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  1. I'm using True Storms and Reverb and Ambience Overhaul and I have to set the audio settings in the menu again every time I load into the game. I know that the RAO page says that this is a known issue, but I thought maybe someone might have found a workaround by now?
  2. Thanks for that. Yeah, somehow AA got turned on in the launcher and it was conflicting with the enb.
  3. Does anyone know what might cause this? It has occurred a couple of times in New Vegas bounties areas and once by Lake Mead. When I move around, the square moves with me. Load Order: Fallout.ini FalloutPrefs.ini EnbLocal.ini EnbSeries.ini AMD Ryzen 6-core processor @ 3.4 ghz8 gb ramGTX 1080 ti
  4. For some reason I can't get NVSR to work at 60fps. This is what the .ini is set to I have the max set to 60 and it will only go up to 30 in game. If I turn off the manageFPS option, I get 60fps but stutters. AMD Ryzen 2600 Six-core @ 3.4 ghz 8 GB Ram GTX 1080 Ti
  5. Is it possible me changing my email recently could be an issue? Because 2.1.3 is having the same problem
  6. I've tried reinstalling it and I've tried deleting the web cache and re-entering my user name and password in the settings.
  7. Hey guys, I've been trying to get skyrim (regular edition) modded up on someone's PC with a 21:9 ultra wide monitor. I've got the resolution looking good, all the retextures and enb look great. Had a problem with the hud but flawless widescreen program fixed that. The only problem that's making it unplayable is when I look up and down my weapon/hands jitter really badly. This is only a problem in first person, third person camera is smooth in all directions. I've tried lots of different FOV's but the problem doesn't seem to be related to FOV? I'm not sure where to look next. I guess worst case scenario, I could run it 1920x1080 in a letterbox but that would be a shame. Anybody else play in ultra-wide run into this issue? Here are his specs: GTX 1060 i7-4790k 32gb ram Skyrim.ini: SkyrimPrefs.ini enblocal: load order:
  8. Wow, I have no idea why LOOT is reporting it that way. I just sorted the load order again the way you said with NMM closed. Still says fallout 4.esm is way down there but when I re-open NMM, it's at the top where it should be.
  9. Hey guys, I've recently run into a problem with crashing whenever I sleep. I first encountered a couple random crashes after installing Better Settlers, so I uninstalled that and those random crashes went away. However, since then I have crashed twice now while sleeping in my settlement (Bunker Hill). I've heard that it may have to do with having such a big settlement? Although, I've had settlements before with waaaay more stuff in them. I'd appreciate any advice if anyone else has encountered this problem, since it's an unfortunate issue when playing on survival. My load order: (I just noticed that my LOOT load order and my NMM load order aren't the same. Deathclaws and build high are loaded before Horizon mod in NMM.) Specs: GTX 980 Ti, i7-4790k 32gb ram
  10. Yeah, I'm using the latest version of it.
  11. Ok, I'll update my driver and see how it goes. That's what I'm afraid of, because it's the same thing that was going on in the vanilla game when I was testing the survival beta. I took a break for a few months and thought surely they would've fixed it by now.
  12. Thanks for the help, AGreatWeight. I'm using Shadowboost, should I continue using that? My freeze that I encountered occurred on entering VATS, is that still a memory issue? My Specs are: GTX 980 Ti, i7-4790k, 32gb ram
  13. I'm using a very modest mod setup right now, mainly just the Horizon overhaul and a few retextures and today I got my first freeze. >< I remember this happening in the survival beta as well and I was hoping it would be fixed by now. Are there any solutions that people have found? I'm 90% certain it's not my mods because this crashed the exact same way in the vanilla survival.
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