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About LadySinestria

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  1. Very very mild spoilers. In act 3 you come across a temple of Umberlee and all of the priestesses wear the most gorgeous gear. Could someone make it so all those variations and headdresses are wearable and slap them in a chest in camp or something? One of the outfits is attainable through a quest but I want them all. Thank you!
  2. I would LOVE if MAK would do it since I love all his stuff.
  3. Don't hate me because that song is now stuck in your head~! Male companions: Female companions are common, yet sexy, attractive companions are pretty rare. Bathing Beauties male version gave us some but... can we please have some more? Please? Crossbows: More, and maybe one that looks like Auriel's bow, in the same style. I know crossbows aren't easy to mod since they have lots of moving parts, but the modding community is so amazing and you guys raise the bar every damn day. Vampire Armor CBBE version: I know there are probably people already working on this, but... I desperately need it! The royal armor and the normal versions, you guys know what I'm talking about right?
  4. Hey remember this guy? http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-iNmLQCSVpAE/TeA6mq12TaI/AAAAAAAAADA/vRzAD23izmA/s1600/Iorveth.png He's from the Witcher 2. I've seen his armor in Skyrim, and even his full character in a few screenshots. So I was wondering if someone could make him into a companion? There just aren't enough attractive male companions! :<
  5. I think an Auriel Crossbow in the same style as the bow would be awesome.
  6. I think having an Auriel Crossbow would be awesome. In that same style, you know?
  7. I unchecked all but my most essential, (like my ashen race, hairstyles and thats it) and it still didn't fix the problem.
  8. Crossbow in third person is messed up, all characters go into the rigid "Default" pose (legs down, arms slightly to the side, think gingerbread men.) Also, one of the NPCS.... the Mysterious Female, some of her animations are also missing. Due to mod conflicts I've had to delete everything and start over once already. I have: ApachiiHair BBLuxurySuite JSwords SkyMoMod RaceCompatability Cloaks fenrir-follower 3DNPC Apocalypse - Spells Bandoliers BloodWitchArmor Hentai'sJamellaArmor Hentai'sMaxiArmor MidasSkyrim numenume elf ear Pinewood's Cottage Astaroth Suit Rayek's end Remodeled Armor ShowRaceMenuAlter DBShreddedTriss SkyRe (All of it) OrientalRace Guild Duelist Armor TrissArmorRetextured Unicorn HentaiVoidArmor Essential Meeko Essential Vigilance Hentai Mixed Armor 118 Weapon Pack BBP ArmorPack Armor_Tera_**** DA02 Morrigan Hentai Succubus Armor RogueArmor ken************ tera********** tera********* Tera************ Tera************** Tera *********** Tera_******** Hawke Armor Faster Horses Chesko_WearableLanterns Censored the esp names of armors downloaded from non Nexus sites, but they are all armor or hair. I'm not seeing anything that would cause the animations to bug out, and I've done the "verify game cache".
  9. Thanks for the suggestions, I will check the mods suggested out.
  10. There are about a million and a half female companions. Are there any sexy male companions? I remember there were like two amazing, fully scripted ones from Oblivion. Has anyone considered doing something similar for Skryim?
  11. Have any of you ever seen it? It is by far the BEST living space in the entire game. It has it's own waterfall/bathing pool! Unfortunately it cant be player owned... until someone makes a mod version of that living space! I know it probably isn't do-able until the Creation Kit comes out but, once it has can someone please make a player house version of the Markarth keep/castle thingy? PS Bethesda: Stop taking so long on the Creation Kit!
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