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  2. Aren't all the dragons in skyrim wyverns already?
  3. The map plans. Blue is travel on the island, red are new buildings, bridges, ext. The only unmarked items I have plans for is using the peninsula of raven rock for more dunmer housing. (in skyrim it says the dunmer went to Solstheim, Skyrim, and beyond while running from ash mountain's eruption 200 years ago.)
  4. I'm working on a project to rebuild Solstheim and am finding the task daunting. I would like to request help in building the island. Quite frankly I need a team. If I could get a few people to make the colossal island and a few towns I have planned for it including Ravenrock, Thirsk, Skaal Village, Frostmoth, and a village you get to help build called Rhyndail. help with voice acting, build a few interiors, rig some quest lines, make some new magic, ect. I also want to get input as well as volunteers If you want to volunteer but think an idea should be done differently that's okay! I'm posting everything here: I am currently working on interiors as I need help to build the raw island. Right now I am focused on Fort Frostmoth and Frostmoth town interiors I have a map with locations of towns and planned additions on it. Major quest summaries Companions expansion: The Bloodmoon hunt. As the Bloodmoon rises again two hundred years after being sealed away by the Navarine(sp?) The companions see come to fight Hercine and save the souls of their fellow lycanthropic heros of ages past from Hercine's eternal grasp. This involves interaction with the Skaal, participation in the great hunt, and the choice to kill the savage werewolves under Hercine's foot or to attempt to save them and the souls of countless others facing a duel to the death with the Daedric lord. Winterhold mage students: The study of druid magic and herbal alchemy is still largely unknown on the mainland. This involves delving in to the native's deepest secrets, mastering new spells, and discovering the magic behind Lycanthropy, shapeshifting, nature magic, Stalhrim, and the Skaal, and defeating the local witches. Ravenrock: The Dunmer have settled here, and while many have returned slowly to Morrowind, they are affraid that Raven Rock will fail, the mine has been empty for years, but an expert feels there is more behind a ruin they found behind the original stalhrim descovery site. Feuding parties both desire to lay claim and are willing to murder, lie, defame, and harm the others. Can you keep the peace and still save the colony. Rhyndail: The fur industry is growing and plans are being made to create a town near the best hunting sites. Build a town, and protect the people from all sorts of trouble, including native berserker attacks.
  5. I want to see a craftible set of armors from Solsetheim. Bear armor (heavy) Snow-bear fur armor - better than normal bear armor/heavy + resistant to frost damage (heavy) Wolf fur armor (light) Snow-wolf fur armor - better then normal wolf fur armor + resistant to frost damage (light) Now for skyrim sabercat armor (heavy) Snow-sabercat fur armor - better than normal bear armor/heavy + resistant to frost damage (heavy)
  6. I think werebears should be added alongside werewolves since transformation is not moon based in skyrim. You could copy and alter the script for werewolves to add werebears in too. As one option for mod files make it so you simply become one alongside being a werewolf in the companions quest-line. (Personal part of request: remove no resting bonus. Animals sleep too.) I'd request it as such, a new model for the werebear new animations if needed. Make werebears slower but stronger then werewolf. Bears are hard to kill so give a nice bear form health bonus. Change "beast form" spell to "wolf form" Add "Bear form" spell" Make the ring of Hercine add aditional transformation (if not on a toggle basis like I think werewolf and werebear should be)
  7. Personally I want to see more of the cat race so why not make a merchant settlement where they can go to buy and trade/practice pick-pocketing etc. I'd want you to include a few followers and marriable companion khajiits. Just reuse the argonian marriage voices and I'd call it good. Perhaps the town could include a small quest or two and an inn. Don't care what you call the inn. Hairball inn if you want just want to see this made now the editor is coming out in a week or two.
  8. UPDATE! WEREWOLF FORM UNLIMITED TRANSFORMATION TOGGLE http://www.spwned.net/hosted/werewolf_toggle.zip
  9. How about this dagger? http://jmillart.deviantart.com/art/Tal-Dagger-186751588 I would imajen it's name 'Tal' written along the blade in either daedric and/or dragon language.
  10. Not to nit pick but doesn't that contradict a little? You either have to feed because of health, or you have to feed because of time... either one technically forces you to use it - and if you had enough viable targets to feed on your form lasts indefinitely anyway. I'd actually like to see a stacking health regen. Start at 0, then every feed is something like +.15 or .25 (possibly up to a max of 2.0 for the duration of the transformation). If you wanted to get clever with it you could have half of the regen transfer over to human form for 24hrs. You could even start the initial regen at a slight negative so that it drains health until your first feed. I'd also like to be able to loot (granted its probably a conflict with the feed function as-is in the game since its the same hotkey). This seems to be a silly "realism" function that doesn't belong as its mostly just annoying more than it is any sort of real disadvantage or that it adds value to the game. Perhaps bash in locked doors, and *maybe* to a lesser extent and for the same reasons of the loot complaint you could also add chest locks to this with the possible exception of master locks. if it doesnt already - light armor and 1h skills/perks transfer over (beast hide improved by your LA skill) - note I do not mean armor and weapon ratings transfer, just the skills to give it better scaling (I have no idea if they do or do not presently) a hotkey for each of the hircine totems - currently fear trumps the other 2 and you start with it. This would also give you the life sense that you already wanted. and MAYBE be able to transfer over the stats of accessories (neck/ring). and if you wanted to add an interesting feature as a disadvantage - a chance of an auto-transform if the form is neglected for too long. No feeding attempts after (for example) 70 hours? You run an increasing risk of an unfortunate accident. Currently there really is no reason (that I know of) to get rid of "the curse" even if you keep it for the sole purpose of the 100% disease resist. and I would guess absolutely none of this is possible without scripting a mod in the kit that doesn't exist yet :) I suppose it is more of a general idea but bashing in locked doors would be marvelous for a werewolf! About three or four days without transforming causing a forced shift sounds like a great idea! it would definitely be a better drawback balancing system then most, especially since most of these ideas are all positive improvements, there needs to be a balancing to it, plus I'd use it just for incentive to transform every now and then. Brilliant ideas!
  11. I was talking about the mechanics of Skyrim's Werewolves, not it's appearance. In appearance werewolves are pretty good, but for the mechanics I much preferred the werewolves they used in the bloodmoon expansion. However, now that you mention it, while I really like the looks of the werewolf, I wish it had more variation, and not just in color, but in size and shape also, and based on race and gender. For instance, as the smallest race Bosmer should also be the smallest werewolves, and as one of the more scrawny looking races the thinnest and least muscular, (mechanic-wise they should be as strong as any other werewolf though) while the Nords would be the tallest and one of the most muscular. I can't imagine exactly how being a werewolf would affect the beast races, aside from turning the Khajiit into sabe cats and the Argonians into dragons, but that makes them werecats and weredragons so we're talking about a different transformation altogether, but I'm sure someone with more imagination can come up with aesthetics based around the beast races. As for the color of the fur and eye, it should be based on the skin and eye color of the races, for example dark blue fur for Dunmer and black for the Redguards, and Dunmer typically have reddish eyes so replacing the typical werewolf yellow irises with red ones would be a good idea. Actually racial based differences makes sense and might (Not going to garentee it) be easier to mod in, then you add the other pelt colors and set those to NPC and the player somehow.
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