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  1. Speaking of skinned and non-skinned, would i be able to create a mesh in Max without a texture and simply do the texture up and add it later in the creation kit?
  2. Do you believe i would need to import/export a certain way to ensure maximum compatibility with the 2012 nif plugin? As in, between 3ds max's, would i need to use certain import/export settings?
  3. My hopes at the moment are that i will be able to find some form of workaround for downgrading to 2012 :/ I understand it is the only compatible version for the max plugins but i've simply grown too accustomed to the 2014 workflow, this is the first time i've been able to even produce a model, i'm really just desperately hoping i can avoid changing it all around again y'know? Very useful information though and if nobody has any workaround for being able to use 2014, i suppose i'll have to get 2012 and use your information stated, thank you for that :3 I'm just really... REALLY hoping i can stick to exactly what i know and make it work y'know?
  4. So i've tried on a large number of occasions to make my own models/meshes, so on and so forth, looked through so many tutorials, tried to emulate them a hundred times over, i can't seem to get it down, the problem i seem to be having is this; Tutorials always focus on a specific version of a specific program, there's a hundred work-arounds for different versions and different programs but it's so hard to find a start to finish on EXACTLY what i'm doing and trying to do, so i'm just curious as to if anybody would be able to provide me a (preferably video) guide on start to finish with 3DS Max 2014, and the process(es) i need to take to get my model from 3DS Max 2014 to Skyrim. More specifically, do i need to import a certain thing a certain way considering 2014 doesn't have nif importing options, do i need to use multiple programs (I have Blender, Nifskope obviously, i even got Milkshape, a have a large variety of programs at the moment, all in the hopes of getting this to work), do i need to set exporting up a certain way, what do i need to export as, what do i need to do in nifskope, all those sorts of things. The ideal guide would essentially be, making a simple model using the proper technique (Let's say we just make a simple ball primitive, do we need to import something first, or can we make the ball from scratch?), exporting it in whatever form is needed, and running it through additional programs (Nifskope, blender, blah blah blah), and then finally getting it into the creation kit properly, and then any additional work that is needed. Would anybody be able to assist me with this? I've been trying for literal years, since just after Oblivion release, following on into Fallout 3 and beyond, but not once have i been able to make my own models, s***, i've been trying since Sims 2 haha, i just can't seem to get anything right with this, the modelling seems to go so smoothly these days, i've finally started to get a decent workflow, start to actually create things, but now i've got the lovely 'nif' problem to deal with and i just can't pass this hurdle :/ Plaes halp :/ http://i323.photobucket.com/albums/nn466/Constance_M/77d3ef64-d8f6-423a-9510-65b89838528c_zps71a886da.jpg
  5. I personally feel, for the amount of 'jiggling' that would be appropriate for males, as in extremely little, most people would see it as not worth the effort :| Don't get me wrong, i ONLY play male characters, as a personal rule, i simply cannot play females, so i'm not denying males need a f*#@LOAD more mod love, but this in particular i feel is a little impractical :(
  6. Well that's awkward.. Didn't even realize xD ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE NEW UPDATE BTW!! JOURNAL LOOKS BEYOND AMAZING <3 Have caps made my point? :)
  7. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1280019-a-race-based-of-the-movie-frozen/ ^^^^^ Please add to this request ;)
  8. Might i offer an alternative suggestion? A small quest somewhere, similar to Lights Out! quest chain/line, where you help a smuggler out, and at the end of the quest he give you the ability to call him to sell some goods for you with his underground connections. A power, like the Horse Whistle power from Convenient Horses would be added that would call him to you, you'd give him all your s#*&#33;, and in return he'd give you an underground currency in relation to the BASE value of the items, e.g a diamond, diamonds are worth 700g BASE value, when you give him your s#*&#33; he gives you worthless tokens, called something like 'Currency token' or something like that, just so you know what it is, for every 1g base value of each item, e.g if you actually gave him a diamond he'd give you 700 'Currency token's, have an option when you've got 700+ tokens that when you speak to him, you can trade your tokens for currency, in this case, a Diamond for every 700 tokens, which are very light, but valuable, so you can then take that stuff over to a real vendor and sell your fresh clean diamonds for gold. In this way you keep it relatively immersive, you're not making obsurd amounts of money on the fly without even needing to SPEAK to a vendor, you're not magically converting junk into gold, so on and so forth in that fashion, PLUS! It would be really cool if, in the mod suggestions there's a WIP called smuggler's cove, if underground smugglers like those at the cove used diamonds as currency, possibly even a new item, an uncut diamond which you could cut for more profit or use as currency with smugglers ;3
  9. Absolutely incredible concept, i haven't seen the movie myself, but that scene literally blew my mind! Now i want to build castles made of solid ice, live isolated from the world, my own private kingdom of ice and snow! BWAHHAAHAHAH!!!! Okay okay, calming down now, but seriously, first thing i note: A frost mage power; Much like Dragon Aspect - What i would LIKE to see: Using the power forms extravagant ethereal robes of ice around you (Perhaps even just make some incredible ethereal looking ice robes and have the power equip them like bound weapons, so they're hidden and when they're removed your old armor is re-equipped) which increase your frost damage dramatically and/or enable access to a variety of race and form specific spells (Like Vampire lord/werewolf ;3) What seems more likely: Basically recolored Dragon Aspect, forms spectral armor of ice around you, doing similar things to the robes i would like to see (As i'm sure that part wouldn't be as difficult) I would LOVE the ability to form ice walls (Similar to this but perhaps more modular, like a better shape that could potentially be used on any angle while still looking appropriate and a smaller size so they build up at a slower rate, they would be destructible (Like the mod i linked), permanent (Unless you or someone/thing destroys them, they would need to be like in the mod i linked, marked as enemies/friendlies so enemies seek to destroy them, thus if you use them tactically like in a fight to block off the enemy, they will destroy the wall to get to you) and could essentially be used to form your own home, your own kingdom, your own campsite, whatever the hell you want. I reckon that would just be INCREDIBLE! And not that difficult considering something similar has already been done in the mod i linked! :)) Please however, do not make the form change, in whatever form it comes in, a daily power, the purpose of the perk tree type thing (Even if it's just a menu that uses your perk points) would be to allow your power to grow over time, so when you first begin as this race, you are essentially weak as all hell, just very.. basic, no reason why the power would have to be daily if you were so weak, and then even as you grow it makes sense because you spent a long time becoming stronger, better, enhancing your abilities, why would you be limited to daily use of a natural talent? Side note: Are you planning to make this mod or are you requesting somebody else make it? :)
  10. I believe the Book of Silence already does something similar and more :smile: Check it out :smile: Most relevant image: Or do you mean even browner? :smile:
  11. Convenient Horses allows your horses to basically have an internal storage ('Saddle bags') so you can use them essentially as pack rats; You can also change Horse behavior so they flee during combat instead of hooving bears lol.
  12. I personally feel a shield that deflects all damage (Especially for 2m) is far too overpowered, in 2 minutes, a decent berserker could clear out a fort, not to mention a master level destruction mage... If i may make a suggestion; Perhaps a shield that, for 30 seconds, deflects all PROJECTILES, such as arrows, magic, that sort of thing. That way, you would have to use it tactically due to short duration (Personally, i think it would be better if the duration was even shorter but i don't want to stomp on your toes too hard haha) and because it does nothing against physical attacks, couple this with some sort of wall, e.g like the Dwemerverse wall (Alteration spell that adds an impassable wall) and you could set up a tactical 'choke point' if you will, cover your rear, block projectiles, place a fire wall on the ground infront of you, profit endlessly. This is ofcourse assuming you're using a overhaul mod to make the game more logical and difficult, otherwise, vanilla skyrim requires no tactics :| ANYWHO! If you're looking for overpowered, excuse my message, if not, please consider my suggestion, or add your own to mine :3 I'm a big fan of immersion and realism (approx. 50% (Over 100) of my mods are in the 'immersive category haha) so i believe this would be a really cool mod idea if it fits better into the Skyrim world and such :3 And Skyrim is very rarely about overpowered (Except when it comes to the vanilla player haha xD) Edit: Nice ava btw ;3 What body/skeleton/tex you usin? :3
  13. I have only one thing to add. http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120511203044/wowwiki/images/0/0c/Undead_male250x.gif
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