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About lemonseamonkey

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    United States
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    New Vegas

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  1. Ahh, thanks for adding to the post! I love finding stuff like this on DA Here's some awesome additions: This one NEEDS to be made. It would fit the game so well: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/223/7/e/APOCA_by_dasAdam.jpg Page link: APOCA Also: Child of War Search and Destroy Black Age 4
  2. Was just lurking through DeviantArt's SciFi section when I ran across this dastardly power armor. Just thought I'd drop the image here in case anyone was just stumped on what they should make their newest armor mod look like. Cheers! http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/313/4/5/war_by_trufanov-d32i21e.jpg And here's the actual page link: My link
  3. Alright, So I finally downloaded the "Vvardenfell Imports" mod which has a ton of great armors In it they have The battle armor of Vivec. The mesh is amazing, but the textures need some work. Now they also have a "high Indoril" armor set with great textures. I tried learning modding this weekend just to try to get the armor textures from the high indoril set on to the vivec armor, but I pooped looking at the tutorials and texture file on photoshop. I'm going to still try and figure this out, and hopefully try and seperate the vivec armor into seperate parts, but until that happens if I can wrap my head around it, I would love to see someone retexture it. Let me know what your thoughts are! -Here's a shot of the vivec armor (on the left) http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/28245-4-1258411531.jpg -And here's a shot of the high indoril armor http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/28245-2-1258743923.jpg
  4. I just ran across this one on Deviant Art and think it's gorgeous. If anyone's willing to tackle it, I think you'd be a hero! :) http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/331/3/b/Dragon_Knight_by_Keun_chul.jpg
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