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Posts posted by sumoftwosins

  1. First off, I understand that if there is something I don't like or would like to be different then I should try to put in the effort myself (which I am currently trying to figure out), so this post is primarily out of curiosity even if it sounds like a rant.


    So nearly all the clothing mods/swaps that I have downloaded, which use the outer torso slot, replace Jacket #10 - the racing bolero. [rant] Am I the only one that actually likes the bolero? [end rant]


    The frustrating thing is that I can only use one of a dozen awesome mods. The strange thing is many of these could swap an item that theirs is based on. An example is the Militech Modular.... The bulletproof vest + items added could, in theory, just swap another (slightly different style) vest. The person who did Arasaka Ninja actually went this route. Their chest/mags harness replaced the clothing item that looked like a life jacket. This leads me to wonder if there is a technical reason.


    So is there or is everyone prefer losing their sleeves?

  2. A few things that I have noticed.... Defense isn't just for "Help Defend" alerts.


    1. If you defense is lower then your food and water combined, you are more likely to get attacked.

    (24 food 40 water = 64 resource and only 30 def will result in more attacks)


    2. If you fail to defend a settlement, the damage done is based on your defense value ratio.

    (Few defenses and all generators, water filters, and food will need to be repaired - Lots of def and you will not need to repair as much. I think it also determines how many settlers are killed, but I haven't confirmed this)


    3. Enemies spawn if you are in range of the settlement. If you do not go, it's all just number rolls or RNG. You only have to be nearby for the spawn to trigger. I was at Red Rocket and the attack started at Sancuary.


    And a comment as to why do you need a lot of defenses even though you have to help defend? Well there are other world events taking place. Not sure if it was a bug, but a caravan was being chased by Synths and they fled to my settlement and a shootout took place between my settlement and the synths. So I was happy we helped out the Caravan.

  3. I'm needing two female voice actors... decent ones. That means good microphone. This is for a New Vegas mod. I'm soliciting other locations, but since the mod is for this game... I figured I'd post here as well. As in the title, I will pay for the voice acting. It's hard enough to get women to do voices, so I figured I'd offer an incentive. It will not be a lot of money, but worth a couple of hours of your time. There are requirements though.


    Female, Age 17 - 30... or at least a young adult voice.

    Voice 1 - Assertive, yet flirty.

    Voice 2 - Soft, Clear, Receptionist

    Accent needs to be American English. Southern draw is fine, but no Baston sounding... just because I don't like Boston.


    I will pay either by Pay Pal or Cashier's Check. US currency only.


    If you are interested, or have a friend / love interest that can do it... email me at [email protected] - I'll have some sample lines and further info then.

  4. There has got to be a way to do this.


    I've tried using FO3Edit and coping the codes into the mod through the NVEdit, but it crashes the GECK after making the changes. So I guess it isn't exacting the same. Anyone know if a way to export a character?

  5. There is a way if you have a modded xbox to where you can actually explore your HD. I haven't done it. I know it requires that you flash your xbox with a new firmware. After that, it works just like the PC game. Just look for Xbox Fallout 3 modding or something a long those lines.
  6. For the most part, any solid modders are already working on their own projects. Especially since New Vegas just came out. All of the FO3 guys including myself, are working to move our stuff over. Aside from that, you will still have a hard time getting someone to just make the mod on their own. The GECK is very simple, it is almost like building with Lego's. Many of us will help you with any problems you run into.


    You might get lucky and find someone to do the entire thing for you, but I am trying to be realistic. Get started with it yourself and when you run into the hard stuff... make a post.

  7. Okay, the game-plan has been crafted. I'm still working on the locals though. This will be a brief mod since I have another large mod in the works that goes in a completely different direction. Though this mod will be packed full of items.



    Almost all of the items from MERC will be ported over. Than includes the weapons and armor. There will be new items as well. The story starts with Blain as it did before. Some of the people from MERC-2 decided to venture west to search for more of the MERCorp facilities via a vertibird. Due to a malfunction it crashed some where near New Vegas. The Courier will receive a distress signal and if he/she chooses to seek it out, thus begins MERC-NV.


    What will be added:


    From MERC 1 & 2

    - Shock Rifles

    - FN FAL

    - Scoped / Silenced AK

    - Blain's Duster

    - Stealth Suit

    - Elite Stealth Suit

    - Power Armor



    - Silenced Marksmen Carbine

    - Silenced FAL

    - Scoped LMG (Like Modern Warefare)

    - MERC Style Ranger Armor

  8. I just figured I'd make an official update stating that M.E.R.C. will be somewhat ported over. This will not be a straight port. There will be a story tie-in with the other MERC mods. It will simply be a way to bring over the weapons and armor from M1 & M2, with a quest involved. I'm going to keep this simple with a quick release (because I want to use the stuff from merc myself).


    I'm running through the game now to determine the correct time/location and method to tie in MERC with New Vegas.

  9. Just saw the new video. It seems that a company has built a Luxury Underground Bunker. Adults - $50,000 US and Children $25,000 US.

    It doesn't look to shabby to me and the price well.... isn't that bad to think of it.


    There are still decommissioned Missile Silos for sale as well. They average 1.2 Million US, but these come equip with a 2,500 Square Foot Ranch House. Which if I ever to get to a point in my life that I can "blow" a few million for stupid things, I'm definitely getting a missile base. Screw a Yacht!


    ABC - Vault New Video

  10. Part of the final ADDON for MERC 2 will include a new weapon. What we have decided is that it will be some type of "Big Gun" and that it will be some type of energy type projectile. What I am looking for is ideas as to what the gun will do. Some people have suggested a type of motor, energy shotgun, and a plasma missile. I'm cool with those ideas, but I'd like some more opinions. Since I am opening this weapon up for fans to pick, we're calling it the Crowd Pleaser.


    I have some images of the prototype model. There are still a number of details left to add and I still need to do the textures.







  11. After a year long break from Fallout 3... for better or worse, I have released MERC 2. It can be found here:



    There are several differences between MERC 1 & 2. There are more quests that lead up to creating the faction and accessing the base. We've got all the weapons included, like the 3 versions of the shock rifle and the mesgun which has been converted to the "Frenzy Cannon" it makes the target you shoot go into a frenzy and attack everyone. This means if you shoot a ghoul, other ghouls will attack it. It really helps out when you are greatly out numbered. One big change is Blain is located in Springvale, so don't goto the base looking for him. Please review the README.


    I'm working on some add-on's (expansions)

    - Outpost in Point Lookout / storage, bed, and recruiting ability

    - Outpost in The Pitt / storage, bed, and a few people that can follow you if requested

    - MERC Help in Broken Steel / MERC reinforcements will help during the big battle

    - ICBM Quest / Time to nuke someone off the map!


    The mod team will be taking requests for compatibility patches with other mods out here. Patches are en-route for FOOK2, FWE, RTS.


    We are also working on voice packs to add voices to the main characters. We have voices for Blain, Miller, and Chase. I will apologize right off the bat that I don't have a studio mic with a filter... so the voices don't really sound like the rest of Fallout 3. Not to mention that none of the LIP files match up. With all that aside we are needing voice actors to finish this up. We need WOMEN!!!


    Main Characters (30 - 60 lines)

    - Sergent Barrett, seasoned soldier / Brotherhood of Steel / Strong badass

    - Mickey, an old merchant and wise man of the Wasteland

    - Kalen, assassin and theif / sexy and wild

    - Nicole, super smart child



    Small Roles ( 10 - 30 lines)

    - Receptionist (Female)

    - Businessman (Male)

    - Medic (Male)

    - Mechanic (Female)

    - Accountant (Female)

    - Scientist (Male)



    Thanks goes out to the current voice actors, beta test team, and Vforvic. All of which are responsible for getting MERC 2 off the ground and moving again. Please endorse and if you want to help improve the MERC series, as stated, we need voice actors!

  12. For some reason my mod is preventing the game to continue after "Take it Back". If I unload the mod, it works... I can't seem to find any connection between the issue and my mod. I'm trying to test it in different ways, but I figured I'd ask here as well. Anyone else have this issue?
  13. I'm cool with it being a big mod. I loved FO3 enough to keep spending money on the series. I'm just curious to see how it goes over. I've noticed that they have modern weapons in the game like an M4 and things that didn't exist. It will be okay if they have a good reason to back the idea of "newer weapons".
  14. You're best bet is to open up the model (nif file) with Nif Tools. It might be possible to just delete the feather. Otherwise it will need to be edited with a modeling program, such as max. You might be able to make a transparent map for the feather as a texture. The feather will still be there, but invisible..




    AS FOR EVERYONE ELSE. I will try to get the links updated on this thread.

  15. I doubt there will be much change. Vegas will probably just be a big expansion minus the FO3 story and characters. The crew behind it isn't known for changing the architecture of a game. All items and file types will remain the same, but as far as using the same building resources (walls, doors, etc..) I think we'll have to rebuild any locations. All in all it is the "quick buck" maneuver. Bethesda is cranking out Brink and someone else has the opportunity to make some money using a prefab system. Win/Win, why not?
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