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Posts posted by tpower

  1. Great idea, you could name it ObliviSims(just kiddin), if you didnt already make a name.

    anyways, enough o' those jokes, this could turn out to be a great mod, and it certainly would open up for alot more of roleplaying possibilities.

  2. Sounds awesome, could you upload videoes to youtube?


    And I admire your talents, I consider myself an alright modder, but you seem to have learned a great lot in little time. (Of course I dont know that for sure, but I certainly didnt have your talents or willpower when I was doing my first mod)


    Just remember to keep your hopes up, dont give up because things arent going your way, or the project might be a little boring for a while, and don't have doubts about wether your idea is good or not, because it is a great idea.


    Edit: Lol, Im mad, youre better than I am at modding, and I've been modding for a while.

    Im sure youll become one of those great modders of Oblivion, whom everyone will know about.

    Edited Edit: When I said you'd learned alot in little time, I ofc didnt know that for sure, and I certainly did not mean to, in any way, state that you didnt work hard to obtain those skills of yours, just to clear up the air. 'cuz Im not entirely sure about wether what I said came out right or not.

  3. This is actually something I might consider doing mate, as soon as I retrieve my oblivion discs and install the stuff over. "Medievaling" the place, so if noone else decides to take this up, I might try to gather a little team once I get my discs.

    Note that I have not promised anything yet, I'm very busy at the moment and I might not have the sufficient time, but i'd definetly try to do this if I should ever get time.

  4. I hope this isn't too much to ask..

    I hate it when you don't have much gold, aren't strong enough to kill guards or really don't want to go to jail. Such as when you first start the game.


    unless if youre a total retard(not saying that you are), youre never too weak for the guards. Simply turn down the difficulty level.

  5. I dont know much about Final Fantasy, but there's a list of Final Fantasy mods stickied, in this part of the forum.


    I know for a fact that there is a Buster Blade, dont know if its the exact one youre looking for, but it looks pretty much like your pictures.

    Buster Sword @ TesNexus

    again, Im sorry if its not the correct one, heres an image for comparison


  6. I want to see flying bunnies.

    Oh, wait, what I want to see, related to TES5..

    An ability to play LAN and CoOp games (with savegames that are attached to a list of mods, so you can continue your adventure after taking a break) , bethesda keeping the CS so we can still mod the game.

    I'd also like to see Bethesda thinking more about Gameplay than Graphics (cuz everyone knows Morrowind was better on the gameplay part, maybe that was because Bethesda didnt think that much about graphics back then)

    a larger variety of mounts, maybe some Elven and argonian mounts? A "cooler" landscape (cliffs, groves, great waterfalls and other kinds of stunningly beautiful nature), instead of the flat and dull one in Oblivion.

    A funnier mainquest because, to be honest, the one in Oblivion was rather boring and it felt like you were repeating the same stuff over and over (maybe because you were).

    Children NPCs, would add more realism to the game. A BETTER CLASS SYSTEM, so it actually matters if you choose a non-spellcaster class, I hate to see mighty warriors casting firebolts all over the place. Class-specific skills aswell.

    More exotic animals and wildlife, aswell as amours and weapons. A karma system, with various decisions in quests and such, so you could play the game over and over in diferent ways, with different consiquences from different choices.


    thats all I could come up with for now.

  7. Why does every female character have to wear slutty clothes? WOMEN'S RIGHTS! (lol)

    But anyways, doesnt it kinda break the RPG'ish feel that you want to have, while playing Oblivion?

    All of theese eyecandy bodies and clothes that maybe a prostitute would wear, certainly dont suit an honorable mage or even a thief.

    What happened to adventurous, rpg'ish clothes that actually made sence - Having the ability to mod items doesnt have to mean that you are to make your character into the local prostitute of Cyrodiil :P


    I mean.. Women didnt wear such clothes back then, though people either tend to think so, or theyre just horny, I dunno.

    OFC I dont mean that you should wear clothes that are authentic to what the women wore back then, that'd be lame, but almost(or completely) naked female characters, I mean, doesnt even look cool. Cmon.

  8. So well, I had planned to create some kind of landscape project, the thing is: I dont want to do it with the brush in the built-in Heightmap Editor, and I certainly don't want to do it with the Landscape Editor.

    Now, I've heard alot about importing 1024x1024 images with 16bit raw formats or something, I've tried that, it just does not seem to work. And GeoControl just seems like a puzzle to me.


    So could any experienced heightmap-peeps help me out on this one?


    contact me on the forums, or on [email protected] (because Im nearly always on MSN, more than Im on the forums atleast)

  9. It would be extremely difficult to get something like that working, it's definitely something alot of people would like, but arrows hitting armour, and doing less damage is difficult, because of how oblivion works, which is through multipliers.

    Hmm, Guess youre right

  10. some quick questions that you should have answers to, little more back-story'ish..

    What is the reason for this imperial city in the middle of the ocean (if Im right)?


    Were the isles rich of supplies?

    Was it a place where sea-men ( ha - ha ) could rest? and if so, why would the imperial "government" support pirates and the scum like them?


    Also, the name beggarshire wouldnt exactly be the greatest, what the heck would a begger do in a poor slum quarter, even a slumquarter on a deserted island in the ocean? - he couldnt possibly earn anything from begging the poor.


    a thing I didnt quite understand is: Do you team up with theese retired robbers and thieves? Or do you go there and slay every person you see?



    apart from that, I like the idea - and good luck with the mod, but remember that backstory is really important, I mean its kinda random for an imperial town to be in the middle of the ocean, so you better have some reason ;)

  11. Well I meant making one. I've made so many minor tweakmods now I might aswell try my hand at a 'real' one.


    as far as I know, youre gonna need some kind of script to play specific music in specific areas, but Im not sure, you should check around on the web - or maybe some dude will drop by this topic and answer you correctly

  12. I've allways been thinking just the same, Crowded roads and cities is fine, but you still dont see horsecarts travelling from town to town with supplies, bandit raids attacking small settlements and villages, and honestly, for a forrest that big - there is nearly no wildlife.

    MMM isnt quite my thing with all those weird monsters and poo, so thats not a solution - I might consider making a simple mod that fills up the forrests and roads even more than Crowded roads do, but right now, I'm only able to do it by hand, which would take forever..

  13. not entirely right, youre missing one thing..

    You have to rename the MP3 to:



    name the soundtrack atmosphere_[a Number] - could be atmosphere_10, then the custom track would play after the 9 vanilla ones, or you could put it in front, by naming it atmosphere_01, then renaming the others, to having a higher number (vanilla 01->02, vanilla 02->03 and so on)


    name the soundtrack dungeon_[a Number] Do the same as above if you want it to be played before, or after the vanilla ones


    name the soundtrack battle_[a Number] Do the same as above if you want it to be played before, or after the vanilla ones


    name the soundtrack town_[a Number] Do the same as above if you want it to be played before, or after the vanilla ones


    Note that if you dont do the renaming, the soundtrack will not be played.


    and for the Imperial City question - No, not unless if you use a mod.

    ( I havnt heard of any - maybe because I havnt searched for any..)

  14. I found a mod that puts 3 awesome looking and powerfull bows in game I think you will like the light bow and what it does^^




    pretty cool, but does this bow shoot those magic-multi-fire arrows all the time? because thats not what I'm looking for, the effect is awesome, but what I'm looking for is a spell you use, that does the same, but costs 50% of your mana -


    And a mod to go with that, which would allow me to regain mana from successful arrow hits / kills - that way the sick spells would be usable once in a while.



    And note that I'm not looking for "Powerful" bows, I'm looking for something that will improve archery damage and realism, as well as having a few cool spells that would do extra damage.



    Switch of subject :o


    A mod that would introduce vulnerable spots


    it would decrease Marksman damage if it VISUALLY hits the armor (plate, mail or leather only) of your target - and increase damage if it hits bare skin / cloth. that way you would start aiming for the small gap in a plate helm for example, that would bring more realism to the Archery part of oblivion - also being an archer would require a little more "skill"

    Also if you could disarm someone by shooting on the hand theyre holding a weapon with.


    ^^ that would be really cool

    This image in spoiler shows what I mean






    So if anyone could make any of the mods I have mentioned in this topic, or show me some that are just what I need, I would be happy :)

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