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About Matt000000

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  1. I have no clue what is going on but how long until the mod is done just an estimate
  2. Dam can we have a talk about the mod and not have an argument in here ok
  3. Good to have u agree I just think adding Jews of any type would be just bad taset and should be left out for good
  4. A Jew compainon is a really Bad idea in my opinion it would cause some bad stuff it best left out
  5. Ps sorry about same thing 2 times was accedent
  6. Any way I'm sure it's joining to be fun even if I go near and they shoot at me but will there be new guns
  7. Any way I'm sure it's joining to be fun even if I go near and they shoot at me but will there be new guns
  8. I was just saying I would be fun to try and take over the waste with some nazies with me
  9. Dam I would have like some options with them
  10. Great ideas would be nice to know if they are going to be hostile itstantly or like the NRC and legion were u have to piss them off first
  11. Be really fun to have nazis around and Mabey one as a commpanin :)
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