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Everything posted by EnjayNexus

  1. Agreed on everything that you said about collections, and more. I don't get why they are popular, or why Nexus promotes them so heavily. There must be some benefit to Nexus for doing so. To me, they are very much akin to the old shovelware disks where transitory companies used to scrape the Internet for free content (in those days it would have been Doom and Duke Nukem mods, and freeware or shareware games) and throw them together on a CD (or even a set of floppy disks) and charge a few $ for them. To me, there is no finesse abut them. They are often massive bucket-loads of mods which may not actually conflict, but often don't compliment each other very well, or simply contain too much to suit most people. Certainly, it would be a very rare situation where I would want all of the mods in a collection, and I don't really understand why anyone would choose to install one wholesale. And that's on top of all the valid points you raise about the connections and feedback to original mod authors. If some people like them, then more power to them. But to have "Popular Collections" (I wonder how popular?) dominating so much screen real-estate in the new layout is a definite negative point for me.
  2. When I visit the mod page for a game, I am most interested in finding out about the newest mods for that game. With the old "classic" layout, the new releases were not right at the top of the page, the current "hot mods" were. However, they were all neatly presented in quite reasonably sized panel which still left plenty of room to see the first of the new mods right from the moment of landing on the page. With the beta layout, first there is a banner for Nexus premuim (fair enough), the "trending mods" take up more space, then there are the "popular collections" (I will never need to see those.). Then there is another banner for premium and then, finally, there is the "more mods" section with the new mods highlighted. In other words, I used to be able to visit Nexus, go to a game-specific page and at least see the first few of the items that I wanted to see (the newest mods) straight away. Now I have to scroll past a bunch of other stuff before what I want to see is visible. This is not an improvement in my opinion. The site is less accessible to me. Ideally, some way of customising which items are show, or in which order, would be great. Then I could put the "more mods" section at the top, and shift the other sections down. People who like a different order could have it.
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