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About Nero1534

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  1. For the blacked out face, there's already a Mod like that, but it's incompatible with the Eternal Shine Elven Armor Mod. Anyone feel like they could put two and two together for me? I'd do it myself, but seeing as I have zero modeling/texturing experience whatsoever, well... (Wow, spellcheck says that 'texturing' isn't a word. o-O)
  2. Ok, wow. Sorry for the doublepost, really, but SERIOUSLY? 27 views and NO ONE has even considered this? Jeeze. If no one else likes the idea of porting over the Nocturne Rifle to NV, then I'll just ask for permission myself, seeing as apparently I'm the only person here out of 27 other people who liked the idea. Really, people. I don't mean to sound like an ass, but the least you could do is just post if it would be a good idea to port it over or not, and state why it would or wouldn't be instead of ignoring the thread completely... The only reason I wanted someone else to do it is because if I were to do it, with the first couple of updates I would quite literally run a high possibility of breaking the entire game. And just a heads up, if I do end up getting permission, I'm not going to put it up on the nexus unless I find out for sure that it'll be used, and won't just be dragged down into the darkest pits of the mod pages, never to be seen or downloaded again. Because really, what's the point of uploading a mod that no one is ever going to use? Edit: Just asked for permission. Hopefully I get a reply.
  3. Hi all. So, I noticed that someone managed to port over the Deep Eyes armor mod from Fallout 3 to New Vegas. Though, being a bit of a completionist, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to get permission to port over the Nocturne Rifle from F3 to NV? I would do it myself, but since I'm extremely unfamiliar with anything past simple editing through the GECK, I would probably end up BREAKING the game in a most gruesome fashion instead. :pinch: Anyways, if anyone would be willing to do that, I would be most grateful. :) Thanks! EDIT: To avoid any confusion with the Terms of Service, the Nocturne Rifle and Deep Eyes armor are NOT vanilla components of Fallout 3. Nor are they added by any of the official DLC. They are entirely custom-made, and are in no way affiliated with or created by Bethesda Softworks.
  4. Nero1534


    Welcome to the forums, Nova. :happy:
  5. Hello all. I wasn't really sure where to put this, so I figured the Newbies Forum would work best for now. To anyone I know who is still active on these forums, I apologize for the extremely long absence. I won't get into my whole life story, but to keep it short and simple.. S*** happened. So, sorry if I don't seem as upbeat as I used to be. I will say this though, I seriously hate fourwheelers now.
  6. Well, I guess I could put it on the G.E.C.K. and into a mod-file, but it'd have to be coupled with the Female version of the Ghost Armor mod, unless we can get a scripter in here to help with the effects and stuff. I think the textures might need to be tweaked a bit as well, seeing as they focus on, well... the aspects of the female body. Let's just leave it at that, shall we? Heh.
  7. Would anyone, maybe even the creator of the GhostArmor HGEC mod be interested in making a Male version for those of us who're kinda anal about playing the same-gender characters? The textures are already there, as well as the weapons, all one would have to do is tweak the meshes to fit the male body. And maybe adding that full-faced goggle mask as a helmet, either that or toning down the nightvision on the goggles. I mean sheesh. I didn't expect the NV to be THAT bright, and when I crouched so I could sneak up on a mutie around midday, I got a face full of blinding orange glow. I LITERALLY went blind for a few seconds because of that. I mean, I know it's nightvision, but DAMN. Anyways yeah... anyone feel like making a male version of the GhostArmor mod?
  8. That worked somewhat, but now I have a new problem. It's too slow between shots. Now it only fires one per second. I'm just going to leave it the way it was. Thanks for the help.
  9. I'm really surprised the mods havn't locked the thread for going off-topic, despite it being requested 3-4 times. Laziness much?
  10. Okay, so i'm trying to modify the Nocturne Rifle that's somewhere on Nexus (Just search "Nocturne" and it should come up.) to have unlimited ammo because the reload animation is ATROCIOUS. (It clips through the character, and uses the assault rifle reload animation. I would change the reload animation, but there's no semi-proper one to use for a clip that's on the TOP of the gun.) So I go into the GECK, select "None" as the ammo type for it, save it, and reload my save. I hold down the Fire button to test it, and an ENDLESS STREAM OF BULLETS comes FLYING out of the gun, non-stop with NO delay, despite having a 1-2 second delay between shots in the GECK file display. How can I fix this?
  11. I said quit it with the chuck norris jokes. Mods, lock the thread please.
  12. ah, thanks for this. It's a shame he left. His mods were pretty awesome. Especially the Pipboy PDA one.
  13. It's really strange, all I can find are the authorized edits of his mods when I search "Alexscorpion". (Yes, I'm just doing this so I can get my SEVENTY-FIFTH POST! WOO! 3/4ths of the way to my goal of 100 posts. I also still want to find out what happened to Alexscorpion, since I really, REALLY enjoyed his Pipboy PDA mod. Really convenient and makes the armors look so much more better since you don't have only one wristplate when you use it.)
  14. I think the description is enough of a question, but anyways, yeah. I tried downloading his Pip-PDA mod a few minutes ago, and his Sniper Gear mod yesterday, and both were missing. Did he get wiped off the face of FO3Nexus or something? If so, why?
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