I do have, as well as myself have also changed appearance (CBBE doesn't look like it's loaded, the Ponytail hairstyles, robot eyes, etc are all missing in-game). I'm missing the personal armoury I had on me at the time unless it's a 'nilla weapon. I let it run for half an hour not doing anything to see if anything else would "load", it didn't. I coc'd to the Nucleus and the entirety of the CoA were agro. Vortex is showing plugins as being active, but half of them have that little orange bell saying they're missing Masters, though no notification up top says that... The only other thing that popped up was Cheat Room (hosted on Beth): a pop up similar to the others saying it had updated and there was a back-up save. I can't find said back up and I forgot I even had the mod so cleared it off thinking that had done it. I've verified via Steam, even loaded up a cloud-based save and it's the same bs. Vortex did say F4SE needed a fix, so I hit fix and tried again. Nada. Any help?