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  1. Sometimes a second pair of eyes, and dialogue about the issue is crucial with stuff like this. Glad you got it sorted!
  2. Okay, so perk rank 1 mods crit chance by 0, rank 2 mods it by 50, and rank 3 mods it by 1? If that is the error though, I don't see why it should have the stated outcome. I haven't done any crit editing, and don't know how well it works (the crit system is very different in FO4 than NV or Skyrim...) so you may be better off creating your own topic.
  3. Unfortunately the picture is a bit too small to see the text. Could you provide a more zoomed in or cropped version?
  4. From what I understand from your question, the rank 1 perk overrides the rank 3 one? If so I noticed Bethesda used a system of "HasPerk" and setting the first rank to only activate if you DO NOT have the second rank, and the same for the opposite. This ensures that only one of the two versions can be active. Yes, that is the problem. Which is very, very strange. I unlock the third rank, and it should overwrite the first rank by setting the value to the new one from the third rank instead of the one from the first rank. But it doesn't, the first one continues to overwrite it and it does this for every property that it shares with the first (e.g. breathing AP drain). So it seems that the first rank is active...but at the same time, I was getting the accuracy boost (to headshots in VATS) from rank 3, so that one had to be active too. It seems like, for some reason, rank 3 didn't overwrite rank 1 even though it should have. Also, note, this is a character started from scratch just to test the file. No perks had been taken. It was at a vanilla level three, un-upgraded, leveled up to 100 via the command console and given the adequate perception and sniper rank. Did you try the solution I mentioned? It can be found in multiple existing perks, so you can find the method in the vanilla fallout4.esm. Whether or not it works would be helpful information :smile: Edit: here's a picture of the bethesda solution I mentioned. http://i.imgur.com/kccTR2O.jpg
  5. Update: it seems like healrate is an AV (or similar) that remains regardless of currently loaded esps. Anyone who wants to mod this should be aware of this by using a save that does not have the relevant perks active before testing.
  6. From what I understand from your question, the rank 1 perk overrides the rank 3 one? If so I noticed Bethesda used a system of "HasPerk" and setting the first rank to only activate if you DO NOT have the second rank, and the same for the opposite. This ensures that only one of the two versions can be active.
  7. Thanks, I'll take a look at the esp to see how your perks look! I was under the impression that the "S" under target was "subject" thereby referring to the owner of the perk... I'll re-evaluate once I've taken a deeper look into your mod.
  8. Hey guys! I'm currently in the process of learning the workings of perks in order to understand what can and cannot be done (with myself as the resource limit). My ambition is to make a perk overhaul, with the aim to minimize the pure power upgrades in favour of more contextual perks. (For example rifleman flat 100% damage bonus would be replaced with an ability specifically related to a typical playstyle related to rifles) I currently have run into a couple of walls due to lack of documentation. 1. I can't get conditions to work properly. Having tried various different conditions for the purpose of experimentation, I cannot get any of them to work. Below is an image illustrating the type of condition I want to apply, and how I try to implement it. The intent in this case is to limit health regeneration to when your health is below 50%. Any advice on this issue is appreciated. Update: mostly fixed by changing the target to Player (PL) where previously it was Subject (S). http://i.imgur.com/RGUihCw.jpg 2. Combat health regeneration. I am aware that there are settings that can be modified, including fCombatHealthRegenRateMult, but I find that editing these has no effect on whether or not health can be regenerated in combat. Why does this have no effect, and how is in-combat-health-regeneration enabled? Update: This is currently the main problem remaining to discuss in this thread. Apologies for my somewhat noobish questions, I'm thankful for anyone taking their time to read and respond to this.
  9. Yeah, I think a lot of cool armors could be inspired by LoL skins. Leona has some really epic ones, then there's the exile riven, katarina, ashe... Heck even garen/jarvan/mordekaiser might make cool armors with some imagination put into it. Of course, this would all require complete custom models, which is a lot of work... While I wish I could do it, I don't think I would even if I could, considering the amount of work it would take xD
  10. There is a command like setnpcweight # (# goes from 1-100, this is the weight slider for the selected npc)- I'm not sure if that right there is the exact right spelling, but I know it exists. This also updates all of the npc's other features, so if you've changed some hair models and so on that are changed in the race menu, these will be changed as well. Edit: Derp, should've read closer. I'll dig a bit in the keywords to see if I can find it. Edit2: Can't seem to find the info anywhere. Like you said, probably have to wait for CK.
  11. I agree; there is a lack of choice in this department. Just as with the weird yielding system, this could use some work to improve roleplaying and immersion. How about sneakier things, also? Like for example persuading someone to follow you some distance under some false pretense, and then robbing or assassinating them? Perhaps this is a bit off topic, but it would be cool if you could start a conversation with a disabled (paralyzed, deep frozen, beaten) foe, and from there have a set of options like intimidation (to make "enemy" npcs like bandits and so on refrain from attacking you further, or something like that), robbery, and so on. It would make for a very decent alternative to pick-pocketing for more straightforward thieves.
  12. You don't have to take away their uniqueness to make them more attractive. I can easily imagine just slightly tweaking their eye and skeletal structure, as well as some textures, and have them look extremely similar to the current elves of TES lore, but simply a bit more attractive. What you would need to do is probably smoothen the skeletal structure a bit to make it a bit more graceful, and do something to the eyes to make them a bit less... alien and choppy? (Although I do like the idea that elves should be seen as aliens, after all they are a completely different race. They are however thoroughly humanoid, and therefore humanoid values of attractiveness would apply to them).
  13. Yes. I was actually noticing and sniggering over the same thing just last night. Unfortunately I don't have any advice as of how to find this, but I figure I should give this thread a little bump and say I think this is a great idea.
  14. Okay so here's the deal... I recently found out that there are a lot (basically all) of fallout's values still in the ESM. I dunno what it is like in the actual engine but this does denote something doesn't it? Therefore, my thought is; couldn't we make use of these left overs from the post-apocalyptic realm to make actually exploding fire-balls? Or a lightning-bolt that detonates in a deadly explosion of surging energy? What of limb damage? Who wouldn't want to be able to make their enemies heads burst when you hit them really hard with a huge two handed hammer? Or actually cause bodily damage, rather than just defining life by animated/ragdoll? This should also be possible using fallout mechanics. Just imagine what you could do with the possibility of explosions and limb damage in skyrim. (That dragon gonna tear people's stuff off...)
  15. This. Personally I think this whole idea is great. There might be the problem of racism, but seeing as Native Skyrim actually already has a lot of it, I don't see a problem with including something that would bring this to question. There are after all cultural differences between people. However it would probably need a bit of individuality or a random value or something for each character so that it doesn't seem completely racist. I also approve of the "simpler" solution. Being simply making yielded foes unable to attack you again for a certain amount of time, or until you attack them again.
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