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About xlRavenlxReal

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    Fallout New Vegas
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    Fallout New Vegas

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  1. Hi! I'm having the classic FNV facegen (was it because faulty facegen?) cloned NPCs bug and I don't remember how to fix it. bUseFaceGenHeads=1 in my ini and I don't know what else I should try. Please, help! :D Thanks.
  2. I found no useful information in the Fandom Wiki regarding the NPC itself or the Ranger Station. Charisma was at 7 when encountered. As stated in my initial post, I wore no faction armor at the moment. No quests involving RS Charlie were active at the moment of the encounter. As stated in my initial post, I have no negative reputation with the NCR. I had no companions with me. Please note that this is an isolated case. No other ranger stations or NCR military positions members are hostile towards me. I have created a merged patched and I'm pending of testing in a fully new game, going straight to RS Charlie and interacting again with Stepinac. I shall report the results of this test in a following reply.
  3. Hello everyone. I need help. This is my very first post so if I'm not posting this under the correct section, please forgive me. Ranger Stepinac is hostile. Simple, right? No bad reputation with NCR, no faction clothing involved, no hostiities from me. I enter RSCharlie and he's already hostile. I have used FNV Edit to see if any of my mods are altering his behaviour, but so far I could not see anything. Or I am not experienced enough to see the bug myself. I leave to you my plugin load order below, see if there's a known culprit. Hopefuly a hawk-eyed bug hunter can help me! Cheers. :smile:
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