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Posts posted by Marked0n3

  1. So I am trying to edit xp32's skeleton to create a custom bow and quiver position. On the skeleton there is a quiver node and a bolt node, but the bolt node does absolutely nothing. Instead the bolt quiver position is the quiver node too, so my custom quiver position is now ruined by the fact that the bolts appear halfway down the leg whenever the crossbow is equipped.


    Is there anyway to separate the quivers so that the crossbow bolt quiver actually uses the bolt node?

  2. Try Convenient Horses mod..it gives all your followers Horses anyway without having to purchase them. I think there's an option to make it so your followers use unique horses too so it shouldn't mess it up. Don't quote me on that though! Best thing to do would be to backup your save (put it somewhere else) and install the mod, if you don't like it uninstall it properly (read mod description) then use the backed up save just in case it decides to plant little gremlins in the new save.

  3. I agree with Coastalaxe, you will still see it, albeit even if it is blurry to the point that you can't make out what it is. I think it would be very hard to replicate that on a screen though :/


    It would be good if it worked with the eye patches that some mods add to the game too. I loved it the first time on Metal Gear Solid 3 when I noticed that when I did first person view after Snake lost his eye that some of the screen was blurry and blacked out. They did it really well..maybe someone could use this as a reference?

  4. Hmm..looks like everyone here agrees about IMCN being too overcomplicated lol. Guess I will go back to RND :)


    I also agree about debating whether it is actually needed at all..it just annoys me that there are so many food items around when there really isn't any real use for them, so I thought I would give use to them with one of these mods. Maybe I will try the game without them at some point as well to see which I prefer (It has been so long since I didn't use a "Needs" mod).


    Thanks for the replies people!

  5. You could have the jugs and plates purchasable because they are used to decorate player homes.


    I agree with the barrels etc. though as they are static items. Someone must make them though right? After all we don't have all our furniture placed in our houses by a magical creation kit in real life :P


    EDIT: and i like the idea of all your mods, definately add to immersion!

  6. So, I just finished watching Seasons 1-3 of The Game of Thrones (again), and I came up with an idea (hundreds of others probably did too but I don't see a mod yet :( ).


    Why not turn the Draugr (sp?) into white walkers? Or use them as a template to create them?


    Can only be killed using Glass weapons (like the Dragon glass weapons Samwell Tarly finds) or fire.


    Awesome. And scary. Awescary.

  7. So I am wondering which mod people use/prefer out of these two..


    I originally started out with IMCN, but at one point it looked like it wasn't being updated or supported by the author anymore so I jumped ship to RND.


    I liked RND for its simplicity..I got hungry so ate something, got tired so went to bed.


    But then I saw that IMCN got updated so went back to it, but now I am debating my decision because it just seems too much like hard work lol. Everything just seems to take longer and takes the immersion out a bit with all the menus that pop up saying percentages of everything and what have you.


    I would just like to know, is it worth me getting used to it or go back to RND. Which one do you think is more supported or most stable/less demanding on the system etc. etc.



  8. SkyRe


    Climates of Tamriel


    (Now it starts to get hard :P )


    Enhanced Lights and FX




    Cloaks of Skyrim (so Frostfall doesn't kill me every time it gets a bit chilly)


    GOD that was hard. You are a sadist to suggest such a thing!


    EDIT: UNLESS you count ENB as a mod, then I would probably take my chances and take out Cloaks and replace it with an ENB. COMEATMEMOTHERNATURE!!

  9. Hi, I am in the process of creating a new player home that I hope to share with the fine people of the Nexus once it is finished (it is nowhere near complete yet..haven't even started interior and still a lot of work to be done on exterior)..but I am having some trouble with the CK.


    I can not for the life of me work out how to fill my pond with water..see below:






    Now I have tried raising the water level in Cell menu but nothing seems to be working. The house is set RATHER high up so maybe I am not setting the water level high enough? Or is there a better/easier way to do so.


    Maybe I am doing it wrong..a step-by-step guide would be a great help :P


    Another screenie




  10. So, I decided to create a player house, and this is my first time editing anything to do with the world space from scratch (I have edited armour models/weapons and textures millions of times before), and I am finding it a bit slow trying to figure out the CK.


    I have found a perfect place for my house, placed it and decorated the outside (not anywhere near finished yet though), and I need to remove grass from around the area and create a pathway up to it.


    As you can see from the screenshots below:






    It looks rather too overgrown from the grass, it is meant to be a bit overgrown but not abandoned overgrown lol.


    Any help would be appreciated.



  11. My Wrye Bash.exe text is spammed by this error:


    bolt.pyo 2712 loadFile: Error loading string file:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "bash\bolt.pyo", line 2677, in loadFile
    File "bash\bolt.pyo", line 2122, in __init__
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\\Games\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\skyrim\\Data\\Strings\\Unofficial Dragonborn Patch_ENGLISH.STRINGS'
    bolt.pyo 2712 loadFile: Error loading string file:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "bash\bolt.pyo", line 2677, in loadFile
    File "bash\bolt.pyo", line 2122, in __init__
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\\Games\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\skyrim\\Data\\Strings\\Unofficial Dragonborn Patch_ENGLISH.DLSTRINGS'
    bolt.pyo 2712 loadFile: Error loading string file:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "bash\bolt.pyo", line 2677, in loadFile
    File "bash\bolt.pyo", line 2122, in __init__
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'C:\\Games\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\skyrim\\Data\\Strings\\Unofficial Dragonborn Patch_ENGLISH.ILSTRINGS'
    and the same with Dawnguard..is this my problem? I have just recently redone my entire system and I think I had something to do with this happen before..
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