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About ValenBlackthorne

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    United States

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Ive been alright, and you?
  2. so whats up how you been
  3. Im doing good, I finally beat the main quest, Fighters Guild quest, Dark Brotherhood quest and Mages Guild Quest on Oblivion and passed my CBEST. How about you? Merry Christmas to you as well
  4. hey you how are things just wanted to say merry xmas
  5. i would have told you happy turkey to but it doesnt say where your at thanks
  6. hello there to you as well, have a happy turkey day?
  7. Ah I see, so how are you doing?
  8. Greetings to you too! As for me, I often disappear for months at a time on this website.
  9. Sent you a PM check your emails.
  10. well good to meet another newbie then...this may sound pushy but do you have like any instant essengers?
  11. Not long, since end of Oct. A bit of a newbie myself lol.
  12. Excellent, so how long have you been on here?
  13. I'm very well...my new friend.
  14. Thank you, and how are you this day?
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