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    Modding, some Skyrim
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  1. Took a long break from this thing. Finishing it up:
  2. An update on this thing: http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss207/Zenlren/TheHoundArmor.jpg
  3. Are you sure about that? :) http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Photoshop_environment_mapping http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Photoshop_cube_maps_in_Fallout_3
  4. Thx for the hi-res pic on the helmet. Done as suggested on the studs. I get that feeling from him, too and I never even read the book. Just shows how good the HBO adaptation is. @Ghogiel, I remember reading somewhere you wonder where the tutorial articles from old site are, if you haven't found them already, here it is: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Category:Tutorials (recently stumbled upon them).
  5. Wouldn't be the Hound without the hound helmet. There will be a close-face and an open-face version. Unless I go beyond and make a script to open and close the helmet. Finding good references has been a pain :/
  6. Sandor Clegane from Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire) Based on the HBO series design. The Hound armor WIP: http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss207/Zenlren/TheHoudHBO.jpg Latest Update: http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss207/Zenlren/TheHoundH.jpg http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss207/Zenlren/TheHoundD.jpg http://i576.photobucket.com/albums/ss207/Zenlren/TheHoundC.jpg
  7. Had the same problem. You probably weight some of the vertices (the area where mesh showing up in front of other mesh) to more than 4 bones. The limit is 4 bones per vertex. So the area shown could've been weight to thigh, pelvis, spine, spine1, and skirt or something else. Do remove zero weight as well. You can see in Nifskope if it's fix or not. After that all I have to do in Nifskope is change the "Num UV Sets" from 1 to 4097, copy/paste bslightingshader, and update tangent space that's all. If the original mesh has vertex color then change "Has Vertex Color" from "no" to "yes" Also try the latest exporter 3.7.3. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5622
  8. It is now release, finally. Been over a month since I started. :sweat: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11784
  9. Thanks. Great tutorial; was just looking for how to make use of unnamed slot for cape and have it show up.
  10. Really beautiful work. You're really redoing the scales? Perhaps a tighter diamond-shape scale formation: http://youthcast.org/audio/2010/10/3899748654_3c1126b517_o.jpg http://images.wikia.com/godzilla/images/f/f4/KingGhidorah02.jpg---or make king ghidorah :) What are you using for texturing? Polypaint>>>to low poly? If you're still looking to import Skyrim human for scale reference there's an application called "Archive" to extract nif files; locate in your skyrim folder if you installed Creation Kit. Same folder as your skyrim/creation kit exe. Open meshes.bsa and it's under actors\character\character assets\...
  11. Some ingame screens: The Dragonslayer is from this mod. A working hand cannon might be possible for later release.
  12. Just a little more work on the arm then done and on to rigging.
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