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About SomeNoobWithCE

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  1. So let me start from the beginning, my Skyrim will not start when I click new game. When I do click new game the game goes to the smoke floating in the background and my options menu disappears. Currently (to the best of my knowledge) there are absolutely no mods installed however here is my issue. My Skyrim acts like the -No Bethesda Intro- mod is installed which leads me to think that I didn't completely clean out all my stuff somehow. I, personally (and God knows, I am probably wrong) thought I had deleted all the areas that needed to be removed but .. apparently not if it's acting like that. Currently there are zero mods installed on my PC through Mod Organizer and definitely not No Bethesda Intro. Am I missing something here? I mean the answer to that is obvious but where could they be hiding and why is it thinking I have this file installed? Edit 1: I want to point out that when I start the game through SKSE this happens, however when I start it through the normal start up it runs without a hitch. Edit 2: So with the above in mind, I tried to be cheeky. I started a fresh game and went through the wagon scene and got all the way up to where I could do a manual save. I then went to Mod Organizer and attempted to start the game with SKSE there. No problem at all, game starts up back to the menu screen without a hitch. I then tried to load the file from a vanilla Skyrim with SKSE over Mod Organizer and it says - This file has mods which you don't have installed (Not exact wording, but we've all seen this before). So... where are these mods? I've checked my load order and there's nothing listed there.
  2. I do not own the mod in question, nor do I have any hand in the creation of it... however I do have a mod issue with it. I would like to adjust this mod and use it for my own purposes but I am unsure how to do this. The mod in question is : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27492/? and my issue with it is very simple. Nothing I do will get this mod to work correctly with Skyre and the reproccer. I have searched for patches and spent the past month looking for a work around on it so I figured it's time to learn some modding myself. My questions are as follows: 1. Is it against Nexus rules to adjust this mod for my use only if I have no intents of distributing? I have tried to contact the mod author and he's not responding even after a week has passed. 2. How would I modify it or change it to work proper with Skyre if the armor values are not working correctly and not adjusting for the mod. 3. Are there mods similar to this that are already changed and work with SkyRe? Note : Please delete this if I am violating any ToS with this, it was not my intent, I just want to enjoy a mod that was working fine right to the point I got SkyRe.
  3. First off, my mod list... let's get this out of the way. I have just under eighty or so mods going on my game, some of them cosmetic but all of them are lore friendly. None of them are going to completely turn the game into an easy dance to Big Al and most of them Gopher has used at one time or another. I have done a lot of facepalm worthy things in this game. I mean, there are some really duh things you find along the way to the 'end' of Skyrim and then there are face-palm worthy ones. Some of these things you would think to yourself "Man, why did I think this would work?" and then when I can't answer myself I just reload and try it again. So with that said... let's get to some memorable ones. So, i'm playing a Nord Blood-Archer template character that is going along swimmingly. I'm using the Better Vampires mod and I have been a vampire for just about 20 levels or so. This gives me, I feel, a good understanding of my class and how it's played with the Vampire set-up. Apparently, this gives me zero information or the common sense needed to realize that NPC's do not take very kindly to you draining blood from corpses not ten feet away from you. Take for example the time when Galmar Stonefist and me got into a tif because I decided to tap a vein on a dead Imperial soldier. Yeah, let's just say he didn't buy the line I gave him about bathing in the blood of my enemies. The other Stormcloaks, completely oblivious as to what was going on, decided to side with Galmar against the unblooded... which led to me putting everybody but Galmar down. Yeah, well... reload two ... needless to say I decided to wait till everyone went around the corner before putting a line in an arm. Now, one of the interesting things about being a Vampire is the fact that you DIE in sunlight depending on what difficulty you have it set on. I of course play it as hard as I can possibly get it... which means direct sunlight kills you in a matter of seconds. So.. let's move on to my moment in Falkreath where I am smithing away happily so I can get a little higher in smithing to get improvements into the tree. Here I had it in my head that... well I need to sell all this and i'm encumbered... that's ok i'll just wait until Lod comes outside with Isobel and i'll sell everything to them and move along. The part I didn't realize was that due to my light settings with Better Vampires... the forge put off even more light which caused the shadowy area I was in previously to not be so shadowy anymore. I wasn't powerful enough to fog the area as a vampire, so here I am waiting for them to come by on the front porch so I can get unencumbered. Yeah, well, it's about this time a Blood Dragon decides to stop by to say hello to everyone. This puts me in a slight pickle as he's a fire breather and uh, yeah, i'm weak to fire. So I did what any self respecting vampire would have done in this moment! I popped an invisibility potion and hid crying in a corner hoping that Lydia and the guards can put this down. I'm going to post more stories but for the time being let me give you these just to show you what a wild ride it's been. Skyrim has been out for quite some time now and it never ceases to amaze me how I always find my way back to walk through snow and ice to enjoy moments like this. More to come....
  4. Disregard, I think it fixed itself. I have absolutely no idea what I did or what happened, but I set it to go through the normal steps again... and magic. Will come back if this breaks again.
  5. Ok so this would be something simple if it was something simple. Normally I can fix these problems however, this one is completely out of my reach. So here's the issue, I just went back through on a fresh install of Skyrim and redownloaded all my mods. This as usual goes off without a hitch and the files are good to go with no CTD's or errors. The issue falls under doing Skyre : I've never had an issue where this presented itself and furthermore it was working fine previously. I installed all the required Skyre files, and the comparability patches are good to go. Super, now my patcher says it can't identify Skyre_Main.esp, however I see the ESP in my plugins for Mod Organizer. So I tried reinstalled and doing it all over again, still same issue that it can't find the file. Updated Mod Organizer - Nothing Updated Java - Nothing Insured it was running in Administrator mode - Nothing. I've searched the internet and I can't find anything that seems to point me in the right direction so i'm coming to you guys and gals. I figure if anyone can answer this, it would be all of you.
  6. First of all, greetings to the mod community, i'm glad I was able to post this here and I want to thank all of you and the Skyrim community for reading this (those of you would do, of course). So I have an issue that isn't resulting in a CTD and in all honesty isn't causing any massive technical issues other then it being more of an annoyance. I can play Skyrim for quite some time, I have a large number of mods installed but this happens with a fresh install and otherwise modded all to Oblivion and back. The issue is this, my sound randomly switches side from time to time. The sound in my left headset sometimes goes to the right headset and vice versa. I did look this up in the forums and used google but the only thing I found had something to do with turning my sound quality down and changing it some... it doesn't help. I don't know what does this, nor do I have any idea what could be causing it and in fact wonder if it may be more of a PC issue then anything else. All it's honestly forcing me to do is.... put my headphones on backwards :( Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance and good day
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