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Status Updates posted by ZeonicGlory

  1. The Site Bot is a ninja! Look, he's never been last seen!
  2. Your post count is ridiculous. You need a hobby and a friend.

    You should have used the picture of her in the cat costume.

  4. Y'know, you can still call me Char in your sig.
  5. If you really wanted a paradoxical sig, your loli should have cake.
  6. Tougher than I thought. EoSD is my first game, and I haven't played it in a while. Will start back up soon. The music is absolutely sublime.
  7. Is that some Fate/Zero Berserker "The Black Knight" I see in your avatar? He's one of my favorite Servants.
  8. Ah, good to see another K-On! fan.
  9. Actually, it's Gilgamesh. Though I am a CHAR, at least according to many who tell me that. Hmm....might be time for an avatar change...
  10. Is that some SMS I see?
  11. Is that some Amuro I see in your avatar?
  12. Your profile is looking a little empty thar. Maybe you should start by getting an avatar and friending people.
  13. Ah, always great to see a classic mecha lover. Rambo has nothing on Chirico.
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